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When They Tell You The Science Is In, It Never Is
It rained here today: finally the proof we were looking for that makes global warming fact.

This is the type of argument you get when you first adopt a position and then look for data to support it.

The joke is that this is called "science"


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Beautiful spot Bennelong Point mate, equally nice spot to view it all is from just under the bridge across the harbour at Kirribilli

<a class="bbc_url" href=''>[Image: ower-irribilli.jpg]</a>



huge park, and theres a good fish n chip shop just up the hill

I can confirm that re fish and chips!

My son once lived just up the hill from there and we had a meal from that shop during a visit.


Y'all stay beautiful!!

Some perspective on global temperatures

This IS science


Y'all stay beautiful!!
I guess the point is that data is data, and conjecture is exactly that.

Interpretation of data is the "science" that is never in.

True believers are believers - they have faith.

True science is always skeptical, it's what we might call "openminded" and unfettered by "faith"

Hence the emphasis on peer review and the like.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Fudged is a euphemism for unscientific.

Faith based science is not really science at all it's actually another religion.

I'm all for freedom of religion, but I don't preclude it from skeptical review.

Anda very happy and blessed Christmas to all fellow forum members!!

"Deck the halls with boughs of holly....................."


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Go for the warm family option - it's affordable and more rewarding


Y'all stay beautiful!!


"The good news on global warming: we've delayed the next ice age"




A new slant on things, a bit like Maybe so and maybe not.



Y'all stay beautiful!!

  Truth of the matter …..

 Australia’s hottest day?



Not 2010, BUT 1828 at a blistering 53.9 °C

Back before man-made climate change was frying Australia, when CO<sub>2</sub> was around 300ppm, the continent savoured an ideal pre-industrial climate…….. RIGHT?

This is the kind of climate we are spending $10bn per annum to get back too….. Right again?

We are told today’s climate has more records and more extremes than times gone by, but the few records we have from the early 1800’s are eye-popping.  

Things were not just hotter, but so wildly hot it burst thermometers.  

The earliest temperature records we have show that Australia was a land of shocking heatwaves and droughts, except for when it was bitterly cold or raging in flood.

In other words, nothing has changed, except possibly things might not be quite so hot now!

Silliggy (Lance Pidgeon) has been researching records from early explorers and from newspapers. 

What he’s uncovered is fascinating!   It’s as if history is being erased!


For all that we hear about recent record-breaking climate extremes, records that are equally extreme, and sometimes even more so, are ignored.


In January 1896 a savage blast “like a furnace” stretched across Australia from east to west and lasted for weeks. 


The death toll reached 437 people in the eastern states. 


Newspaper reports showed that in Bourke the heat approached 120°F (48.9°C) on three days. 


Links to documentary evidence 




The maximum at or above 102 degrees F (38.9°C) for 24 days straight!


Use the several links below to read the news reports at the time for yourself ……



    By Tuesday Jan 14, people were reported

 falling dead

in the streets.


    Unable to sleep, people in Brewarrina walked the streets at night for hours, thermometers recorded

 109F at



    Overnight, the temperature did not fall below 103°F. 


    On Jan 18 in Wilcannia, five deaths were recorded in one day, 

the hospitals were overcrowded

and reports said that “more deaths are hourly expected”. 


    By January 24, in Bourke, many

 businesses had shut down

(almost everything bar the hotels)



    Panic stricken

Australians were

 fleeing to the hills 

in climate refugee trains.  


As reported at the time, the government felt the situation was so serious that to save lives and ease the suffering of its citizens they added cheaper train services:

What I found most interesting about this was the skill, dedication and length of meteorological data taken in the 1800′s. When our climate is “the most important moral challenge” why is it there is so little interest in our longest and oldest data?

Who knew that one of the most meticulous and detailed temperature records in the world from the 1800′s comes from Adelaide, largely thanks to Sir Charles Todd. 


The West Terrace site in Adelaide was one of the best in the world at the time, and provides accurate historic temperatures from  “Australia’s first

 permanent weather bureau

 at Adelaide in 1856″. 


Rainfall records even appear to go as far back as 1839.  Lance Pidgeon went delving into the National Archives and was surprised at what he found.

The media are in overdrive, making out that “the extreme heat is the new normal” in Australia. 

The Great Australian Heatwave of January 2013 didn’t push the mercury above 50C at any weather station in Australia, yet it’s been 50C (122F) and hotter in many inland towns across Australia over the past century.

See how many are in the late 1800′s and early to mid 1900′s.


You can’t blame those high records on man-made global warming!






This is a copy of an Email I received - you don't have to believe it but you should read it.




Y'all stay beautiful!!
I agree Pete - stick to the actual data - opinions are less than convincing.



For instance Antarctic Ice is greater than at any previous measurement - you might think that would indicate that warming is actually cooling - but the in crowd seem to think more ice means actually more warming - go figure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Naivity - it's beautiful to observe!



Yeah baby I'm a believer. I got the reeeeligion momma! 



