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When They Tell You The Science Is In, It Never Is
Quote:How does that work? Esp when I am not elite? Huh


You reckon the fear is unfounded? Even as a president elect the guy manage to tweet stocks to lose money, who knows what his motives are??

Where did anyone say "unfounded"

Now that the straw man you attempt to create has been dismissed, lets's look at your claim related to stock price losses - care to amplify?


Y'all stay beautiful!!



Throughout history, as governments change, dodgy departs begin shredding (destroying) data to deter prosecution from the incoming new administration. This is the first time I have heard of people trying to preserve data to deter destruction by a new administration.


Bush fires that ravage Northern America, as well as parts of Australia. Floods people havn't seen before in a generation... Droughts in Syria that sparked the current tragedies. And yet people can overlook that and use anecdotes like turning on the heater for half a day in summer and say petabytes upon petabytes of data (that's been qualified and analysed) cannot be right. That models that has been proven to be capable of doing hindcasts and forecasts to a high degree of accuracy is somehow witchcraft.

These are the elites that is governing Australia, and the same elites will do the same in America in the new year.

Do you have any real evidence or are you just emotionally compelled to regurgitate Democratic propoganda?

Frankly Myrantz your post is a bit on the erratic side, can one counsel rest?


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Where did anyone say "unfounded"

Now that the straw man you attempt to create has been dismissed, lets's look at your claim related to stock price losses - care to amplify?
Yeah, he crashed the Lockheed shares with his big mouth as well as boeing although boeing later recovered.


Trump knows nothing about aircraft, yet he sees it fit to destroy investors' wealth with his NFI comments.


I think... unless he pulls his head in it will happen again - on a global scale.

Seems that globally the share markets have risen since Trumps election.

Hm are we talking about the same thing here?


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Trump isn't in office yet. As you know, his agenda is high inflation and higher interest rates.


Our market crashed yesterday because the US rates went up just 0.25%.


Yes, we're talking about the same thing. Writing's on the wall street Tongue

Quote:Seems that globally the share markets have risen since Trumps election.

Hm are we talking about the same thing here?
The index has risen. But depending on the stocks, there will be winners, and losers... The stock markets index is made up of the "old school" businesses - the bigger players that are not environmentally friendly... 


If anything, this may well mean worse for the environment.. And if you ask why would these companies revive again? See this article.


No prizes for guessing who the losers are - future humanity.
Quote:... why do i bother lol
Coz what goes up will come down... If Trump can take credit for the current surge, he can take credit for the next crash too.. :Cowboy:
Quote:you didnt thank me for providing those links


an impartial person would have been grateful to have been enlightened


... why do i bother lol

Oops sorry!

I guess I was busy doing end of year stuff


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Coz what goes up will come down... If Trump can take credit for the current surge, he can take credit for the next crash too.. :Cowboy:

Trump is taking credit?


I'm just happy that the market is indicating improved hopes for the future.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
That's a lot of smoke :o




Scientists to begin sending messages to aliens, despite warnings that it could trigger Earth’s destruction

<p style="font-size:20px;font-family:'Fira Sans';">Any aliens that we speak to will probably think of us like we think of bacteria, Stephen Hawking has warned"

<p style="font-size:20px;font-family:'Fira Sans';"> 

<p style="font-size:20px;font-family:'Fira Sans';"> 

<p style="font-size:20px;font-family:'Fira Sans';">Good old dependable scientists - just like the press - they have a vested interest in scaring folks.

<p style="font-size:20px;font-family:'Fira Sans';"> 

<p style="font-size:20px;font-family:'Fira Sans';">Any idea why that might be?



Y'all stay beautiful!!
The Arecibo transmission of 1974 will reach the globular cluster Messier 13 in 25000 years from now Smile
Quote:Where is Bob Brown when you need him?

He knows how to do the intergalactic phone dance.
He's here.
Quote:Anyway he seems to given up the intergalactic phone calls!

I wonder why?
Tweet him and ask? Big Grin


Anyway, here's a ironic twist: Linky


Quote:Researchers from Noaa suggested that the temperatures of the oceans were being consistently underestimated by the main global climate models.
So Aloy is right after all? :notworthy: That means previous research about the earth cooling or warming slowdown is probably incorrect though..
Myrantz - I think that the most important word in the NOAA quote is "suggested"


A scientist who suggests?


