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Hi Peter,

I empathise with your defeat.

You should perhaps consider bowls instead.

Win or lose, you still get to have a drink.

Have you ever tried paragliding? It is a most uplifting experience (pardon the pun)

I still get in about four flights a year and enjoy every moment of it.



Hi Peter

Most clubs have aparatus for hire by its members and cost vary from club to club

No they do not have motors and you do not run with it.

You find a nice high mountain, preferably one with a cliff face to give you lots of updraft.

Then you strap the glider to your body like a parachute, hold it up for the wind to inflate and walk off the mountain.

Quite simple really and it only hurts if you land badly.

But it's the most fun you will ever have without taking your clothes off.

Don't knock it till you've tried it



Hi again Peter

Check out these two websites

As the man said. "Once you have tasted flight you will never be the same"

Hand-gliding was a bit like that, very awe inspiring.


Happy Sunday to you

Happy Sunday to you

May this Sunday be a fun day

Happy Sunday to you

Hi Peter

Yes unfortunately I do live in SA full time.

I have been in your country a few times, dived the reef, back packed from Sydney to Cairns, went to nudie beaches and did all the wonderful things that one can do in safety over there.

I spent six weeks walking all over your wonderful and friendly city towards the end of last year.

I still get misty eyed every time I hear Arthur Goldstein's "Melody in F", which I heard a guitarist play on the promenade near the casino one evening

I would give everything I own to be able to live there permanently.


Hi Peter! My lady already had permanent residency! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/115.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bee:' />
So how old are we talking about Peter? I have this picture a group of 80 plus year old chinese ladies sipping jasmine tea and playing mah jong with the occasional astrophysics lecture to break up the day.
Good evening everyone! Hope you all had a good day.

Cheers, Glen <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
I had a pretty horrible day yesterday, thanks for asking, Glen. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Tongue' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
Work got hectic and cable TV got disconnected for a few hours so i couldn't relax on the couch in front of mind numbing entertainment while i had muscle aches and a headache... just a really ordinary day, Peter.
Well I hope today was better Iblis!!!! I worked from home today! Woo hoo! I liked it.
Today has been better, thanks Glen. Still a bit sore, just can't seem to stand still enough to recover.

The aches and pains are probably from too much exercise having just started adding a sprint lap, i have a bad habit of overdoing things.

Work was relentless so kept me busy and then i watched a few downloaded shows and some on iView, Peter.
I miss some good TV! I think lots of good shows come back on in spring!
Yeah, Glen... the summer holidays are just about over in the states so the quality shows should be coming back on soon.
I hope V comes back on. That was great!!!! Scheduled to come back in November 2010 in the USA.


'V' was great but don't forget your own productions.

You guys put out some awesome stuff too.I can only comment on the stuff we've had over here and the bit I saw when I was there.

The one set in Melbourne about the gangsters, River rats, etc

There was one about twenty years ago about the Wilburforces. Escape to witch mountain I think and another about a bunch of kids trying to survive after a chemical warfare holocaust.

All great stuff.
Hi Peter, If the aliens get the earth before we get to their alien world then they must be smarter than us!!!

Though they could be the size of ants and therefore we could just squash them (...if they get agro and try and take over etc!!)<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />


What planet did you say you were from?
Watch the movie Animal Kingdom if you like Australian TV, Rusty.

Here is a link to the trailer:


Love the line: You've done some bad things sweetie.
Oh, and we are the aliens.