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Electricity Bill Has A Future!
LOL, yeah, Trump Workchoices the White House Tongueig:


You wouldn't believe who the Tories in this Govt have in store for us if Turnbull gets turfed.

Peter Fargin Dutton!   :gathering: :LMAO:

Pyneing for the fjords :laugh:

Heh Heh why in a thread about Electricity Bill are we not talking about Electricity Bill? :blink: 


Maybe there's nothing good to say?


Demonstrated lack of interest in job creation, demonstrated interest in income redistribution.

Demonstrated unawareness of just who are the job creators - small business - that's why he wants to tax them more.


Demonstrated interest in a republic - no jobs there! But there are opportunities to wedge the PM!


Frankly we are served pretty badly by our pollies - their interests appear to be at odds with the good of their electors.


Stand out example at present are the moves to reject government policy related to letting the voter decide moral issues. Regardless of the issue, there are fundamental anti democratic odours around this movement.


If the voter is not the final arbiter I don'rt want that role filled by superior self interested folks.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
As you well know Aloy, the future of Electricity Bill revolves very much around the performance of the Govt.


Quote:If the voter is not the final arbiter I don'rt want that role filled by superior self interested folks.

Nice one Aloy. Mind if I use that comment to grind an axe against independent departments cutting workers' wages?



Quote:As you well know Aloy, the future of Electricity Bill revolves very much around the performance of the Govt.


Nice one Aloy. Mind if I use that comment to grind an axe against independent departments cutting workers' wages?




You are your own person PZ - you don't need my permission at all! :Hug:


In my point I reject the notion that large moral and ethical questions should be determined by party political tactics or massively self interested groups - of either side of an argument.


If the PM caves in to people with their own particular views and goes back on policy taken to a successful election then our democracy is undermined and I view that with alarm.


A clear (polled) majority of australians want to vote on the "Marriage" issue, no doubt many with strong views on either side, nonetheless many will not have strong views - but want to be consulted.


To deny this majority is undemocratic and should be rejected utterly.


I'm sure most folks looking for the greater good will agree.


A plebiscite cannot be questioned by the folks who voted against the successful stance - if they are democratically motivated.


That road leads to unity, the government deciding would be forever questioned and leads to disunity. - Whatever the outcome!!


Imagine if the conservative stance was successful - do you for one moment think that the "pro change" folks would accept the government decision and go quietly away?


And vice versa of course!!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:lets not forget how a seemingly impossible candidate like Trump was swept to power in the Whites Only House by virtue of dissatisfaction with the incumbents


perhaps a lesson to be learnt there Aloy? and an ironic twist in Eclectic Bill's fate ?



i believe a recent sample of arbitrary voters have Bill ahead by a meter?


[spoiler] an electricity meter, not an American one [/spoiler]


A most excellent point my dear MY!!


And just look how well that election has been (not) respected by the establishment folks!!!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:i respect the election, i just dont agree with the result Smile


there is a difference


That's fine too - but do you respect the decision?

There is a difference too.


Vast swathes of comment are loaded toward not respecting the decision - or the folks that made it.


I believe that a plebiscite here on the marriage issue would be respected - if not agreed with.


That's called democracy.


CF the vote for the leadership of the ALP!!


The machine overruled the party members.


We see a similar ALP stance on the plebiscite.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Easy. Because the Liberal Party slashed feed in tariffs by more than 50% Smile


The current Govt plans to restore them this year.


Anyway how much is his power bill compared to what it was before solar was fitted?


I don't have a solar system anymore.


I sold it years ago along with the unit where I installed it.

You wouldn't buy solar for the tariff rate. Not anymore anyway.


You would buy it for the lower GwH going through your meter.
Quote:i said i dont agree with the result, you (or anyone else ) who cant respect my view,  cant then draw a long bow and say i dont respect the result


...thats where it all went wrong, its as though everyone is expected to all fall in line


it (democracy) doesnt work that way, you dont suddenly have no Opposition Party following every election


what if the majority voted for a total nutcase and despot ?


[spoiler] as what happened recently [/spoiler]


But I do respect your view, and just like you, I don't agree with it!!!


The difference is clear!


Falling in line implies agreeing with a particular decision - I don't say that at all _ I merely say that in a democracy we must respect the decision of the majority - it's fundamental to democracy - after all you may disagree with one issue and I may disagree with another, that is our right, but in a democracy we must respect the decision of the majority.


In Oz we change governments without violence and mass protests because we accept majority decisions. That's a whole lot more enlightened than those places where the same attitude does not apply.


I know you must agree with this - you are merely misinterpreting what I have said.

That may be my fault - but hey I'm only human!!!


Y'all stay beautiful!!


  Bill Shorten’s retreat into leftist fanaticism

Considering the hurdles that Shorten claims would have to be cleared for its support, federal Labor must be considered to be opposed to the mine project.

This puts Shorten not only at odds with the Turnbull government but also his Queensland Labor counterpart, Premier ­Annastacia Palaszczuk.

