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LOL! You call me silly and attempt to build credibility by claiming "no precise dates" as data?

Hello - the NZ Herald?????????????????????


I did not say you were silly and neither should I - I was merely pointing out that your post - your post - made you look silly - I think that is a shame because you are not silly.

Why confuse us?

If you disagree with the NZ Herald wouldn't you say it makes them look silly rather than the messenger yeah?


I think the demographers are making themselves look a bit silly by rewriting history to suit whatever their ulterior motive is. And because it's the Americans doing it I reserve the right to question it because it raises my suspicions. Such as why would one generation need to have... two labels?


Is this a US media driven thing? If so, then surely Trump will use this "non trustworthy" media to throw his retrospective changes in as well to suit his missus' clothing label by re dating the entire fashion industry and banning imports Smile


My point is if there are "no precise dates" why should I agree with them if they can't even agree with themselves?


Either it's - one of them is right - or they're all wrong. If they rewrite history again, which they will, it'll be the latter.


Reminds me of that yankee chick I was with, I said "keep left" upon which she tried to take the U out of my labour -_-

Nah, I'm just having fun Smile


I didn't say they were wrong.


I said they were disagreeing with each other. Therefore they are saying each other is wrong.


Uncle Sam thinks almost everyone is wrong. Almost everyone thinks Uncle Sam is wrong.


Me? I'm just having fun.


What about you?

Australia's new political divide: 'globalists' versus 'patriots'


Very interesting article with very interesting graphs that indicate the divide.


This is an insight into the groups that make up our society.


WA election: Both parties court One Nation on preference deals


<p style="font-size:16px;font-family:merriweather, georgia, serif;color:rgb(29,29,29);">Opposition Leader Bill Shorten asks Mr Turnbull if he will tell WA Premier Colin Barnett to put One Nation last in its list of preferences at the upcoming state election.

<p style="font-size:16px;font-family:merriweather, georgia, serif;color:rgb(29,29,29);">Speaker Tony Smith jumps in to say the question is out of order because Mr Turnbull cannot be expected to answer for Mr Barnett's actions.


<p style="font-size:16px;font-family:merriweather, georgia, serif;color:rgb(29,29,29);">The opposition is pretty unhappy about the ruling. It is keen to make the One Nation preferences a key issue this week.

<p style="font-size:16px;font-family:merriweather, georgia, serif;color:rgb(29,29,29);"> 

<p style="font-size:16px;font-family:merriweather, georgia, serif;color:rgb(29,29,29);"> 

<p style="font-size:16px;font-family:merriweather, georgia, serif;color:rgb(29,29,29);"> 

<p style="font-size:16px;font-family:merriweather, georgia, serif;color:rgb(29,29,29);">Heh Heh good old bill - unaware as ever - bagging the Libs for something the ALP is also doing!! :Cry:  :Cry:

Says a lot about the WA Libs though doesn't it?

They are preferencing One Nation AHEAD of their own Coalition partner.

Now we know how the Libs treat their own friends.
Says a lot about the ALP - more actually - they are berating others for doing the same as them.



Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah Hypocrisy  - still - they do practice hard!


Once you understand that there is more to anything than a blinkered spoon fed view point  there is the possibility of even more understanding.


One commends such an approach.

Hypocrisy? The ALP don't have a Coalition partner to stab in the back. Unlike the current WA Liberal Party.


The election is theirs to lose - just like the previous 3 or 4 state Libs have done in other states.


So I agree... it's all the ALP's fault. It's always the ALP's fault when state Liberal Parties lose elections.


One commends such an approach Tongue

WA Nats place Greens before Libs

The WA Nationals have preferenced the Greens ahead of their Liberal alliance partners on the ticket for two upper house regions in next month's state election.

The Liberal Party's newly-installed agricultural minister Mark Lewis has been listed behind Greens legislative councillor Robin Chapple in the Mining and Pastoral region.


Far out, this is a pi
sser! :officechair:



Yep that swing to the right is pure invention hey?

Quote:Hypocrisy? The ALP don't have a Coalition partner to stab in the back. Unlike the current WA Liberal Party.


