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Electricity Bill Has A Future!
Tony Abbott wants house prices to keep rising???

Electricity Bill Has A Future!


"while Bill Shorten continues to haemorrhage at 32% approval (down three) and 50% disapproval (up four). Abbott’s lead as preferred prime minister is now at 41-37, up from 41-40."



Heh Heh nothing like a bit of science to rebut a dream!!!


Who here doesn't want the value of their house to rise?


One suggests everso politely that a majority of house owners would want this.


Tony and the majority once more!!!



But all jokes aside the pressure internally on Electricity Bill must be mounting to an intolerable level


His move into the team of Ljonhelm and Hansen Young is particularly revealing - just you wait and see!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Allow me to finish your quote there mate Smile

"James J in comments relates that the latest Newspoll result for The Australian, which I believe will be the third last poll we get from Newspoll-as-we-know-it, has Labor’s two-party lead at 52-48, down from 53-47 a fortnight ago. The Coalition is up a point on the primary vote to 41%, with Labor steady on 37% and the Greens up one to 13%. Tony Abbott’s approval rating is down a point to 38% and his disapproval up one to 53%,"

Quote:Who here doesn't want the value of their house to rise?
Me Smile

... because it also increases my associated running and insurance costs, not to mention the burden of future tax liabilities.

It also increases the cost of the next house I might want to move into.
In the meantime there are three obstacles... death, taxes, and death taxes Tongue
It's OK PZ new taxes will only come with a new ALP government.


These guys have removed taxes.


Rest easy mon ami   it's not at all likely!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Of course, only ALP governments have a google tax, a fuel tax, a bank deposit tax...
Quote:“When the government released its discussion paper on tax it said ‘lower, simpler, fairer’,”

“Ever since we have been flooded with demands for taxes that are higher, more complicated, and less economic. ‘Lower, simpler, fairer’ is looking like a morbid joke.

“The government needs to restart the conversation about getting taxes down, not up,”
Hi Peter, I remember giving that an 8/10, yes?

Peter, to be honest I don't have a view on it apart from it being a harmless proposal. I don't have a problem with it.


Equal work opportunities for woman presented no threat to the future of marriage and I don't think this will either.

What a hilarious Govt!


They ask for the small business tax cut to pass quickly through parliament, the opposition agrees to vote without debate, the Govt refuses!



So Anyway:


Back on topic:


It would appear that Bill's future was, as is so often the case for those who experience a meteoric rise in importance, doomed by naughtiness in the recent past.


You don't have to be Anti union to be able to see behaviour that is to say the least a result of poor personal values and disrespect for a membership that expects better.


Not the stuff that potential PM's should be demonstrating at all.


The behaviours demonstrated are more anti union than any mere words uttered by an opposing policy or shock jock.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Abbott's best chance is not talking. Every time he opens his mouth his poll numbers fall out onto the floor.

Tony Abbott's audit chief Tony Shepherd says a "deal (Bill Shorten) negotiated in 2005 to build the $2.5 billion EastLink road project in Melbourne delivered workers one of the highest rates of pay for any urban construction project and finished the project ahead of schedule.'

"It was one of the best projects I have ever been involved in,"

Just how is this supposed to bring down Bill Shorten???
Bad humbug, 

Bill's a crook and the evidence is all pointing that way.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
What it's pointing to is another ute gate.

The allegation is union members lost out and were shafted.

If that constitutes disrespect and poor personal values then Abbott's a crook.

So too is Howard, Reith, Abetz, Costello, both Bishops and every Workchoice supporter on the planet.
Hi Peter.

Latest polls have the Coalition down a point and in a loosing situation, so I agree Abbott is heading in a good direction.

I just hope people can appreciate the irony of all this...

Such hypocrisy from the Libs.
Hello? you think that the lawful behaviour of those you name excuses the unlawful behaviour of Billy boy?

Hmm mm one expected a little more insight than that PZ


Y'all stay beautiful!!
I didn't say anything about lawful behaviour. Disrespect? Yes. Poor personal values? Yes. Lawful behaviour? Nope.

Bill Shorten is accused of trading away penalty rates for an increased base pay for union members - none of which have complained to date.

How is this unlawful?

Many similar deals have been done before and since. You yourself enjoyed a similar deal as posted in another thread.

What I have a problem with... is despite the Liberal Party's previous attempts to abolish penalty rates with NO increased pay they are now trying stitch up Shorten for doing a better deal for everyone involved - including the workers.

I reckon it's a utegate that could bring down the Coalition leadership for the second time running if they jump all over it.
Libs would win nothing. Like previous Govts before it, they betrayed the trust of the people.

Except on this occasion they destroyed their popularity in record time.

I'll be looking forward to seeing who the next Lib leader will be after the election Smile
So once more back on topic: Bill now admits to lying about his actions in the Rudd / Gillard brouhaha.

A self confessed liar as potential PM?

It's possible - remotely I guess.

Rewriting history with ones own spin is an art practiced at advanced levels by the ALP leadership as has been amply demonstrated by the ABC doco


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Well given that we already have a self confessed liar as PM the chances are more than remote... it's already happening Big Grin

Anyways, 'ave a good weekend - back on chewsdee Wink
Aw really we all knew this when Bill saved the tassie miners - nothing has changed - apart from the number of dreamers that can't see it. :ras:



Y'all stay beautiful!!

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