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Flinders Street station

Taken from Eureka skydeck.

Something to bear in mind next time you have foreign visitors,Peter
Hi Peter.

Every city has its seedier districts but by and large, your streets are exemplary.

I know. I walked them at all hours of the day and night.

From Lygon street to Flinders wharf at midnight. Through all those delightfully colourful alleyways that Melbourne is so famous for etc.

On a different tack.

When I was there last October, the U3A ( University of the third Age ) had a big expo at Fed square. Have you ever sussed them out? I was blown away by what I saw and jealous down to my toenails.

It is such a wonderful way to learn new skills and have new experiences. All for the princely sum of $50 a year.

If you haven't done so, may I be so bold as to suggest that it goes onto your priority list.

Have fun

Shame they don't teach languages! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
I just looked at my Photos Glen and there are a few places where they specify learning a new language.

As far as citizenship goes Peter, Yes I have tried and I do have a son who is a naturalised Australian but

A I'm too old

B I do not have enough money

Even with his sponsorship, it would be almost impossible.

It is such a pity for I dearly love the place and its peoples.
My son was South African born.

When he applied he had about $500'000 and a job offer.

Yet it still took him over two years before he was admitted.

one of the silly things that counted against him was his size.

2.03m tall and 135kg

Once he received a permanent residency permit he could emigrate and then it took another four years to get citizenship.

He is an IT specialist and ran the Asia / Pacific region for Olicom.

He now does the same for Eriksons.

My one daughter is has two law degrees and two commercial degrees.

She was accepted as a candidate with government sponsorship but rejected as Australia did not need anyone with her qualifications at this time.

So it appears that I have more chance getting pregnant via the internet than what I have getting Australian citizenship
I had a look on the U3A website and could not find any reference to learning languages. that surprised me! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
We've just had two couples that have relocated to our village from the UK.

All pensioners

From all accounts, all they needed was a hand full of money and they were in.

If you have R2000 ( +- Au $280 ) you can buy a 'genuine' registered on the system, SA identity document.

A recent TV program featured a Zimbabwean woman fitted with sneak cameras that were monitored by the TV crew, who went to three different home affairs offices and obtained three different ID documents under three different names for between R1000 and R2000 each.

I personally know two Malawian brothers who have done just that.
Are there any space junkies out there?

Then you have got to check this out.

HUBBLE 3D at the IMAX theatre.

It is screening until October 12. Now that's certainly worth a visit, even for non space junkies
Please let me know what it's like. I saw one of the Jaques Costeau epics while I was there last October and it was awesome. I have some incredible shots on my system which I will gladly forward to you. Let me have your email address or create a Gmail or Yahoo email account and let me have that then I will send it to you.
Wasn't me! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
Maybe your brother aliens from Planet Janet took it, Peter.

I tried to upload the picture file that I told you about but it was rejected as being too big,but you can access it via this site - United States

It really is incredible and puts a whole new perspective on things
My only connection to NASA Peter, is the chute that they used to land some of the earlier space capsules.

It was called a parawing.

I am now in the final stage of finishing a 5 sq/m kite based on that design.

Stil trying to calculate how to do the bridling. (thats the 36 bits of line that tie to the flying lines.)

Getting them right is critical to the handling abilities of the kite

If my calculations are correct then I can use it to drag me up and down the beach in a dune buggy or on a pair of sand ski's.

That's the theory anyway but as Einstein said.

"Not everything that works in theory, works in practice"

My beloved Bulldogs got whupped.

So who's going to the Collingwood / St. Kilda final?
Hi Peter.

Sorry. I've been a tad preoccupied this last week or so.

The weather has been miserable. Threatening to rain without actually doing it.

So I stayed indoors and did some sketching, painting and sculpting.

I found a new young lady to pose for me and managed to get some really good work done.

I also managed to sculpt a shield for my Lions club. All I now need to do is make a mold, then I can cast and gild it prior to mounting.

I tried to post some pics for you but they are bigger than 2Mb and the program rejects them.

How do you guys get those big pictures and videos uploaded?

Is there somewhere I can change my settings?

I do seem to recall that I have attached bigger pics without hassles before. Must have been a fluke.

Btw. What is Glen doing in China or is that a leading question?
hey rusty, i am in china on holiday!!! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
Hi Peter.

What a clod pate I am. My addled brain was so full of info about making websites that I had clean forgotten about the resizing feature.

Old timers disease.

Michaelangelo is famous for saying that when he looks at a block of marble, he does not see the stone but the sculpture inside it.

Me? I do that with murals and things but for the rest, look at what I need to make then set out to do it with whatever materials I can find.

One of the great inventors of our time once said that an inventor is a person with a vivid imagination, lots of time and a huge pile of scrap.

Most of my creations stem from that source

I will put together a few pics and post them for you to see.

Sorry. The sketches of the young lady will not be amongst them. I do not think the policeman will like them.

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.jpg   Lions shield 004.jpg (Size: 534.01 KB / Downloads: 87)
Hi Peter

As promised, a few pics of my "creations"

But is it art?

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nice work peter! thanks for keeping it family friendly!
Nice work!!.

Rusty, have you ever considered using LED or fibre optic lights in your works?

Hi Iblis

No I haven't. I do back light some stuff which creates quite a nice "mood" effect but I normally use small energy savers or dimable mini bulbs.

LEDs are a nice thought though. Thanks

I am working on an idea at the moment where that will fit in very nicely

I do have a 15 sq/m kite that has flashing LEDs in it.

It is quite spectacular at 100m and creates quite a stir when I fly it at night.

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