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Google is your friend!!!!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
[Image: a4c0f901-1e3e-4182-b4bf-4d7385eab418-102...afdaf5d6ff]


Yep you can clearly see that global warming actually gives more antarctic ice - hello????????



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Today Australia signed the new Paris agreement - ahead of the major players.


When interviewed the Greens Spokeswoman bagged it, invented some new science - clearly that's not in at all - she has us on track for a 4 degree global temperature rise, but primarily used her time as do most pollies bagging their opposition - the Coalition and the ALP.


Is the an election soon?


My take on the Greens is that they are a major threat to the environment they are oxygen thieves of staggering magnitude, and gargantuan appetite.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Disagree Pete - you don't want free trade agreements?

You don't want international cooperation?


You think Australia would be better isolated?



Y'all stay beautiful!!
It's just as dumb (or not) as someone from Victoria commanding someone in Perth.


The logical extention of your argument is that we should have no governments, or councils, after all why should a town councillor instruct a rural  person.


For me the rise of the nation state has been responsible for the biggest wars in human history, so the choice is - either move to supra national cooperation - progress - or let the nations fail and revert to tribal authority, at least the wars would be smaller.


As for the UK - isn't that their choice and nothing to do with us?



Y'all stay beautiful!!
There's your green energy Smile


[Image: abandoned_7.jpg?v=at&w=320&h=180&api=7bb...5e263980bc]

Aah yes the recuperate power of of marvellous world far beyond the puny power of mankind!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Choosing to be offensive would appear to be acting to lower one to the very level of those one is judging offensive in their speciousness.


Just saying .........................


Really it's unecessary to denigrate the person when ridiculing their notions is far more effective and to the point.


My take on the PC Green type person is that they are well meaning but emotion driven.


If you met one you would probably like them as a person.


Delusion is not limited to Greens!


All that said it seems somewhat precious to ban whistles as aggressive - what are we wanting to bring up? 



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Oh gosh - a superb example of people claiming to be scientists and making very serious claims which are anything but scientific:


"Great Barrier Reef: scientists ‘exaggerated’ coral bleaching"

"Activist scientists and lobby groups have distorted surveys, maps and data to misrepresent the extent and impact of coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef, ­according to the chairman of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Russell Reichelt.

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">A full survey of the reef ­released yesterday by the author­ity and the Australian Institute of Marine ­Science said 75 per cent of the reef would escape unscathed."

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">"Activist groups last week seized on reports that a UN ­assessment of the impacts of climate change on iconic Australian World Heritage sites, including the Great Barrier Reef, Kakadu and the Tasmanian Wilderness was censored by Australia. It later emerged that the report the government was accused of censoring was complimentary of the Turnbull government’s actions to protect the Great Barrier Reef."

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">"Dr Reichelt said maps accompanying the research had been misleading, exaggerating the ­impact. “I don’t know whether it was a deliberate sleight of hand or lack of geographic knowledge but it certainly suits the purpose of the people who sent it out,” he said."

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">So we have the two major parties swallowing the BS presented as facts and then getting into a race to see who can promise the most money to fix what would appear to be a much smaller problem than the "Activist scientists" indicate.

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">For "Activist scientist" read "dishonest  salesmen scientists" :Cry:  :Cry:



Y'all stay beautiful!!



More of the same damning expose of non scientific propaganda being protected by the vested interests - James Cook University - they are shooting the messenger!!!


"After attempting to blow the whistle on what he found — healthy corals — Professor Ridd was censured by James Cook University and threatened with the sack."


"His crime was to encourage questioning of two of the nation’s leading reef institutions, the Centre of Excellence for Coral Studies and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, on whether they knew that photographs they had published and claimed to show long-term collapse of reef health could be misleading and wrong."


"His potential downfall is the ­result of a long campaign for better quality assurance standards for ocean and reef research, which has come under fire globally for exaggerating bad news and ignoring the good. "


"“Is there a chance that many marine scientists are partially driven by ideology? Is there a chance that peer review among this group is self-selecting of the dominant idea? Is there a robust debate without intimidation?”

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">Professor Ridd wants an independent agency to check the science before governments commit to spending hundreds of millions of dollars."

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">So there you have it: apparently there are scientists and then there are "scientists"  The difficulty for the layperson is that it may not be immediately clear which is which.

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">Are they real scientists or are they the scientific equivalent of the old fashioned snake oil salesman?

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">In the light of this, which "Science" is purportedly in?

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">PS It is prudent to remember that funding is driven by making people afraid and then demanding that the public purse be debited with funding their "research"

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">Research will not do anything to fix any GBR problem it will merely provide questionable quantification.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Excellent example of pseudo scientific comment:


<a class="" href="">Climate Change Effects: Australian Rodent First Documented Case Of Extinction By Climate Change</a>

Hello anyone heard of Mammoths, Trilobites, Sabretooth tigers, yada yada yada?



Y'all stay beautiful!!

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