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[Image: stop_the_world.jpg]
Scary ride

[Image: scaryride.jpg]
[Image: simpsons-the-scream-4900914.jpg]
[Image: homer-simpson-wallpaper-brain-1024.jpg]
hahaha. poor homer.

here is some more brain jokes
stupid dogs

[Image: kitten.jpg]
HA.. I remember that kitten sniper image back many many years ago when I gamed online.

[Image: boom-headshot.jpg]
front one looks like my fuzzball <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wub.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='<_<' />

just had surgery <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Rolleyes' />

not looking great <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />

he has to get better

[Image: Balinese.jpg]
There has been a cat hanging around my girlfriends place lately. I think maybe its owners used to live in the same house. It thinks it lives there! Anyway, it is often sitting on the front step. We were going to call RSPCA but they take 2 weeks to come and collect cats I hear. I presume it could be microchipped but I have no idea really if they require cat microchipping in Melbourne.
We have a stray here too, Glen. It eats my cat's food and makes howling noises under the house. It's very cute looking though....
Yeah this one seems nice too. I felt sorry for it because it was always scartching its head so i figure it must have fleas or something so i went and bought a flea collar. though it does not seem to work because the cat keeps rubbing its head on the concrete path or against the walls! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' /> Is this normal cat behavoir? I never had a cat before so I am a bit clueless.
It might just like rubbing it's head. My cat rubs his head on the stone wall and he doesn't have fleas.

That's very kind of you to buy it a flea collar.
Ah ok. Well maybe it is just the cat's hobby then. He/she likes to scratch! hahaha.

We did feed the cat a couple of times because we thought it might be starving. The first time it ate quite a lot (of processed chicken roll). The second time it could not be bothered. So i figure this little cat is getting food from somewhere else. I am not sure where though. It looks pretty healthy I think. I don't know if it easy to tell when a cat is not getting enough food. Would they look skinny? This one seems fine to me. I put out some water for it to drink but it does not seem interested in that! Maybe it demands milk!
Best not to give it milk. Despite popular belief, cats can't tolerate milk. They like it, but it's bad for their tummies.

I guess if it doesn't look very skinny and it doesn't scoff down the food, then he must be alright. Does your girlfriend want to adopt it?
My girlfriend is chinese so they say it is not really good luck to adopt a stray cat. Though apparently adopting a stray dog is good luck! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Rolleyes' />
Really?! That's so interesting! I love learning things like that.
Yeah they have some interesting ideas. It is also interesting how chinese take their shoes off in the house because in their home country everyone spits on the ground A LOT! they just think shoes are terribly dirty. When I was in China I sat on the ground while waiting for the girlfriend doing some shopping and everyone was staring at me! Now I know why! Don't sit on the ground in China!
1.3 billion people can't be wrong:

[Image: funny9.jpg]
hahahaha. I like that one.
the cat sat on the mat <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Rolleyes' />

[Image: A_Kitten_Sitting_On_A_Magic_Carpet_Looki...196042.jpg]