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Free Speech
Quote:Hi PZ.
I bow to your knowledge of share markets.
So if the market is going where you think I imagine you won't complain if it does as you will have made a tidy profit.
And good on you for your foresight.
Well... it's more about protecting the loot than making more.

I didn't think the market would go up yesterday so I was lucky that it takes three days to change the super allocations Smile

But I do think that recession will happen.
Heh heh heh.

Joking right?

Boohoo "all my classmates were crying"

That's because they have been told that Trump is a dragon and they believe it.

Makes me believe in the selection of the species.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Power to the people just got comprehensively demonstrated by more than just a handful of depressed souls unwilling to accept a democratically elected




It's astunning demonstration of people power that your sad demonstrators are unable to recognise.

Resistance my foot!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
But Mello also has the right to free speech - just leave it at that - there is no need to respond or defend your free speech.


Mello is a genuine person - it's just that his take is generally different to mine - or yours.


Some might call him mistaken - and thay may be correct. If so he is genuinley mistaken :wacky:  :beer:



Y'all stay beautiful!!


Hate crimes are no joking matter Aloy


they scare a hell of a lot of INNOCENT people


especially 9 year old children


So who is joking Mello?


Y'all stay beautiful!!

MORE people voted against Trump than for

MORE people voted for Clinton than Trump


where did you get your democracy from, a Corn Flakes packet ?


AW shucks mello don't play the silly card, you can make statistics say anything - at all.



The point is this:  Obama won under the same system - no complaints he is the darling of some folks.


Trump is voted in in a total surprise to the no alls and pollster/pundits/commentators (of the left)


Now we don't like the very same system because our candidate failed.


She failed begause she has history that leads regular voters to think that she cannot be trusted - their decision.


Bah Humbug - take your bat and go home! :Talking:  :Talking:


Y'all stay beautiful!!


Hate crimes are no joking matter Aloy


they scare a hell of a lot of INNOCENT people


especially 9 year old children



get it?


I was asking you a question.






Don't pull that emotional 9 year old stuff with me I know different.


Please reserve your anti Trump rants for someone who cares about your elitist maunderings.


It's all just emotional claptrap supported by denigration of the rights of free US voters.


You know what - you still need that warm cuppa and a lie down cobber



There There poor baby did a nasty man upset you somehow?



"oh, and btw, before you pull the democracy card to support these wanton acts of prehistoric neolithic tribalism, ... racial segregation, racial vilification and declaration of any sort of supremacy of race is not only illegal in the US, it is also unconstitutional"   


You say!!!


The last refuge of the left  is to make disparaging and uncalled for attacks on the character of their opponents (superior opponents)


Accusations of racism is a particular favorite - apparently - who knows why - is it to disguise their own disguised racism?  Remember the White Australia policy introduced by the ALP so long ago?


It is all meaningless drivel that impresses only those of similar persuasions.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Remember the White Australia policy introduced by the ALP so long ago?

No mate. It was the Protectionist Party actually :Cuppa:


LOL. Mr. T's ribbon is red

Seems to me that denigration and name calling of american voters undermines the credibility one may may have had.

What a timely naming of "post truth" as word of the year.

Some folks depend on what their emotions "know" others depend on facts that their minds can understand.

No prizes for guessing which camp Mello calls home!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
With just 53% turnout you'd wonder how many people regret sitting on the fence :Monkey:

Can't argue with success without appearing biased really.


Winners are grinners.


Trump was seen as the least worst candidate by the voters.


Hell they would have more idea than some half knowledgable ocker.


And why do we care?


Think about it!!!


As opposed to "How do you feel about it"



Y'all stay beautiful!!

No mate. It was the Protectionist Party actually :Cuppa:


"The Barton Government which came to power following the first elections to the Commonwealth parliament in 1901 was formed by the Protectionist Party with the support of the Australian Labor Party. The support of the Labor Party was contingent upon restricting non-white immigration, reflecting the attitudes of the Australian Workers Union and other labour organisations at the time, upon whose support the Labor Party was founded.

The first Parliament of Australia quickly moved to restrict immigration to maintain Australia's British character, and the Pacific Island Labourers Bill and the Immigration Restriction Bill were passed shortly before parliament rose for its first Christmas recess. The Colonial Secretary in Britain had however made it clear that a race-based immigration policy would run "contrary to the general conceptions of equality which have ever been the guiding principle of British rule throughout the Empire". The Barton Government therefore conceived of the "language dictation test", which would allow the government, at the discretion of the minister, to block unwanted migrants by forcing them to sit a test in "any European language". Race had already been established as a premise for exclusion among the colonial parliaments, so the main question for debate was who exactly the new Commonwealth ought to exclude, with the Labor Party rejecting Britain's calls to placate the populations of its non-white colonies and allow "aboriginal natives of Asia, Africa, or the islands thereof".


