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Well Done Conservatives
Friends are good!!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
For the second month official data announces that unemployment is down - to 5.8% and employment up.


Clear confirmation that the jobs focus of the government is showing signs of success.


Meanwhile all the other folks appear to have is a fear campaign about some mythical GST increase that the government have not announced.






Give us a break opposition - get some real policy out there - after all it was announced at the beginning of the year that that was what this year would be all about.



The difference between the parties is stark - waffle from the opposition and jobs from the government - anyone surprised that the polls are as they are?



Y'all stay beautiful!!
I think you mis-read him.


I think he looks like a marshmallow but inside he is a lot tougher than Mr Abbott - that is no attack on either man.


Events will reveal all - he is definitely more conservative than Abbott in all but a few social issues.


All that aside I think we should be celebrating growing employment for what it is - a more optimistic view of the future.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Where are all the anti foreign ALP loving folks now?


The government stops a chinese take over of our KIdman outfit and not a peep.


Gracious me, this is exactly what they wanted and if the government had not acted then there would have been a major drama.


Could it be perchance that they have no desire to acknowledge strong leadership - if it comes from the government.



Well, I acknowledge it!


Well done conservatives ( those who conserve)!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Australia Jobless Rate at 30-Month Low

Australia Labour



Unemployment Rate



Employed Persons



Unemployed Persons



Part Time Employment





Well done conservatives!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Looks like the IR laws are working then. No need to bugger up penalty rates and minimum wages after all  Smile

That's a pretty long bow to draw!!


Why be satisfied with ordinary when excellent is available and more importantly that even more jobs are created?


Cracking down on Australian based profits being shipped overseas to avoid Aus tax is another impetus for employment - more money left here = more spending = more jobs, not to mention fairness



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Point is Aloy the system is working. Of course we all have our own ways of making it "perfect" but that doesn't necessarily translate to more jobs or fairness.


Given the results of late I just think it's time to end the penalty rate / wage debate and focus on other measures of job creation.


I too would prefer they look at taxation.

As in less taxation?

Or more tax for others but less for us?


As I have said before you can't spend penalty rates - you can spend money.


How it is earned - via large salary or minimum wage + penalty rates is totally irrelevant.


Penalty rates are an anachronism dating from last century when folks wanted Sunday pay because they couldn't go to church.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Your last sentence is akin to saying having Sunday off for any reason is an anachronism in a 24/7 society. And that's not the case. So I disagree. Penalty rates are a compensation for people who work on what is communally accepted as a day off.


Yes, I was referring to less taxation. Small business tax cuts in this budget are a good move IMO.



"Election 2016: Bill Shorten warns against safeguarding penalty rates"


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Nice headline. Pity it doesn't really match the data though.

Penalty rates are set by an independent umpire, a system Labor put in place.

The warning is if penalty rates go back to being set by Govt they would be easier to tamper with.
The real point is that the present government is agreeing to accept the work done by Fairwork Australia - an entity created by the past ALP government as you rightly say.


Given this independent voice and decision maker all the flawed rhetoric of fear that the "Government is anti worker and anti penalty rates" looks somewhat flawed.


It's the same policy as the purported "Workers" party.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
The reason why people say the "Government is anti worker and anti penalty rates" is because that's their position and has been for 30 years or more.

Both Abbott and Turnbull have publicly rubbished penalty rates at some stage over the last three years.

It's the very reason why they shouldn't be set by Govt hence Shorten's comments in the article.
As for penalty rates there is ABSOLUTELY no evidence it creates more employment. Profits go into the pockets of greedy bosses.

The vast majority of non greedy bosses are not calling for a reduction of penalty rates Smile
Aaaaaaaah - I reckon let's leave it to Fairwork - they are the appointed judges!!!!!


That's the governments position.



Can't rail against 30 years of "anti Penalty rates" positions if you do that.


Hello - this argument that you guys present is classic class war BS. 



PS I have no personal point to make here, merely observation of the facts.


Changing Sunday rates in NZ resulted in a significant increase in employment - are we so different?


It appears that some folks are unable to accept that an independent umpire is in fact independent (or even competent) for that matter.



:officechair:  :officechair:


Cheer up, only another few days of lies and counter lies to go!!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
NZ??? ROFL! Do they have a better lifestyle than us or something?


The unemployment rate in Cambodia is less than half a percent and they don't have penalty rates.

Would you prefer to live there? LOL


As for NZ it's the same as ours. 5.7% Except ours is falling, theirs is rising  Smile

So I can reiterate my original point. The current system is working. More to the point, it's flexible enough. Wage earners get penalty rates, salary earners don't.


If you can't afford to employ someone with penalty rates, don't. Employ them on a salary. It's not rocket science... unless of course you can't find anyone to work for next to nothing.


Quote:As for penalty rates there is ABSOLUTELY no evidence it creates more employment. Profits go into the pockets of greedy bosses.

Indeed. The strange thing about the penalty rate debate is the vast majority of people who want to reduce/abolish them can be broken into two groups...
  • Those who don't have them
  • Those who don't need them
As much as the above people like to pretend we're a 24/7 society like Cambodia the reality is we aren't and don't want to be. If we were there would be no weekends. Without weekends your kids would be schooling 7 days a week, banks would be open and the footy would be played on Tuesdays or Wednesdays and not Saturdays or Sundays.


You certainly wouldn't be having much time off with your kids if your day off is different to theirs. That's why weekends, particularly Sundays are the designated day off and always will be unless we as a society decide to have no life outside of work and taxes like you see in some other third world backwater.

Why not listen to the voters? Removal of penalty rates was overwhelmingly rejected by the electorate in 2007 and has remained that way in every poll I've seen since. Obviously workers got burnt. Well done Conservatives!


it's just a scabby way of getting more profits or keeping non viable business running for another 12 months.

Like I say - tell it to Fairwork, they don't listen to voters!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Agreed! Fairwork have been doing it for years and it's obviously working... WITH the penalty rates Smile


P.S. Unemployment for April is.... 5.7% hot off the press. Time to buy some shares Smile


"Ave a good weekend!


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