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G'day Peter


Good point about watering down the franking / neg gearing. The independents and even the Greens have already voiced opposition to the franking policy for low income self funded retirees.

(Would love to hear Aloy's views on light beer and we'd be doing a lot of agreeing Smile


So I don't see the independents siding with BS anytime soon. Tony Abbott's opponent will back the Coalition in the event of a hung parliament.


It looks like it's going to be one of thozzze campaigns - horse trading, selling ars
e, back door deals, front door deals, shirt fronting, space invading and a hostile senate to boot... and probably a half decent recession to cap it all off...


Boats will appear on the horizon - if Abbott ever becomes PM again - except they'll be going in the opposite direction Smile


PS: Meghan Markle had gone into labour - but that's another story.

Haha Peter...


Well last time I looked, the entire motoring industry and all the ancillary employment had slung its hook and left under Abbott's PMship... straight through the chopper gate they went... Dukes of Hazzard stuff....the solar industry wasn't far behind, consumer confidence dived in at the deep end. Abbott himself remarked his ship was full of coal and other barnacles.


Going off how close this election is today... if Bill Shorten does win it'll only be because Peta Credlin, Alan Jones, Rupert Murdoch, Peter Dutton and Tony Abbott himself blew up the Liberal Govt last year.


Funny thing is... I still remember all their gloating prior to the 2013 election. Clear as mud....


Now I think Abbott will lose his seat - he can then do what he does best - putting out fires instead of starting them Smile

Peter that's pretty funny!


I'm happy to buy the idea that Labor instilled Malcolm Turnbull to send Abbott down the swanny. After all... it took 4 years of this "proxy" Labor Govt to repair the damage left behind by 2 years of Abbott's Knight Life.


As for the worst PM's ever - hmmm,  that's gotta be a tie between the PM that murdered / displaced thousands of civilians through indiscriminate bombing and the PM that said "No" to the same civilians seeking respite here. Abbott was part of both Govts and must therefore take the mantle of the worst PM ever seen on this land.


As for the egg throwing - of course it's unacceptable but then again it was equally unacceptable for the Fred Nile lookalike to pie pace the Qantas CEO.


Talk about taking the cake. It's rank hypocrisy to say Alan Joyce should suck it up but then complain about scumbags with eggs.


Memory is working fine - but thanks for asking Big Grin

Hi Peter


No typo but I do make plenty!


I won't sink to the depths of the Conservative media by making low ball comments about someone's family.

I've not seen any evidence that Malcolm's family are bitter or twisted. Same goes for the Abbott family Smile

Margie and Lucy and their kids (some of which are friends of each other) all look like thoroughly decent people to me.


I didn't know Qantas runs the rugby league - this Panthers supporter sees 2019 as a holiday from footy. Maybe next year Smile


I have nothing against Fred Nile. The pie guy looks like him that's all.

Yes Peter


Stereotyping Catholics does seem unfair when it's only a few Catholics expressing similar stereotyping of other religions Smile


Yeah, I saw the eye catching headline about that league player but the subject didn't appeal so I skipped to the betting pages.

The odds are heavily slanted to Labor even though the polls are still close (52-48) to ALP








Someone put a million dollars on a Labor victory so one hopes his balls don't turn to bawls  Tongue

"NZ immigration website traffic surges after Coalition victory."

And it's a fine way to raise the collective IQ of both countries
I wanna start a GoFundMe to buy the entire country and fill it with Russian women Smile

The thing that cracked me up about the people who invented WORKCHOICES is they were the same people who took industrial action against the country because they didn't know who their leader was.


So they went on strike.


Meanwhile, on that very same day the Queen of England addressed the real topic of drought by donating to the farmers...


Embarrassing :o
Aye Laddie Tongue

Yeah it is getting a bit much but sadly employees having been loosing more of their freedoms as time goes by.


Meanwhile more and more employers get discovered for stealing wages and nothing gets done about that either.


What would Julia do ?

put a tax on golden handshakes for pollies



I read that article in full - it's a can of worms.


With the 2 jobs I work - both have a social media clause in the EBA that holds employees liable for their comments online.


One of them goes back 10 years and people have been sacked since then.


But this is different because it involves sponsors and then there's the religious freedom aspect as well.



45D highlights a gap in my knowledge of IR laws that cannot be tolerated. Bah!


Suffice to say I thought it would've been abolished either in 1996 or 2006 by the Howard Govt.


Workchoices effectively wiped the whole thing clean and set out 5 standards. Contrary to popular belief, the Rudd Govt didn't roll it back - they simply added more clauses and put then into the fair work act.


That might work against the defense - but seriously, I dunno Tongue

Indeed. I'm pretty sure the current employment laws would prevent a sacking for voting yes or no to any policy and as such, this protection would prevent such a clause to be stipulated in any employment contract.


The grey area is how much freedom do you have to portray a contrary or differing viewpoint afterwards.

Should we take a shortcut and reopen the 28c free speech debate instead ?


It gets even greyer when we compare this with previous controversies.


Yassmin Abdel-Magied is probably a good analogy to this... she politicised her ANZAC day speech on facebook, then after a public backlash she apologized and took it down. But it didn't stop the Govt and others from attacking her employer (the ABC) and demanding she be sacked. She was then universally disowned (by me as well as... just about everyone lol) and effectively chased out of the country as a result.


But did she violate her contract and could she have evoked a similar amount of public funding for unfair dismissal?


Probably not... because it seems her comment had crossed a line and that was the end of it.


It'll now be up to the justice dept to decide where that line is and whether Folau had crossed it or not.


My own view is.... when redrawing that line Australia has become far too politically correct and I think ScoMo would be better off putting up a freedom of speech bill rather than polarising the community with a religious construct.


.. an I'm dying for a drink after that :p

A leading forensic psychologist says a serial killer could be involved in the mysterious disappearance of three backpackers on NSW’s north coast.

“You cannot discount the fact that you have three young men of very similar profiles who have gone missing or are dead from two coastal towns which in the scheme of Australia’s geography are quite close,” he told The Daily Telegraph.
It's afishoil... the world now has two Donald Trumps :rundog:

Coalition wins its first Newspoll in 150 years: 53 to 47 per cent Smile

LOL > I thought it was just a Russian bot thingy but it's been like that all day.


Hello all you Trump supporters out there.


Please be aware we are immune from your e-weapons of mass debation Smile

They've all gone now...


Did you say it's OK to say NO ? LOL

I wonder if that sets a precedent?


A lot of public servants criticise government policies - including members of the government itself.


It's now indiscriminately a sackable offense right? Why sack Michaela Banerji but not Barnaby Joyce?


I can't see how that stood up in court.

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