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If the pie man were muslim there would be a petition started by Andrew Bolt for charges to be laid followed by deportation for assaulting a company director in front of an audience who thought the whole thing was hilarious.


Of course, if someone did that to Donald Trump he would just suck it up wouldn't he?  LOL


The cake is a lie Smile

It shouldn't matter whether AJ presses charges or not.


The police should charge the pie man unilaterally - which they have.

"Cassie discusses rift with family over TV bidding war"



Heh Heh let's give  Cassie all the support she deserves!!!!


" But she's an aussie mate!!!"


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm I guess being Australian is no guarantee of character!
"Surgery 'should be option for obese kids'"



Yeppers I agree - surgically remove them from their failed parents.

Legislation 'necessary' to tackle obesity
It's the silly season already!!


I'm still looking for the man with the gun who makes people consume excess sugar, excess fats, excess takeaways.

Been looking for some time now.


legislate to stop us from being stupid?


Hello ?


Why fight Darwin?


Why interfere with natural selection?


Hmmmmm maybe the headline is stupid?
Quote:I'm still looking for the man with the gun who makes people consume excess sugar, excess fats, excess takeaways.
Been looking for some time now.
How about a dude I know of who makes people consume a lemon meringue pie? LOL

Quote:Ah PZ.
The police are often selective about such things.
However I am not asking whether the police should charge or not charge.
I am interested to know whether big Al would be game to press charges if the Pie man were a muslim?
Alas the question still remains ...
Well my view is he would still press charges if it were a muslim.

My question though is why would he win more friends if he didn't?
I beg to differ. I consider myself a typical straight Aussie who is no fan of Alan Joyce after that qantas grounding but in this case I have far more respect for him than I do for his di
ckhead attacker. Joyce did the right thing in my view.

I haven't seen any negative reaction towards Alan Joyce apart from the usual right wing gay haters brigade.

Funny thing is... none of these haters had much to say about the attacker's actions. He must be an innocent law abiding citizen minding his own affairs and it's really all A.J's fault because he's invading their playground or something.


The only positive out of this is we can all have a laugh knowing it was only a pie and not a weapon that was used.


Obviously the next course of action for the attacker is to write off a lemon meringue pie on his next tax return as part of his normal business activities.


I wonder how much of that cake attracted a GST? Smile

Speaking of pies.. wasn't it uncle Tommy that pied the entire country some 20 years ago? LOL



"I love the footy like a fat kid loves cake!"

Yep. All good.


I agree Alan Joyce shouldn't be the pope wannabee. Although I guess he has similar rights to us about free speech.


I will add, the decision to push for marriage equality would have been taken by the board directors and not solely by Alan Joyce (he doesn't have that power) and that goes for all the other companies making the same statement.


It's a publicity stunt in my view... just like corporate sponsorship or political statements.


However my issue is with the actions of the attacker - not his religious beliefs.


He broke the law and will probably cop a slap on the wrist from the justice system... all at taxpayers expense Smile

Male cheerleaders too? :unsure:

qantas seems to be doing better under Mr Joyce - that's his job - the rest is frippery.


As for the protagonists in the "marriage debate": Contrast the behaviours displayed by the "progressives" - intimidation, false claims, aggression,  with the mild mannered demurring of the conservatives.


Pretty fair indication of the character of the point guard leadership. 

Can't blame the leader when things go wrong and not give him credit when they go well - that's just unaustralian - isn't it?

Giving away taxpayers dollars has always been easy for taxpayer funded people.

He's a lot karma now than he was.

"These six foods have landed a lot of people in hospital"



Heh Heh Heh!!! :Cry:  :Cry:  :Cry:  :Cry:  :Cry:  :Cry:


It's the foods fault hey???? Huh 


Another classic example of todays "everybodies fault but mine" mentality.


I reckon it's a pretty clear cut case of Darwin got it right!!!! 
"Ambulances are being called to help with pets, toothaches and itchy eyes"


And just exactly how do arrive at such a sorry culture of welfare state expectations?


No respect for the ambo's, no respect for the taxpayer, and clearly no respect for themselves.

Quote:"These six foods have landed a lot of people in hospital"



Heh Heh Heh!!!


It's the foods fault hey???? Huh 


Another classic example of todays "everybodies fault but mine" mentality.


I reckon it's a pretty clear cut case of Darwin got it right!!!! 

"Kohl says he’s seen some truly horrendous carrot injuries" :Four: :officechair: :Cuppa:  :Cuppa:  :Cuppa: 
Heh Heh!!

Record breaking cold weather hits Australia’s south east



Elsewhere in Victoria, the Latrobe Valley was -4.8C, the coldest for three decades. Sale’s low of -6.6C on Monday was its coldest ever recorded temperature.



Aaaaaaaaaaah where's that global warming when you want it???

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