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Abc Bias
I keep reading people saying the ABC is biased but frankly I see very little evidence of it.

The ABC documentary about the Rudd Gillard Rudd leadership battle was certainly not biased, indeed the opposite. The ghastly Julia comedy series was dreadful but not pro Labor. I find Tony Jones gives everyone a serve,

Certainly there are shows on the ABC I don't like but thats the nature of television.

If you want to see bias take a look at Sky News and Andrew Bolt.

Quote:I keep reading people saying the ABC is biased but frankly I see very little evidence of it.

The ABC documentary about the Rudd Gillard Rudd leadership battle was certainly not biased, indeed the opposite. The ghastly Julia comedy series was dreadful but not pro Labor. I find Tony Jones gives everyone a serve,

Certainly there are shows on the ABC I don't like but thats the nature of television.

If you want to see bias take a look at Sky News and Andrew Bolt.

I agree. Smile


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]
<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
Of course because they are backed by right wing millionaires who mostly dont pay much tax.

Quote:As far as I am aware the tax payer does not fund Sky News or Mr. A. Bolt.

Well that's good isn't it, as our taxes are funding the non-biased station and not the biased stations.


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]
<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
beauty is in the eye of the beholder, those with ALP leanings will perceive the State owned current affairs and news programs as fair and unbiased - reflecting their own biases.


Those not ALP leaning or in fact coalition leaning will have a very different perception.


If only you could get the opinion of an unbiased person!!!!!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Well actually, no. They can't. 


By law, all media is supposed to be unbiased. So the emotive argument about funding is irrelevant.


Maybe a royal commission into the media??? Seems to be the rage at the moment.

I don't agree with that comment one little bit Peter Wink


Almost every newspaper I see has some form of antiALP/ Shorten shhit.


Before the 2013 election it was all pro Liberal and anti Labor on the front page.

Then the Law should have a field day with all the left shhit that is everywhere.

So far the Law does FA, the Law seems to leave the policeing to the allways enraged left PC brigade.


Oh dear!



There is no ABC bias. Every time the ABC has been accused of bias with closer scrutiny it is simply not so. Sky News on the other hand is clearly biased. Like Fox News the millionaire right control everything 

The always enraged PC brigade. Sounds like A trump clone lol.V

But I am sure the Liberal red necks will be pleased to endorse that from July 1 this great party will no longer have free pap smears, blood tests,urine tests,xrays ultra sound and mris.

You can have a rest from bashing the nions and thump the poor for a while. Conservatives love that.

Quote:Then the Law should have a field day with all the left shhit that is everywhere.

So far the Law does FA, the Law seems to leave the policeing to the allways enraged left PC brigade.


Oh dear!



There is no ABC bias. Every time the ABC has been accused of bias with closer scrutiny it is simply not so. Sky News on the other hand is clearly biased. Like Fox News the millionaire right control everything 

The always enraged PC brigade. Sounds like A trump clone lol.V

But I am sure the Liberal red necks will be pleased to endorse that from July 1 this great party will no longer have free pap smears, blood tests,urine tests,xrays ultra sound and mris.



OK green guy, the self proclaimed nice guy, where do we get this "rednecks" bit from, are you regurgitating ALP bile - again?



ABC current affairs is biased, you merely have to look at the pedigree of the ABC " Journalists"  a majority with past staffing experience for the ALP - none from the Coalition - makes you think doesn't it?


Or does it?


As for PC brigades - you are kidding right?


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Red necks are generally white conservative men with values including anti refuges . I would have thought it was a badge worn here by one in particular with pride. I call him a red neck because he is a red neck.

He despises MUslims he has said this on many occasions and we all know his feelings on indigenous Australians. Recently he added the French or froggies as he called them to his hate list. I know he could not care less but my heart went out to the people of Paris during the bombings.

Aloy he has called me much worse. Aloy you are aligning yourself with a troll, an internet bully a man who has said the most disgusting thing to people here especially women with unbeivable venom.

As a self proclaimed nice guy (lol) I am sorry you got caught in the line of fire. Aloy I have at times found you to be more intelligent than the red neck..

Do not fall into the trap of following  in his footsteps or should I say goose steps.. 

As for your regretable dig at political correctness. THe ony ones who criticise PC are white heterosexual men. Of course there are no women on this site any more. The old misoginst got rid of them and he knows it.

There are wonderfully new members hre and I have read the attacks being made on them. To those folk thank you for bringing intelligence back

" Aloy you are aligning yourself "


Don't you believe it GG - I believe Mello might agree that this little black duck is pretty much misaligned with almost everything Tongueeace:


Meanwhile - if you are intolerant of free speech as you advised in another thread - how is that different from that which you find fault in others for?


I'm not sure who the troll might be that you refer to but I can assure you that if he is indeed a troll I have had significant experience in dealing with them.


Not all those who disagree with anothers argument are trolls, bad people, PC, rednecked or anything bad - they are just different.


Geez! I do not like imported american labels


Redneck Definition  is: "Unsophisticated rural person from Southeast USA"



So South eastern USA includes NSW and Victoria? Huh



Y'all stay beautiful!!
The best thing for both you guys to do is stop accusing each other of the same thing - neither will believe the other so what's the point?


