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Well Done Conservatives
Mmmm well for the first time ever providing Turnbull delivers on his original agendas on issues like climate marriage equality and A DECENT NBN. 

I might vote Liberal.

The Liberal Party has been conservative since the "new right" days of the Fraser era.


Menzian values were dropped in favour of Thatcheristic ideology and the party has been evil ever since Smile

Well put this site has surmised me today. Pleasantly.

Turnball won't be much better he is all bitch and that's about it.


Julia Bishop ended up having a Gillard moment ~I didn't think much of Abbott but if the people vote a leader in then keep him in until it's time for voting again.  
You are probably right. This really kills political careers doesn't it?

I guess if its really important the option to dethrone should be there but its always driven in my opinion by ego.

Its going to be very interesting to see how the new Labor leader in the UK pans out.

Some say its great to at last have a true Labor man others say he will be unelectable and the party will split. I really don't know.

Yeah your right it is ego driven politics in all areas and in all country's 


I'm with you on the UK interesting to see how it pans out.


But on another note I really find Donald Trump entertaining to watch But not to confident on seeing him run as President .  

I'm not a fan of Hilary Clinton especially when a woman tries to use the ""gender sexist"   Like she did in one incident 

Her making a statement about "Trump needs to learn to respect women"



I mean lets face it am I the only one that wants to see The Great wall of Mexico built???? LOL 
Trump would be dangerous. People in USA like him as he is slogan driven and simplistic. Familiar?

There is another Democrat candidate and he looked impressive...senior moment sorry can't recall his name.

LOL the great Mexico wall, crazy,

Quote:Trump would be dangerous. People in USA like him as he is slogan driven and simplistic. Familiar?

There is another Democrat candidate and he looked impressive...senior moment sorry can't recall his name.

LOL the great Mexico wall, crazy,



Can you just image how much it would cost to build that thing!
Peter not attacking you just wondering why she would want that? I don't understand. 

Aaaaaah those conservatives - no drawn out white anting and the rest of the behaviours displayed so glaringly in the last few leadership changes.


All over in a day and move on - now that's good government!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Mellow thanks for the welcome by the way.

I do worry about the Abbot plebiscite on marriage equality as I am not convinced its a certainty but my straight friends assure me that Aussies are fair and believe in equality.

I hope Turnbull finally introduces a decent NBN.

Hope the good folk here enjoy the clip.

If you don't support marriage equality don't look. 

Few could disagree that Abbot was a terrible PM and as for that treasurer Hockey, in a word DUD..

They created a real mess. After two years it was getting very hard to blame the terrible ALP. Indeed the deficit doubled.

I think without a doubt they were not the great economic managers. 

Any way I think if Turnbull selects a more talented front bench than he did last time we may have a long term Government. He needs to appease the conservatives BUT he better not let the public down on climate change.

Two years ago there were sceptics you would be battling to find any now.

You're not wrong about Hockey. He was unofficially sacked by Abbott and officially by Turnbull.

It says volumes about his performance to be sacked by two Prime Ministers in two weeks Big Grin

Anyone remember Swann?


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Yep, they do DIY Security.
Hockey was even worse than that Smile
Swan had nothing to do with that either.

I disagree about Swan. History will treat him well.

In my opinion he did much to steer Australia away from the economic crisis caused by too many complex factors . Remember Swan inherited a crisis and a war based on a lie. The scandals were on more careful analysis caused by other factors. The school halls so called was actually not a fiasco at all and the so called pink batts was a brilliant concept but I agree not well managed. A great idea was destroyed by cow boys after quick buck. But I think it badly managed.

Thats just my view.

Pity we don't have Prime Minister Rudd now helping us with the China deals

I was in Singapore for a while when he was PM and I tell you what the Chinese business men were mightily impressed by him. 

Any way that the past. Lets see if Turnbull can clean up the mess that Hockey left us in.

He did not have a vision jut punishment for the poor.

The school halls were a beat up by a biased media,

I know o several schools that benefitted greatly.

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