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Political Backflips And The Like...
Quote:You wanna be specific?

I wouldn't fit them in one post... Wink


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]
<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]


NBN is connecting 600,000 homes in the bush with wireless internet

Well fancy that - Malcom Turnbulls inferior NBN plan is a success gosh,  Oh golly, imagine a successful NBN rollout without that chappie that was the previous  Communications Minister - I forget his name at the minute but he was very forgettable anyway.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
And available!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:And available!

... and a shared medium that can bottleneck easily.


As for BB, she needs to;


[Image: 46072167.jpg]


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]

<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
The helicopter issue must be important Mell you want it included in at least three threads 


Don't you think that's a tad extreme?


Is there nothing else on your mind, nothing like a leader of the opposition an extortionist?


Nothing like t took 8 years for him to confess to wrong doing - mere days before the Royal Commission was to ask him about it?


You know who I'm talking about - good old EB protector of the workers - for a fee!!!


Hello Mello, let's compare apples with apples here.



False righteousness displayed by EB is merely echoed in your falsly righteous posts. 


You know it makes sense


The rest of the country certainly remain uninterested.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:The helicopter issue...


[Image: 229076-5b32661a-2c2a-11e5-ad8b-48e697b195ed.jpg]


[Image: BB-meme-3.jpg]


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]
<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
Quote:talk away about Shorten as much as you like Aloy, im pretty sure the allegations dont involve taxpayer provided excesses


its not just the helicopter ride, its her incompetence and being not fit to hold the position of speaker of the house


and there are a hell of a lot more commentators making the rounds expressing that as the real reason today than me



Oh I getcha - it's OK to rip off the membership!!



Well I never thought I'd hear that



As for commentators - clearly you are an ABC watcher.



Truth is the ALP is on the backfoot - morally , ethically, and policy wise, this pathetic little issue is merely a lifeline to a tired and drowning political miasma, masquerading as an opposition.



They and their ABC third column won't let that go - just you watch.


Y'all stay beautiful!!

As for commentators - clearly you are an ABC watcher.


Clearly you don't watch any ABC Aloy, hence your unawares position. Wink


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]
<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
Quote:I puked.

Why? Something wrong with your dinner? I hope you're feeling better. Smile


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]
<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]

more strawman arguments




thats because you didnt lol



FYI, the helicopter issue affects EVERY taxpaying member of the public as it is their money that is being RORTED


im not interested in EVERY petty fraud case offered as an excuse for that gross misappropriation of taxpayer money,


soften your blow with whatever gets you through the day, you cant escape the allegations directed at BB



btw, in case you havent noticed, im not Bill Shorten LoL



On a question of scale - it's a none issue as you must know.

On a question of legality - we don't actually know 

On a question of political wisdom - it's dodgy


As for affecting every tax payer yeah - right - say 10 million taxpayers at $5k - since repaid with a penalty - the 10 million taxpayers made money out of Bronwyn but wasted it on giving EB oxygen


What's the big deal here?


btw I'm not Bronwyn B eithert! :Money Eyes:


Y'all stay beautiful!!
So Joe Hockey wins $200k in a defamation case but loses more than $200k in legal costs. lol

There's a backflip and I like Big Grin
[Image: CKZn-gpVEAAIzuJ.png]


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]

<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]


<p style="font-size:1.25em;font-weight:bold;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);">Opposition Leader Bill Shorten says he has had to face the truth that turning back people smuggling boats has saved lives, confirming he wants Labor to change its asylum seeker policy and support turn-backs.

<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);">The move is expected to be met with fierce opposition by members of the ALP's left faction at its national conference this weekend, but Mr Shorten said a turn-backs policy was needed to save lives.

<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);">"Labor wants to defeat the people smugglers and we want to prevent drownings at sea," he told 7.30.

<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);">"Therefore one of the options which we believe has to be on the table, if we're given the privilege of forming government, has to be the option to turn back boats.

<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);">"It's not easy, though, because it involves the admission, I think, that mistakes were made when Labor was last in government," he added."

<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);"> 

<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);">Well now!

<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);"> 

<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);">What's the difference between the Coalition and Bill Shorten?

<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);"> 

<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);">Nothing - they just got there first!

<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);">I guess this must be very disheartening for all those gentle souls who really believed the previous Governments array of policies in this area - but there you go.

<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);"> 

<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);"> 

<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);">Don't fret though if you read Bills actual words he promises nothing merely including this apparent backflip in a range of options that should be considered.

<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);"> 

<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);">They are weasel words that indicate zero commitment to saving lives at sea - the more things changh the more they stay the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:So Joe Hockey wins $200k in a defamation case but loses more than $200k in legal costs. lol

There's a backflip and I like Big Grin


How sad the multi million dollar newspaper company gets to be found guilty but Hockey has to pay for justice - what justice?



I don't think this is a laughing matter at all - it's the same tactic adopted by the rich to beat the poor - beat 'em with legal costs.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
[Image: CKZn-gpVEAAIzuJ.png]


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]

<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
Quote:How sad the multi million dollar newspaper company gets to be found guilty but Hockey has to pay for justice - what justice?
I don't think this is a laughing matter at all - it's the same tactic adopted by the rich to beat the poor - beat 'em with legal costs.
You have to read more into it mate. Hockey won the defamation case but lost (and has to pay for) several other cases.

That's perfectly reasonable. If you litigate and lose you have to pay.

See ya Chooseday Wink
Stay safe PZ!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
[Image: 58818931.jpg]


[Image: a154d247b5825a80425b33ebdf9135cbe4c9e16f...73c167.jpg]


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]

<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
Charity is a good thing I reckon!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Chair Choices Smile

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