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Political Backflips And The Like...
Ok - so we believe the Greens?






Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:a left moving LNP

Turn it up! :laugh:


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]
<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]

Let us keep working on bringing these scribes out into the open.

They will see the light of truth.

Keep encouraging them to come forward. They will come.

How long can they resist the truth ?

Ravi Chaudhary


Remember the Mining tax?


One can only guess at the cost to us if was still in place!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
No - we would be paying the Mining companies in the present circumstances!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
... and fill up again thanks to recycling Tongue
Quote:Ah Aloy . . .

That tax is there for the future!

Just like the desal plant in Victoria is in case it doan rain soon.

Did you see the cost is now at $1.8 Million a day!

I wish those damn latte sippers would drink more coffee so as the dams will empty.


But it's not there at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Have you been latte sipping?


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Hi Aloy . . .

Er what's not there at all?


I have been sipping latte a bit to much!

Perhaps I am a closet Green!

The Mining tax - please read posts!


Y'all stay beautiful!!

" It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. "


Heh Heh we see so much of this today: - All pollies are evil etc , etc , etc, :Money Eyes:  :Money Eyes:  :Money Eyes: 



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Tony Abbott scraps promised company tax cut for big business

The Federal Government has formally revealed it will not go ahead with a promised company tax cut for big businesses.

But nor will larger companies be forced to pay a levy that was designed to help fund the Prime Minister's dumped paid parental leave scheme.


It also says the Govt will save more money from dumping their PPL than they'll spend on a tax cut for small business.


This is the Govt that under promises and over delivers yeah? LOL

"TONY Abbott is often accused of having no policies. But he is now making a virtue of having just few big commitments.
It's more than a strategy of flying under the radar and into government. Abbott has judged voters are sick of big ideas that unravel and are yearning for a return to simplicity in government.
The Opposition Leader [Abbott] wants to "under-promise and over-deliver" to the Australian people."


Let's ditch the kitsch with an early election :officechair:

A backflip is in the eye of the beholder!



Y'all stay beautiful!!

obviously ...


when its Labor doing it , its a backflip, but when Liberal do it, its a ... re-evaluation of market forces ... to a Liberal party beerholder



And vice versa of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :Talking:


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm Is turning back the boats a backflip?



Y'all stay beautiful!!
[Image: post-105380-143647761451.jpg]


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]

<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
Quote:An insulting piece of photo shop.

Do the same to the Asian guy and put it on utube!

Yeah I thought not!

Cheer up Peter. Smile


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]
<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
Ease up Pete JS has his own particular brand of humour not one that I share but I believe he sees it as jest!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Just as I thought. Gutless.

Oh dear... who got out of the wrong side of the bed. Wink


Mate... as Aloy espouses I am yanking ya chain. Tongue


My stomach and digestive system are working fine thanks. Big Grin


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]
<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
This Government has back-flipped on almost every major policy and many minor policies too... what a bunch of liars!


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]

<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
I'll be back flipping between Sydney and Melbourne over the next week. lol


Don't worry, be happy Smile

Quote:This Government has back-flipped on almost every major policy and many minor policies too... what a bunch of liars!


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]

Huge generalisation here!!



You wanna be specific?


Y'all stay beautiful!!

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