You both have legitimate points of view which are not similar - so what?


On a particularly important day marking service and sacrifice I reckon getting all righteous about careless words is somewhat futile and irrelevant.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Back on topic:


The election campaign is not yet with us, but already the dear old ABC (our ABC) is wheeling out the old ex ALP staffer political hacks, ho hum, the more things change the more they stay the same.


Is it just an inferiority complex that leads folks to make ludicrous claims


" George Megalogenis suggests Australia is worse than Donald Trump on Q & A"


Aw shucks - right.


Who will challenge this kind of brain dead, me too , pronouncment?


Not Tony Jones - of course.


Anyone hear think that Australia is worse than Donald Duck Trump?



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Probably not.

In some ways George has a point.

If the Liberals can break their ties with the out dated Nationals and get rid of the red necks (sorry I think its the word to use) Bernardi etc I might even consider voting. If they got back to be the kind of party Menzies envisioned but you know and I know this present mob are nothing like it in philosophy and abilty.

I do not see this bias Aloy. In fact the ABC has been remarkably restrained.

The Murdoch crowd seemto have the nastiest parade of red necks. 

The Labor side of the argument is given by turn coats like the  obnoxious rhetoric of Mark Latham and  Graham I dont know what side I'm on Richards. I will be everyones pal just call me Richo.

I guess from my perspective the ABC interviews last nite of the Treasurer were not really interviews at all they were attacks on anything and everything, nothing was good, everything was bad, and when the treasurer attempted to answer he was interrupted and badgered .


Hello? I'm disinterested in an ABC commentary and analysis, I want an interview with the treasurer that allows him to tell his story.


It's then my business as to how I interpret his story - a good interviewer can let the interviewee hang themselves by their own words not by the interviewers political axe grinding.


This is not a political rant at all it's my take on the arrogance of some "journo's" that seems to say that people in high and important positions who serve us are also tall poppies and therefore must be chopped down - but what good does that do for me, you, and Australia.


If these folks know so much how come they aren't the Treasurer?



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:I guess from my perspective the ABC interviews last nite of the Treasurer were not really interviews at all they were attacks on anything and everything, nothing was good, everything was bad, and when the treasurer attempted to answer he was interrupted and badgered .

Hello? I'm disinterested in an ABC commentary and analysis, I want an interview with the treasurer that allows him to tell his story.

It's then my business as to how I interpret his story - a good interviewer can let the interviewee hang themselves by their own words not by the interviewers political axe grinding.

This is not a political rant at all it's my take on the arrogance of some "journo's" that seems to say that people in high and important positions who serve us are also tall poppies and therefore must be chopped down - but what good does that do for me, you, and Australia.

If these folks know so much how come they aren't the Treasurer?
Good post Aloy. I agree completely. Only thing is, it's been that way for the last 10 years at least.
We saw this with Joe Hockey, Wayne Swan, Peter Costello...
Maybe the ABC is more biased against Govt than just the Libs yeah?
Maybe so - but how does that work?


Biting the hand that feeds you?


And yes it has been that way for a long time - too long!


It would be OK if there was criticism and praise, but sorry to say negative is the only song they appear to know.


These folks have a great deal of influence in shaping the popular culture and negative commentary - and only negative commentary,  is plain dishonest.


Nobody is right all the time, and nobody is wrong all the time either.


Unlike the example that you set of agreeing and disagreeing on the merits of anothers expressed thoughts, these folks just seem to be in a culture that can only provide aggressive negativity.



The solution is to not listen - that way lies greater happiness because at the end of the day their words are pretty much irrelevant.


Trouble is it's hard not to want to know what's happening.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Re Bias on ABC:


Todays ABC early news program had no comment to make on the PM's appearance on Q&A


Last week there were several excerpts of Bill Shortens appearance on the same show.


The PM said to Tony Jones:


"Malcolm Turnbull has clashed with host Tony Jones during his first Q&A appearance since becoming prime minister, accusing Jones of acting as a "spokesman" for the Labor Party."


"When Jones interjected following a question on the government's projected return to surplus, Mr Turnbull said: "Of course you do. You have to defend the Labor Party, Tony."

<p style="font-size:12.16px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0);">Jones said that Labor's promise of a return to surplus within five years was based on increasing revenue, to which Mr Turnbull replied: "I've never heard them explain it quite as well as you. You should do more work for them. You're a very good spokesman for the ALP. Anyway, there you go."

Read more: 

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Once more the point is this: ABC journo's are entitled to their political opinions of course, but substituting that for unbiased interviewing is unprofessional and no help at all for those depending on the ABC for evenhanded comment.



The early morning ABC news did have plenty of time to comment and report on Eddie Maguire's misbehaviour, a nude swim in Tasmania, and an extended interview with a famous film producer and youthful actor.



Hmmmmmmmmmmmm it's a question of values I guess, but reporting Mr Shortens appearance and ignoring the PM's appearace would appear to reflect significant bias.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
So the result is that the ALP have stopped Joe Blow from having his or her say - how very ALP!!!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
I thought his name was Joe Hockey :Cuppa: :officechair:


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