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I Don't Believe It?
Oh yeah - Mr Joyce CEO of Qantas heads the CEO remunerations stakes at nearly $!!


I do hope that qantas feel that they are getting value for money!!!!



On another heading - Mr Joyce well paid as he is certainly has no qualms about ceasing the employment od rugby union outspoken folks- 


Aah well, I reckon it just reeks of the old boys who love boys club.


I'm flying virgin to Ft Lauderdale!!!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Heh heh Smile

Well nobody from the right had a problem with Mr Joyce shutting down qantas to get the wood over his own outspoken union employees over pay and conditions !


There's a difference right ?  Confusedports:

Quote:Heh heh Smile

Well nobody from the right had a problem with Mr Joyce shutting down qantas to get the wood over his own outspoken union employees over pay and conditions !


There's a difference right ?  Confusedports:



Of course there is and it would quite clear to even the most left leaning folks.


As a CEO of an organisation Joyce has a job to do that relates to his remuneration.


His personal sexual preferences should have no role to play there.


Clearly they are in the vanguard of his thoughts when interfering in the employment of a worker for  different organisation to qantas.


One presumes that PZ is not actually supporting Mr Joyce - rather having a shot at an allegedly right leaning person?

Pz is a bit too smart to be sucked in by all powerful LBT.... lobbyists - isn't he?



Joyce is just like the rest of us - human and by definition - imperfect. Ergo he can be right about one thing and wrong about another. 


Y'all stay beautiful!!



Of course there is and it would quite clear to even the most left leaning folks.


As a CEO of an organisation Joyce has a job to do that relates to his remuneration.


His personal sexual preferences should have no role to play there.


Clearly they are in the vanguard of his thoughts when interfering in the employment of a worker for  different organisation to qantas.


One presumes that PZ is not actually supporting Mr Joyce - rather having a shot at an allegedly right leaning person?

Pz is a bit too smart to be sucked in by all powerful LBT.... lobbyists - isn't he?



Joyce is just like the rest of us - human and by definition - imperfect. Ergo he can be right about one thing and wrong about another. 

Support or non support of Mr Joyce has no bearing when it comes to highlighting a double standard.

But, for the record, I don't support him because of the way he treated his workers and customers on that day.


PZ hasn't been sucked in by the LBT - or the conspiracies from the right. So I guess this is the right thread Smile


It's the main reason PZ supported marriage equality - more personal freedom. Less regulation. Gotta love it!

Another step away from the evil indoctrination by the God botherers finally hoisted by their own petard.

How good is NSW ? LOL


Here's a myth bust: Mr Joyce as CEO simply does not have the power to order / pressure the RA to sack a player or to threaten a withdrawal of sponsorship for any reason - let alone the one portrayed.


That's a decision that comes from the board of the company... a long drawn out process. I've been there.


If people feel Israel Folau has been treated unfairly they would be better off taking aim at the true source of their grief - the employer. After all, that's who Folau is challenging in court right? Not the sponsors, not the politicians, not the LGBT community, not the targets of hate speech.



If Alan Jones got sacked for his comments could he claim unfair dismissal because of terminated sponsorship ?


Not in my view Smile

Not too many argument with all that PZ - but it get's a bit silly really  - Folau is sacked and that is under legal appeal against the Rugby Union folks.


Folks who are not his employer - so far - the international Rugby League allegedly saying that he can't play for the Tongan National Rugby League team.


He has to be a really bad criminal given the records of so many League players at international level who are free to represent their country



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Happy to agree he shouldn't be blocked from Tongan National Rugby League team.


It's essentially an employer / employee dispute so it should be confined to just that.



If Nick Kyrgios played for someone else I'd be even happier Smile

I think the tennis fraternity are looking for a more supercalifragilisticexpialidocious class of clientele over the bums Smile

They need to upgrade their Windows 10 to stone-proof double glazing.


Don't worry, the US will spend a trill or two on replacing their currency and grafting Trumps' head onto every bit-coin.

Building dams is a Chinese policy. They want us to dig our own graves before the invasion.

What part of this don't you believe?


A question of relevance really.


Or is this another anti conservative crusade dredged up from the distant past to camouflage other more present day issues.



just to help you here - vituall impssible I know but:


Did you know that an underground strike at Ipswich was ended when Lady Bjelke Petersen took a batch of pumpkin scones down to the strking miners?




<p style="font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;color:rgb(29,33,41);"><span style="font-family:inherit;font-size:16px;"></span><span style="font-family:inherit;font-size:16px;">‍</span> <span style="font-family:inherit;font-size:16px;">‍</span>Could the humble scone be the greatest political weapon to ever be used in Queensland?

<p style="font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;color:rgb(29,33,41);">ABC's Brad Marsellos is travelling country Queensland to meet the most passionate scone bakers in the state.

