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Electricity Bill Has A Future!
Electricity Bill has an early erection ?

<p class="">If you have indulged in a takeaway pizza on a Sunday or a public holiday you might be familiar with paying a surcharge for the privilege.

Restaurants and food chains use surcharges to make up for the cost of penalty rates, rather than absorb them into their bottom line.

But, despite a decision by the Fair Work Commission that has seen penalty rates fall substantially since July last year, many restaurants and cafes continue to charge the same Sunday surcharge.


Pretty much sums it up. Lowering Sunday wages is all about profits - not employment. Always has been.


Bring on the election!

Not this time Peter. It's increased profit for the boss.


Seen it all before. No extra employment has happened because the rates were cut.


It's legalised wage theft, nothing more.

Gotta say Tony Abbott is doing everything he can to ensure Electricity Bill has a future Tongue

Quote:Gotta say Tony Abbott is doing everything he can to ensure Electricity Bill has a future Tongue
It's a colleteral benefitWink.. TA's goal is to undermine MT and install Dutton as PM... Dutton may well lose his marginal seat, allowing him to swoon in and retake the crown....
Any party with Abbott in it will be placed last on my paper Smile

Media is cooking up a storm...

* Turnbull's vote of 48-35 is 'dead man walking'

* Potatohead needs just 7 swing votes to become PM...


That just gives Potatohead 41-42... So Turnbull's 48-35 is 'dead man walking'. But Potatohead's 41-42 will win the coalitions' next election. Utter tabloid trash.


Bill looks like PM elect right now. And hopefully he will continue the royal commission with the banks, and starts a new one and find out exactly who or what is causing the media to manipulate the entire political scene here... R*******?

This is why I despise the born-to-rule hate-style right-wing politics and have done for a decade or more.


They will do everything they can to bully, intimidate or destroy their opponents.


It was the Labor right that took down first Kevin Rudd, then Julia Gillard...


Prior to that it was the conservative right that destroyed Turnbull over the ETS deal and installed some Phony Tony in to block everything in the senate, and then in parliament during a minority Govt.


Now you have the Prime Minister airing the dirty laundry of the LNP as a culture of bullying their own colleagues into voting for Peter Dutton including cases of cabinet-jobs-for-mates as well as an avocado-in-the-ar
se offer for any dissenters.


And only an hour after Scott Morrison puts his hand up to lead he gets threatened with destruction by the right in the LNP and thus, making them totally unelectable by the public who have zero tolerance for such intimidation.

(open the above link with a private incognito window Smile )


What makes the above ironic is it's the right wingers that are the most vocal about so called "free speech".


They need to be sent back to the far queue where they came from...


... and from what I'm hearing, the legal system might do just that to Peter Dutton Smile

All OK here. When I do get that I reset the computer which usually fixes it.

Firefox hogs so much memory which I think causes that..


I think Mal's finished. He should've called that early election like I said..


Instead they've given him the avocado Tongue


And what a crack up it would've been if Dutto won then lost his eligibility in the same week. LOL

Quote:This is why I despise the born-to-rule hate-style right-wing politics and have done for a decade or more.
They will do everything they can to bully, intimidate or destroy their opponents.
It was the Labor right that took down first Kevin Rudd, then Julia Gillard...

Prior to that it was the conservative right that destroyed Turnbull over the ETS deal and installed some Phony Tony in to block everything in the senate, and then in parliament during a minority Govt.
Neoliberalism at it's worse. It's all about power hordeing, and the canabalsitic so called 'tricke down effect'... The right basically controlled the agenda of the economy for the past 5 years or so.. And there's nothing to show for it - Fraudband, weekend rates, rocketing property prices just to name a few. They have wrecked the economy, and now they are trying to wreck the party for one final cash grab.

Quote:Now you have the Prime Minister airing the dirty laundry of the LNP as a culture of bullying their own colleagues into voting for Peter Dutton including cases of cabinet-jobs-for-mates as well as an avocado-in-the-ar
se offer for any dissenters.
To be fair I'm sure there's a fair amount of bullying happening in opposition as well. Having said that, the immaturity of the government is worse than bullying. From Turnbull to Joyce to Dutton to Morrison and to Cormann.. They have no honour and will not commit to anything at all. They basically go where the wind blows.. How do they think they can even be fit to govern?

The GG might just sack 'em all after today.

Quote:And only an hour after Scott Morrison puts his hand up to lead he gets threatened with destruction by the right in the LNP and thus, making them totally unelectable by the public who have zero tolerance for such intimidation.
(open the above link with a private incognito window Smile )
What makes the above ironic is it's the right wingers that are the most vocal about so called "free speech".
They need to be sent back to the far queue where they came from...
... and from what I'm hearing, the legal system might do just that to Peter Dutton Smile
Will Australians banish them though? Look at US, their system brought in an fool as President.

Who ever wins, it'd be the minor parties calling the shots. They're all for populist policies that looks good on paper and in the short term, but will rob the children of their future. Sadly there are not enough voters around to keep politicians honest these days...
Quote:You just can't get away from the fact that EB was instrumental, by virtue of his union base, in deposing two - count 'me, sitting, democratically elected PM's.


Quote:Better make that three... and counting Smile

[Image: attachicon.gif]4.jpg


Oops! Better make that four Smile


Quote:Hi My R

We have enough voters.

Just too few pollies with guts.
That sounds contradicatory.. Enough voters voted in gutless politicians?


Quote:Oops! Better make that four Smile


Times are a'changing it seems.. Hopefully this is neo liberalism's last hurrah..

ScoMo is in... And maybe another challenge from Dutton next week? After all, Abbott is just 3 votes away from the front bench.. Might as well go for broke...


Seems both ScoMo and Dutton are hated outside their states, Bill looks firm to take the helm by the next election...

Quote:Hi MyR.

Don't be too sure!

There are zillions of disenchanted Liberal voters who are so pleased to see the ares side of Turncoat.

He may well cry baby, all he had to do was listen to the people, not tell the people he knew better what they needed.

We are ready to vote Liberal again.
Let's wait and see... I suspect the minor parties will still control both houses come next election.


Quote:Even Bishop would be a better choice than Turncoat.
To the voters maybe. She has absolutely no chance of winning in the party room at all. They should announce the first round results, I'd be happy if she gets more than 5 (if any at all).


Quote:Morrison may succeed provided he gets rid of his supercillious self admiration
Morrison may stopped the boats.. He can't stop the Abbott back stabbing...

At this rate this party will run out of money before running out of one dimensional people as PM... A once GREAT party, decimated because they think 'born to rule' is a right, not a previledge. Turnbull learnt it today, ScoMo will learn next..  *

This don't cover TA, because he's born to wreck. :laugh:

Let's have an early election Smile



Too easy. We can send the far right to the far queue for a couple of terms Big Grin

Nothing dumb about it Peter. It's called democracy. Don't spit on it mate Smile


The ultimate judge of right and wrong in any vote are the majority. That's how it works. That's why we sacrificed more than any other country per capita in WW1 to preserve the system that's the envy of poorer, more hostile countries with unstable Govts and/or dictatorships.


Part of that comes with a responsibility to respect / accept the outcome. If Bill Shorten can do it, anyone can.


Obviously I can accept the outcome of the Warringah vote, there will be no more wrecking, no undermining, and no sniping Big Grin




Congratulations to Sco Mo and Co as well as Gladys Berejiklian for wining the unwinnable elections.


We are a decade overdue for a good, stable Govt. Let's hope we finally get one, this time.



One piece of advise for Sco Mo.... don't use the C word in your victory speech Big Grin

A left foot kick, LOL


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