He also finds himself on the other side of the fence from his companions in the Australian Workers Union, which is threatening to go to war with the Labor left in Queensland over the increasing succour paid to the Labor/Greens constituency.

And then there is one of his chief factional sponsors, the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union, which also backed the project.

The irony is not only apparent but comical.

There is a view that for Shorten to recalibrate as a centrist leader, he needs to have a fight with the union movement. He may have one, for all the wrong reasons.""





Bill Shorten isolated over Adani coalmine opposition

Can't call Bill a populist on this one, or can you?

"Editorial: No projects means no jobs, Mr Shorten"


Yeah, well, says lot really don't it?


For the good of Australia and Australian workers one hopes that Bill's future will not last beyond the next election!!!

Calls for Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility to rule out loan to Adani after alleged fraud revealed


ADANI once claimed its mega mine in Queensland would lift millions of Indians out of poverty by providing them with cheap electricity but it has now been accused of ripping off citizens through a complex fraud.

The controversial mining giant, which is trying to get a $1 billion taxpayer loan in Australia to help build its giant mine in Queensland’s Galilee Basin, is being investigated in India for allegedly siphoning 15 billion rupee ($298 million).

Details of the alleged fraud are contained in a Directorate of Revenue Intelligence file compiled in 2014 and published in <i>The Guardian</i> today. It sets out how Adani allegedly inflated invoices for an electricity project in India so it could shift huge amounts of money into offshore bank accounts.

If true, this would have reduced taxes Adani paid and would likely have led to higher power prices for Indian consumers.

It’s believed the DRI has passed the allegations on to the Indian agency that investigates financial crimes, the Enforcement Directorate.

But it’s unclear what the status of these investigations are. Adani has said the case is before the Adjudicating Authority.

Last year, six Adani subsidiaries were among 40 other countries being investigated for allegedly inflating the price of coal imports in Indonesia to hide profits in overseas tax havens.

Concern over Adani’s dealings overseas, including illegal dealings, bribery, environmental and social devastation as well as allegations of corruption, fraud and money laundering has already been raised by Environmental Justice Australia in a report released in February.


Looks like Bill got it right !
Of course he's a populist, he forsakes the worker for the social media set, he has no real values whatever.


Of course he would call a loan to Adani improper - but a loan get's paid back - it's a very common thing to help get major projects underway.


Looks like Bill never gets anything right :dance:


PS what does this tell me about the quality of the above article:



"Last year, six Adani subsidiaries were among 40 other countries being investigated"



Adani companies are countries????



Right!! :Cry: 


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Loans get paid back by corrupt companies? That's a new one.


Don't know about you but I don't want my taxes supporting an open cheque book for foreign companies under investigation for fraud. To do so would be rank stupidity.


So Bill Shorten's call for hurdles to be cleared for ALP support was obviously the sensible decision.

Only an idiot with a ute-gate history wouldn't do it.


Seems to me Bill Shorten attracts a new breed of haters every time he gets something right.


That's fine. At least the country won't go broke in the process.

Let's have an early election and fix it then Smile

Too busy trying to save the Govt from becoming a minority you mean?

I have trouble understanding how popularly elected representatives can be disenfranchised - surely that's the role of the electors?

This is not a biased comment it applies across the board to Liberal, Green, National and soon to be outed ALP reps.


By disenfranchising a rep we are disenfranchising their constituents.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
They won't get that opportunity if we let the law of NZ overrule the people of Australia


Y'all stay beautiful!!
A Labor frontbencher is demanding the resignation of Employment Minister Michaelia Cash after it was revealed she knew the head of the building watchdog breached the Fair Work Act almost a year ago.

<div>Key points:
  • Nigel Hadgkiss knew about material that suggested employers could stop union officials meeting in workplaces
  • Employment Minister reveals she knew of the complain against Mr Hadgkiss in October last year
  • Unions say revelations make "a complete mockery" of government's industrial relations agenda

Australian Building and Construction Commission boss Nigel Hadgkiss resigned today after admitting to breaching the act over right to entry rules.

In court it was revealed Mr Hadgkiss knew about material distributed by his organisation that suggested employers could make reasonable requests to stop union officials holding meetings in workplaces.

But under changes to the laws, the employer no longer had that right and unions could meet workers in meal rooms for talks if needed.

Unions reacted with fury to the admission.

And when pressed in Question Time, the Employment Minister revealed she had known about the matter for some time.

"I became aware of the behaviour in October 2016," Senator Cash said.


Yeah - get rid of this anti worker wailing banshee re
dneck chick FFS Smile

"Yeah - get rid of this anti worker wailing banshee redneck chick FFS  Smile"


zzzzzzzzzzzzzz :Sleepy:


ALP propogandist!!  :Loser: 



Back on topic:



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:"Yeah - get rid of this anti worker wailing banshee r


dneck chick FFS 


So you agree ?

Michaelia Margaret Thatcher is everything that's bad about conservative politics in the 21st century that goes from attacking the underdog to attacking their own base from self induced insecurity and the born to rule mentality that underpins their DNA.


And you and your gurlfriend have been a perfect liberator of it Tongue


[Image: ot61b.gif]


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