<p style="font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;color:rgb(29,33,41);">Brad is planning a trip to Kingaroy. The home of Lady Flo Bjelke-Petersen's legendary pumpkin scones. Sacred scone country.

Before he heads out, he phoned his Kingaroy contact, dairy farmer Damien Tessmann, who shared some of the legendary stories of Lady Flo's scones including how they helped end a strike in a coal mine."


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Yep fake news. Heard that one before.
The striking workers didn't want the mine closed - Flo gave them scones - then persuaded Joh to not close the mine.
More bad conservatives no bad Socialists???



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:More bad conservatives no bad Socialists???

Dutton thinks that MP should resign.


What do you think?

I agree with him and with Ms Mckay leader of the NSW ALP party:


"Jodi McKay wins NSW Labor leadership from Chris Minns after three-month process"


<p style="font-family:'PT Serif', Georgia, Times, 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:18px;color:rgb(10,22,51);">"Ms McKay addressed the issue in a letter to 2GB radio shock jock Alan Jones on Thursday, more than two days after the Herald first publicised Mr Moselmane's remarks.

<p style="font-family:'PT Serif', Georgia, Times, 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:18px;color:rgb(10,22,51);">"Mr Moselmane’s views are his own. They are not my views nor are they views held by the NSW Parliamentary Labor Party," Ms McKay said.

<p style="font-family:'PT Serif', Georgia, Times, 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:18px;color:rgb(10,22,51);">"I have spoken to Mr Moselmane and have indicated his comments were inappropriate, particularly given what NSW is currently dealing with."



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Yeah... Bull.


Right thread though.


Here's an analogous example of "term of endearment" in conservative politics...
  • Andrew Constance backflipped on his decision to seek pre-selection in the Eden-Monaro by-election
  • He said the fact NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro called him a "c***" led to his change of heart
  • The Bega MP said he has forgiven Mr Barilaro but politics in Australia was "stuffed"


Gotta "love" that :ras:



Shouldna have opened that box of worms PZ


Rudd outburst an abuse of power
<p class="" style="font-weight:bold;font-size:19px;font-family:LiberationSerifRegular, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;margin-left:8px;color:rgb(41,41,41);">THE latest airing of Kevin Rudd's temper suggests the PM has bullying tendencies and needs counselling, writes Susie O'Brien.

<div style="font-style:inherit;font-weight:inherit;font-family:inherit;margin:0px;">
<div style="font-weight:bold;font-size:14px;font-family:'Helvetica Neue', HelveticaNeue, Helvetica, Arial, 'Droid Sans', sans-serif;margin:0px 0px 0px 10px;color:rgb(110,110,110);">By Susie O'Brien
HeraldSunSEPTEMBER 22, 2009<span style="font-style:inherit;font-weight:inherit;font-family:inherit;margin:0px;">9:32AM</span>

<p class="" style="font-style:inherit;font-weight:inherit;font-family:LiberationSerif, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(38,38,38);">THE latest airing of the now infamous Kevin Rudd temper suggests that, despite his protestations, the PM has bullying tendencies and needs counselling.

<div style="font-style:inherit;font-weight:inherit;font-family:inherit;margin:0px;">
<p style="font-style:inherit;font-weight:inherit;font-family:LiberationSerif, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(38,38,38);">By his own admission Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is a workplace bully.

Reports this week that Mr Rudd verbally abused colleagues in a profane tirade during a discussion about printing allowances have not been denied by the Prime Minister.

In fact, they have been defended with the PM saying, "I make no apology for either the content of my conversation or the robustness with which I expressed my views."

So what was the "robust content" Mr Rudd was talking about?

"I don't care what you f---ers think," Mr Rudd reportedly told Labor faction representatives. "You can get f---ed. Don't you f---ing understand?"

Let's not mince words, because Mr Rudd clearly doesn't.




Want more or is the point made? :Hug:


Y'all stay beautiful!!
As I said, he knows more about the Liberal party than you or I.


As I also said, Turnbull was knifed because he wouldn't be controlled by the external forces that undermined our democracy for the sake of personal gain.


I think you might be referring to someone else? I don't know anyone called Turncoat.

Hi Peter. No sarcasm. Melbourne's a pretty big place so there must be something to talk about.


Did you know they're moving the Tassie ferry port from Melbourne to Geelong.?


I didn't believe it but it's happening >


I think that's bad.

Maybe it's a decoy ?


Tell 'em our F-35 jets are monitoring the Melbourne lock down zones when they're really guarding the WA rare earth mines Smile

I'm beginning to warm to the idea.


Maybe we can use the defence "data" to infiltrate the enemy on their turf...


Fight the evil at its' source Smile

Yep, Global Switch.


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