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Political Backflips And The Like...
This is all school yard stuff!

One person being worse than another (in some folks minds) does nothing to legitimize others feeding in the same trough.

They should all be judged on the same basis as Bishop - the court of popular opinion - good luck with that!!!


Y'all stay beautiful!!




Oh dear - remember when Swedes, Danes and a number of other "caring" nations were smacking Australia for it's "inhumane" policies on immigration and queue jumpers?



Just goes to show that unless you walk a mile in another guys shoes you have no way of understanding their actions.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:huge difference between turning back a boatload of refugees regardless of their plight and circumstances and accepting 160,000, processing them properly and sending back anyone who fails the refugee criteria


i think they were justified then, and feel they are doing the right thing now ... so that genuine refugees can have a safe place to go to


nothing worse than needing refuge only to not have an opportunity because of 80,000 bludgers looking for a free BMW



Finally we have agreement that queue jumpers limit the numbers of genuine refugee placements!!!!!!!!!


This is not limited to genuine Swedish aspirants.


The principle is universal!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
How many boats are you hinting at?


Who is calling every refugee a queue jumper?


Is someone who arrives here without a visa a queue jumper?


Data is a good thing in these emotive areas!!!!!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Meanwhile here is some more data on backflipping:



Y'all stay beautiful!!
I'm more than happy for him to recontest for as long as he loses...


Then he can start his own gig, "dummocrats" or something Smile

I guess, in a democracy, if Mr Abbott's electorate returns him we have no business questioning it.


It's their right to elect the representative of their choice.

The same applies to all other electorates. 


Personally I wouldn't vote for Clive Palmer and many other reps - but that's of no consequence either.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Maybe so but it's the electorate that will decide - which is the point!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
But not re contesting because he knows the electorate will not re-endorse him is the same thing - they dump him just like the national electorate has dumped BS.


Unfortunately for the ALP, BS will be standing.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Push for Aboriginal ID tests by indigenous leaders

A landmark finding disqualifying a claim of Aboriginality by a former senior NSW public servant has led to indigenous leaders calling for tougher identity checks amid warnings that “fake Aborigines’’ are involved in widespread rorting of benefits, government jobs and contracts.




Oh dear, remember racist Andrew Bolt and the 18C case?




"In September 2010, nine individuals commenced legal proceedings in the Federal Court against Bolt and the <i>Herald Sun</i> over two posts on Bolt's blog. The nine sued over posts titled "It's so hip to be black", "White is the New Black" and "White Fellas in the Black". The articles suggested it was fashionable for "fair-skinned people" of diverse ancestry to choose Aboriginal racial identity for the purposes of political and career clout.<sup>[20]</sup> The applicants claimed the posts breached the Racial Discrimination Act. They sought an apology, legal costs, and a gag on republishing the articles and blogs, and "other relief as the court deems fit". They did not seek damages.<sup>[21]</sup> On 28 September 2011, Bolt was found to have contravened section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act.<sup>[22]</sup><sup>[23]"</sup>








<sup>Apparently there is a difference, depending on who you are?</sup>


<sup>Personally I agree with Bolt and the Leaders - but is anyone going to prosecute the leaders as they did Bolt?</sup>



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Does the recent change of policy by the ALP related to electoral reform represent a policy backflip?


Up until a month ago they were supportive of change, now they do not.

May 09, 2014

"An interim report of the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters has recommended the abolition of group voting tickets in the Senate in a move, supported by Liberal, Labor and Greens members, that will cripple micro-parties and prevent them from “gaming” the electoral system.

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:Georgia, serif;">The Committee’s chairman, Tony Smith, the Liberal member for Casey, and his deputy, Alan Griffin, the ALP member for Bruce, presented the report today and held a media conference to discuss its recommendations. The Committee includes members from all parties and both houses. Its report was unanimous."

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:Georgia, serif;">Feb 24, 2016

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:Georgia, serif;">"Gray Gray has reaffirmed his support for reform of the Senate voting system but committed himself to supporting the ALP Caucus decision to oppose the bill currently before the Parliament.

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:Georgia, serif;">Gray, the Labor member for Brand in Western Australia, spoke in the House of Representatives today on the Turnbull government’s Commonwealth Electoral Amendment Bill which proposes elminating group voting tickets and introducing optional preferential voting above-the-line in Senate ballots.

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:Georgia, serif;">Gray was a member of the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters (JSCEM)which made bipartisan recommendations in favour of sweeping changes to the Senate voting system. Gray said he supported the government’s bill but it would be a better bill if the JSCEM’s recommendations were adopted in full. "



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Two words. Political mileage.


Labor was in a better position in 2014 Smile

Quote:Two words. Political mileage.


Labor was in a better position in 2014 Smile


Is that a yes? :notworthy:


I do think the issue is very important and deserves a little more than political mileage.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
[Image: screen_shot_2015-09-15_at_09.14.19.png?itok=9KuJjABL]


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]

<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
You make the uninformed judgement that the ALP does!

If you believe in increasing jobs for all the right reasons (many) you must then subscribe to the notion that company tax reduction is your (proven) best bet.

If you don't believe in jobs growth - continue on with the politics of envy.

Meanwhile, one wishes you a happy and blessed Easter.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Thank you MY!

Having attended the Broncos/Cowboys game last nite and witnessed the empty headed behaviour of a Majority of my fellow spectators one does not see majorities as indication of correctness.

Correctness to the majority depends only on the colour of your supporter regalia.

As no less a thinker as comrade Lenin observed- majorities kill political progress - stick with the minorities who actually understand.

But then he wasn't thinking about democracy.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Heh heh

Yeah top atmosphere!!

TV coverage is best for seeing the detail on multiple angles etc- mates who were watching on TV thought it was better than I did - - but then maybe I'm a bit fussy - free kick to you sir!

Referees are performance paid - are they not?


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Maybe you misunderstand what type of performance is rewarded?


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Well there's a back flip / broken promise / barnacle off the ship and the like...
Cabinet scraps $500,000 limit on after-tax superannuation contributions >
So are you happy or sad about this change?


Y'all stay beautiful!!

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