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Corupted wishes game
Really? It didn't help? I'm surprised. Did they say you would need another treatment?
I was going to go again tomorrow but now there is a person with swine flu in the city I am in (Cheng Du) and so I think I will skip the hospital just to be safe. I can live with a sore neck. It is not such a big deal.

But yes they did say i will need several treatments. I might try an ostepoath when I get home. My physio bacl in Melbourne could not help me. He never even diagnosed the problem.

Apparently my neck is too straight! Weird. i thought a straight neck would be a good thing! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':wub:' />
Hmm, yes, the spine is curved. The neck is the first curve. That's good it doesn't bother you too much. My dad sees an osteopath for his back. I think he finds that helpful.
Bump! This game was fun.

I wish we could play the corrupted wishes game again....
Granted. We play the corrupted wishes game again but I come up with some real lame response to your wish and you become disillusioned with the game and wonder how I could not come up with something that was not even remotely funny.

I wish that grasshoppers could hop less and talk more <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
Granted. But then you find out that Grasshoppers actually rule the earth and are the most intelligent creatures on the planet. They actually control our minds with their antennae and we are mere puppets in their game. Once you realize that you are not acting out of free will, life become meaningless and dry. You start trying to rebel against their control but you realize that it's probably all part of their plan. You feel flat and abused.

I wish that the sky would be blue all the time.
Granted. The sky is blue all the time. After looking at the blue sky for years and years, eventually everyone starts getting the blue colour burnt onto their retinas. They find that wherever they go, everything seems blue. Food seems blue, all the cars on the road look blue, traffic lights all look blue etc. And basically everyone starts wishing that you hadn't wished for blue sky all the time <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':gathering:' />

I wish that swine flu flew off into space and never came back <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Rolleyes' />
Granted but then all the aliens get sick and die. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

I wish that it was still Sunday.
Granted. It is still Sunday. But then suddenly you start wishing it was Saturday! Time starts flying backward and you end up getting eaten by a dinosaur named bob. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ph34r:' />
No wish then glen?

I wish that I could eat grass like a cow.
Why would you wish that?!

Okaaaay. Granted, but then you would have to have multiple stomachs and you would have to eat grass all day and you would pass a lot of wind and all your friends would have to have an intervention to get you off the grass, man.

I wish that I had a pet chameleon.
If I could eat grass that would save money <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':laugh:' /> Think of it like all day rock lobster <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Rolleyes' />

Granted. You have a pet chameleon but then it changes colour and you never see it again! Hehehe

I wish that gravity stopped working on monday (to have an excuse not to go to work).
Granted, but then you have to work from home on your ceiling and you get motion sickness.

I wish that my label was famous already.
Granted. It WAS famous already. That was about 50 years ago. But gradually over time everyone forgot about it. So you have to start again from scratch!

I wish that mussels tasted more like rock lobster <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
Granted, but then they cost the same as rock lobster.

I wish that the Tafe people weren't so lazy at their jobs.
Granted. TAFE people become hard working. So hard working in fact that they refuse to teach anyone unless they first undergo a 7 Day TAFE boot camp which involves reading slabs of the dictionary and then reciting them in front of an examination board. It becomes known as the longest and most difficult exam on the planet.

I wish I could pass an exam that was that hard!
Granted, but your memory gets clogged with dictionary definitions and you don't have room for anything else. Also, you become very boring and your friends stop calling you.

I wish that a new job would fall into my lap.
Granted. A new job falls in your lap. It is a great job (for some). You get to live on a lunar base on the moon for 5 years. The pay is good but you are there with a group of russian cosmonauts and the conversations are a bit difficult since they don't speak english. You end up becoming quite fond of vodka and end up putting on lots of weight (which is quite easy to do at low gravity). You eventually come back to earth but find that it is very hard to walk around with the normal gravity and you end up becoming a couch potato drinking vodka in front of the TV and eating doritos for the next 10 years. After that you end up becoming a star on the new TV show, "Dance your butt off"

<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

I wish that beer was not fattening.
^ I am so pumped about that new show!!!!!! I LOVE the concept.

Granted. Tooheys comes out with a new beer that is not fattening. The problem is, is that because of this, many people who did not drink beer before, start to drink it by the gallon. The world fills up with burp gas and the hole in the ozone layer gets much worse. We are forced to wear gas masks and SPF 600, which actually resembles tar. Because we are so disguised by our gas masks and black painted faces, you cannot tell who is who. You make out with you best mate by mistake, thinking he was your girlfriend and he thought you were his. It's a very awkward moment for you, and your friendship suffers for while. You get back on track with your mate but the memory haunts you forever. *Don't ask me how you make out with a gas masks on, it's irrelevant*

I wish that I had a magic wand so I didn't have to go to the panel beater today.

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