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Abc Bias
Joe Blow is you, and me, and every citizen. Joe Blow is supposed to be served by their representatives,


The present anti-plebicite stance by greens and the ALP is an insult to the citizenry - why shouldn't they have a direct say?


You know, "let's put it to the vote"



Y'all stay beautiful!!
It wasn't put to a vote last time.

So - keep on keeping the folks from having a say is thus acceptable??



Power to the people!


 Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.


Abraham Lincoln

Read more at:



You know it makes sense! :dance: 



Y'all stay beautiful!!
In discussions about the coming US election on Planet America the front men give away their bias by calling Ms Clinton - Hillary, and Mr Trump - Trump.

Not even a pretence of balance is made.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
I've heard much worse references of Clinton from Trump himself Smile


[Image: 1trumpplane.jpg]




Quote:So - keep on keeping the folks from having a say is thus acceptable??

Has been so far; think Workchoices, Iraq War, Carbon Tax, Marriage act 2004.

Why should this be any different?

You know the answer to that!!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
The answer is it'll get legislated either way but we insist on doing it the slowest, most expensive way possible.

Alternatively you could say it should be done in the most democratic manner possible

Government of the people, by the people, for the people,


Y'all stay beautiful!!
You could say that but then it opens a can of worms about which type of policy should warrant a plebiscite.


We could always have an early election Smile

I guess a plebiscite is a kind of election.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
I agree. So no policy becomes valid until after an election.

No need for Govt at all Tongue
So tell the ALP that -- Coalition take policies to an election, they win - have a mandate - but the mandate is ignored - this happened thru out the last term of government.

Clearly your desire for government no matter how much I agree with you is fated to be thwarted by self interest.

One must observe that we, as a group, appear to share the desire for no government, how else can one explain the overwhelming apparent need to
knock off any kind of leadership from any kind of party?


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Ignored mandates: nothing new there. Mandates were ignored by the Coalition for 6 years + we had 75 attempts to overthrow the Govt so you are quite correct about politics being dogged by self interest.

Wouldn't mind knowing how well the NZ system works? Far less governance than here.
careful what you wish for!

A fair bit of chaos during the multi party coalition that the system threw up - only now with a clear majority does the governing party have the authority to govern with clear direction.

That said not having states and senates is a clear advantage for the Kiwis.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Oh dear how sad never mind!!

This morning on ABC 24 the Political Commentator - as always - was Barrie Cassidy.

Barrie, a past ALP staffer, could only put the ALP spin on every subject covered Banks, Power outage in SA, Attorney General / Solicitor General brouhaha. All ALP spin straight from the mouth of BS.

Well, OK, maybe the ALP is perfect and the governing parties totally imperfect but that's never happened in human history.

Heavens you cou;ld find good in Julia and Kevin on their worst day. But not Barrie - with Barrie "if it's ALP it's OK" he can only find good in one party - go figure.

But Barrie can be excused - he is openly biased - and makes no attempt to disguise it.

The ABC on the other hand cannot be excused for only fronting up one (biased) commentator - their biases are hidden but inferred.

It's really too bad - approximately, the two major parties had very similar votes at the last election - why then does the losing party enjoy almost overwhelming ABC support?

There is an answer and it's quite apparent.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
What did he say about the banks, power and Brandis?

Everything that Bill Shorten says!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Isn't Bill Shorten saying the same thing as most everyone else?


His call for a RC on banks seems justified as they are crapping themselves and they spent all of last week apologising to the universe, the power failure was because of transmission lines, not renewable energy and George Brandis should resign. 

You appear to have the same impediment that Bill has: The notion that you have the agreement of almost everyone.

This is a very optimistic stance , one that just doesn't stand the reality check.

The very make up of the Federal Parliament should give you some idea about who agrees with who.

Not everyone agrees with Pauline Hansen, or Nick xenophon, or Malcolm Turnbull, or Bill Shorten, or Barnaby Joyce.

Bill wants to save money avoiding a marriage plebiscite - but wait till after the National Conference before locking that in, but is happy to spend up large on a Banking Royal Commission.

In both cases the voters don't get a say - so where does the everyone agrees will Bill bit emanate from?

Maybe it would be more correct to say that almost everyone may agree with Bill but he is afraid to test that (flawed) notion.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
You appear to have the same impediment that John Howard had: The inability of accurate interpretation, and he lost his seat to an ABC journalist Tongue  


You are saying the ABC is biased because Barrie Cassidy is saying everything that Bill Shorten says.


More people than not want a RC on banks, ​more people than not don't want a marriage plebiscite  - that's from the latest polling. 


That doesn't mean everyone agrees with Bill Shorten and I didn't even say that.


What I'm saying now though is anyone who thinks we don't need an RC on banks after last weeks' admissions of blatant theft of people's money is kidding themselves.


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