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The Election
How come (why) no one has commented on the election?

Is everybody a shell shocked Labor voter?

Ha. I was wondering something similar, Peter.

I'm not particularly shocked, although; i did certainly feel somewhat dirty having voted Greens, never again hopefully.

I might have to start voting Libs for the benefit of my super, turns out i can't cash my super until i'm 55 even though i'll migrating overseas, and will still be classified as an Australian resident with dual citizenship.

Labor won out in Hotham, what party won in your electorate, Peter?
My Greens vote was purely as an homage to Kevin Rudd, Peter.

Did you hear about the elected 20 year old Wyatt Roy in a Queensland electorate, that's just plain ridiculous? What 20 year old has the right of mind to represent an electorate in the House of Reps. I tell you, there is something really askew when a 20 year old is elected to the House of Reps.
i didnt comment on the election coz i didnt have much interest in it this time around.... I voted greens coz im sick of the minority parties and their arrogant leaders, greens say more about what im for ....however , i realised after that i should have voted sex party ... Their policies are AMAZING! Who won anyways? Liberal i presume?
Kara,The votes are still being counted and so far there is a computer predicted 73 seats each and 4 independent seats (one of which is a Green) so no single party has a majority of 76 required to form government, this means that a minority government will be formed based on the whims of 4 independents. Unless the predictions are wrong and Labor scrapes in with 76 seats, the predictions are already swaying in one particular seat so anything could happen really.
what does that mean?? Wont there be a particular party head of office?
There will be eventually, but the ruling party will be a minority party rather than a majority party, and possibility an early election. We still need to wait until all the votes are counted. A minority party rule simply means there will be more difficulty in governing, more negotiations.
[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1282555818' post='29177']

[size="4"][color="#ff0000"][size="2"][color="#000000"]Iblis! How does voting "Green" connect with the Duddster?


[/color][/size][/color][/size]Green preferences still go to Labor without actually voting for Labor. Labor leaders should interpret the swing to Greens as an unhappy proletariat for reasons that hopefully include the ousting of Kevin Rudd.

Yeah I was not too happy when I heard about their fishing policies. They won't get my vote! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
Tony Abbott looks like he had a good cry today.
Another three years of the same Labor will result in the Libs taking office, Peter. Just another three year wait.

Peter, do you think that Hockey will/should take Abbotts place?
Well, maybe all the parliamentary scampering might be entertaining enough that the next three years will be easier to bare, Peter. :-)
[quote name='iblis.raeb' timestamp='1282468474' post='29146']

Ha. I was wondering something similar, Peter.

I'm not particularly shocked, although; i did certainly feel somewhat dirty having voted Greens, never again hopefully.

I might have to start voting Libs for the benefit of my super, turns out i can't cash my super until i'm 55 even though i'll migrating overseas, and will still be classified as an Australian resident with dual citizenship.


If you're voting for a party purely to benefit your super my advice is to steer well clear of any political party adopting the Henry Tax Review - which advocates you can't cash your super until retirement age (now 67, was 65).

I went with Labor but was expecting a hung parliament as soon as the mining tax was announced.
PZ, that's the review that Labor commissioned? (he says with an upward inflection).

I don't like my chances of actually reaching the retirement age at the rate the retirement age keeps creeping upward. :-)
hahaha yeah i agree with iblis. it will probably be retire at 80 by the time we get there!!
Yep, Labor directed treasury to put it together - but it has god awful recommendations I'll give you the tip!

Taxing the family home, removing tax breaks on super, moving up the access age...

Happily, Rudd/Gillard said "no" to the above whilst Baloney Tony the Phony Show Pony has supported some parts of the review without going into the detail <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/dry.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='<_<' />
Here is a link to an animated Taiwanese news view of our election. It is in Mandarin but it does have subtitles so you can understand what is being said.

My favourite parts are Kevin Rudd getting knifed in the back and Tony Abbott fending off boat people with an AK-47, pretty funny I think.


yeah i heard about that one! thanks for sharing!

the band of 3 independant brothers sound like they don't even agree on basic stuff. I think they should split their little "A-team" and just go their own way. This whole "block" approach is a joke.

Cheers, Glen
I thought the count was done in the sense that there were no more seats in doubt. But now we have the battle to see who can form a majority.

I think it will definitely be the case that a government will form because if there was a new election then all the independents would get kicked out. they will protect their own butts i expect!

<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1283158008' post='29338']

So what has happened to the counting?

Why do so few votes take so long?


I have the same gripe, Peter. How long can it possible take to count and then recount some votes. Are the few lagging electorates rural? Rural electorates have much less human resources, then again, in such a situation, there is surely an overflow of volunteers that would be willing to transit count.

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