What ever happened to data collection and scientific analysis? 


A suggestor has overtones of uncertain political spin.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Myrantz - I think that the most important word in the NOAA quote is "suggested"


A scientist who suggests?


What ever happened to data collection and scientific analysis? 


A suggestor has overtones of uncertain political spin.
Only to the uninitiated - Science is not exactly black and white. Given this example, personally I'm comfortable with words like suggested, or even words like recommended, imply and so on.


Maybe you are more comfortable with politicians' way of speaking with authority and certainty. Those overtones usually give the voting public a false impression of leadership.  :Cowboy:


People in academia is more interested in inform and educate.


Perhaps you hit the underlying issue with the world right now. People hate being told what to do by smart people. They prefer to elect greedy people and short sighted people to the daily tasks of running the word, consolidating power to the rich, and exploiting the poor?
Quote:Only to the uninitiated - Science is not exactly black and white. Given this example, personally I'm comfortable with words like suggested, or even words like recommended, imply and so on.


Maybe you are more comfortable with politicians' way of speaking with authority and certainty. Those overtones usually give the voting public a false impression of leadership.  :Cowboy:


People in academia is more interested in inform and educate.


Perhaps you hit the underlying issue with the world right now. People hate being told what to do by smart people. They prefer to elect greedy people and short sighted people to the daily tasks of running the word, consolidating power to the rich, and exploiting the poor?


Heh Heh Heh there you go back to the old "uninitiated" elitst mumbo jumbo words.


Presumably you consider yourself initiated - otherwise how could you label others uninitiated?



Followed quickly by an unecessary jibe about another less initated person being hoodwinked by politicians rhetoric - what's the story here - did you get out of the bed on the wrong side you little dweller in the halls of learning?



And if that is not enough you blast the "uninitiated" as "People hate being told what to do by smart people"


Is there some level of elitism that you still have not reached?



As an unrepentent uninitiated person I would see it more like ordinary people resenting elitist BS merchants blowing smoke up their fundaments.



You only have to look at the result of the US election to draw that conclusion.


Trump didn't win - Hilary lost and for the reason above - rejection of the "smart follks" - their choice of label of course. :Hug:


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:one mans scientist is another mans freedom fighter



i was told i failed Science at school, i told them i passed, i asked them are you sure you got the questions right, ... relatively speaking


One mans freedom fighter is another persons terrorist :dance:


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Presumably you consider yourself initiated - otherwise how could you label others uninitiated?
Well, I did work in the climate weather business for ten years. And worked with climate modellers, data scientists and downloaded some satellite data from JPL and as well as oceanographic measurements from the US Navy (all free for you to access to confirm any conspiracy you may have).


The labelling is really done by you, e.g. elitism, resorting to name calling in the hope the discussion will go personal instead of on the topic. I can play that game, but I label myself as "better than that"! Big Grin


Profit and consumerism at the expense of mother nature. Whatever side we stand on, we'd all suffer the same consequences. Let's hope the bush season season can be kind on some of us.
Quote:youve been getting some nasty fires in WA too, hope you all get relief
Hope we all get some relief.

North Americas have it real bad, with extended dry season, and I think more than 50% of the vegetation is now dead or something... 


Obama said something akin to this "this current generation is arguing about the merits of weather science and what not", in all this arguments, it'd be the generations after us that will have to deal with the consequences.


Everybody here watched Jurassic Park the movie. That was made in 1993. More than 20 years later we have discovered more about these prehistoric creatures - e.g. they have feather.


Science is never in, but using the scientific method, our understanding will continuously improve. Climate action shouldn't be something we can afford to wait 20 years for human knowledge to catch up. By the time we do and know what is wrong, everything may be too late.


Look at the car industry in Australia. We will feel the after shocks of that, as we will feel the aftershocks if Australia is still reliant on fossil fuels. History has shown it's far better for the economy to conterminously innovate and find new industries to grow that GDP. Not to rely on existing industries, rape the environment to maintain the current GDP.


It's a sad world where common sense and reason is now labelled as elitism. We had Abbott as PM, and Trump in a week's time. WTF is going on in the world? :Cry:

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