The election is theirs to lose - just like the previous 3 or 4 state Libs have done in other states.


So I agree... it's all the ALP's fault. It's always the ALP's fault when state Liberal Parties lose elections.


One commends such an approach Tongue



Still don't get it huh??


Never mind.
So you're saying it's not the ALP's fault?

That's very Fabian of you mate Tongue
Yep that swing to the right is pure invention hey?
My argument has always been about the Australian political landscape. You know that Smile

That O/S link has nothing to do with it.

But.... I will acknowledge there's a swing to the right in QLD.

One Nation has had a huge boost up there.

However some of their economic polices will mitigate that popularity very quickly unless they're changed.
Hi MY guess you are totally convinced by the NY times!!!


Other folks read wider sources than the anti Trump Howlybag press - ABC included.


No one is ever totally wrong - except Trump - in some blinkered eyes.

Quote:Bah! A millennial born before 2000? Shows why America have their date codes all screwy mm/dd/yyyy


Bugger that... Try this local eye catching headline. This one is also up to date Tongue


Destanee Aiava becomes first millennial winner on WTA tour


Her name is Destanee and she's a teenager with a record that nobody born in this millennium can match.

The 16-year-old Destanee Aiava advanced through qualifying, before becoming the first player born in the 2000s to win a main-draw match at an elite WTA event, beating veteran American Bethanie Mattek-Sands 2-6, 6-3, 6-4 in the Brisbane International first round.

She's set for another memorable mark too, after being granted a wildcard entry to the Australian Open, starting January 16, in her hometown of Melbourne.

Aiava is set to become the first player born in the 2000s to play a main-draw match at a Grand Slam event.


Hey PZ - and anyone else interested, I want to share this Youtube clip with you - it's about Millennials.


It takes about 15 minutes and I believe you will have as many wry grins as I did. Just received it from my son this am.  Enjoy! 
Good video! I would have to be one of the few who isn't permanently attached to their mobile phone so that's about 8 cubic millilitres of dopamine a day I'm missing out on! lol

Quote:Good video! I would have to be one of the few who isn't permanently attached to their mobile phone so that's about 8 cubic millilitres of dopamine a day I'm missing out on! lol



Yep I'm in the same club!!
Funny how an otherwise bright guy can be so fixated on one kind of news - anti trump news.


Believing already discredited democratic stooges in the NY Times and Washington Post, what ever they say and  however they interpret, it's a risky business!


According to them the "science" about Trump is already in - it was always in, then again according to the nation they are wrong because Trump is now president.


Fixation on minor utterances that suit the "science is in"  stance is of no account - at all.


How about almost instant delivery on campaign promises - I never saw that before - keeping faith with the voters immediately - is that of any interest ?


As famous badmouthing Robert De Niro now says - contrary to his foulmouthed previous spray at the presidential candidate Trump - "We should give him the chance to demonstrate presidential performance, before judging"


Hello, that's righteous!!  My mum told me the same thing!!!!



It's also a far less stressful stance to take because often we find that things are not as bad as the "expert press" folks predict. Matter of fact that is more often the case than not IMO.


In the meantime they got us all aggravated for nothing.


Try not watching the news for a couple of days - it's very calming - after the not watching period, go back and see how many things the press wanted you to worry about - didn't happen.


This is YOUR life mon ami!


<p style="font-size:16px;color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:Arial, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif;">Reality Check - Barack Obama: The deporter-in-chief

<p style="font-size:16px;color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:Arial, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif;">There has been much talk about US President elect Donald Trump's hardline stance on immigration. But Trump will be inheriting a well-oiled deportation infrastructure from the Obama administration, which has deported 2.5 million people - more than every single US president of the 20th century combined.

<p style="font-size:16px;color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:Arial, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif;"> 

<p style="font-size:16px;color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:Arial, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif;"> 

<p style="font-size:16px;color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:Arial, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif;"> 

<p style="font-size:16px;color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:Arial, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif;">Oh gosh Oh Golly, I reckon It's really Trumps fault you know!!!!

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