<p style="color:rgb(37,37,37);font-familyConfusedans-serif;">The Attorney General tasked with drafting the legislation was Alfred Deakin. Deakin supported Barton's position over that of the Labor Party in drafting the Bill (the ALP wanted more direct methods of exclusion than the dictation test) and redacted the more vicious racism proposed for the text in his Second Reading of the Bill.<sup>[13]</sup> In seeking to justify the policy, Deakin said he believed that the Japanese and Chinese<sup>[14]</sup> might be a threat to the newly formed federation and it was this belief that led to legislation to ensure they would be kept out:

<i>"It is not the bad qualities, but the good qualities of these alien races that make them so dangerous to us. It is their inexhaustible energy, their power of applying themselves to new tasks, their endurance and low standard of living that make them such competitors."</i><sup>[15]</sup>   The legislation found strong support in the new Australian Parliament, with arguments ranging from economic protection to outright racism. The Labor Party wanted to protect "white" jobs and pushed for more explicit restrictions.    


You are technically correct PZ, however the ALP was in Coalition with the Protectionist Party at the time of introduction of the White Australia Policy - they held more extreme views than the Protectionist Party.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Yep, read the same article. But in 115 years the world has changed so dramatically that's it's not possible to compare or adopt polices from either era.


The ALP today is nothing like the one in 1901 and that goes for every other political party in the world.


Donald Trump will probably take us back to around 1950-1960 I reckon.

I agree with you, I just deal in facts in this area - Clearly the ALP is different to that of Federation times - as is everything else.


Some may well argue that todays ALP is a mere shadow of it's glory days - I agree with them.


Cynical and valueless would best describe their current condition, something I regret.


The ALP has had a generally improving effect in the past - that has somewhat faded away in recent years.


Excellent example of this is to be seen in the blind support of Union elites in particular - no sign of condemnation for unlawful and anti member behaviour coming from the ALP - no guilt over their very own representatives ripping off the ordinary members.



It's so dangerous really - much of the appeal of Donald Trump to working folks  arises out of their being hung out to dry by the very folks who say they are their advocates.


We are starting to see it here with One Nations appeal growing.


Unless the major parties address this issue we will see decline into more extremeism and division.



Sorry to be so gloomy but unless we recognise these trends we are condemned to continue with them. 


That said, I remember the 50's and 60's - they were a time of growth, of testing boundaries, and hope for the future. 



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Nothing to do with the thread at all but have you all seen this?


It's Stairway to heaven  a tribute offering.


First class only shaded by the looks on the faces of robert Plant, Jimmy Page and JohnPaul Jones


Do yourselves a favour!!!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Good one Aloy. Not the first time Ann Wilson has done me a favour! lol

Nice to see that silly lawsuit against the group defeated in court recently as well.
Labor MP Anne Aly and family receive death threats after Peter Dutton comments By political reporter Henry Belot

Labor MP Anne Aly and her family received death threats after she condemned comments made by Immigration Minister Peter Dutton about Lebanese-Muslims and immigrants.

Mr Dutton singled out the Lebanese-Muslin community earlier this week, saying most people charged with terror-related offences came from the background.

Dr Aly, the first Muslim woman to be elected to Parliament and an expert in counter-terrorism, said the Immigration Minister's comments were extremely disappointing and feared they were made in malice.

She said the comments prompted death threats directed towards her family.

"I don't worry about myself because in this place I am afforded the protections that not many people are afforded," she said.

"But these were death threats against my family.

"Someone came out and said they would like to kill my family. Where are my rights?"

During a debate on equality, Dr Aly asked if a right to free speech was worth more than her right to be protected.

Earlier in the day, Dr Aly told reporters she received an email saying Mr Dutton was correct and that she needed to "go home and take all her terrorist friends with her".

"Now if I'm getting those kinds of emails, you can be sure that there are people out there in the communities, people out there in Liberal-held seats of Arab, or Muslim, or Lebanese background, or just any kind of migrant background who are also going to be getting comments like that in the streets."

Dr Aly recalled being bullied by two peers in primary school, with one girl spitting in her face and telling her that she was "a dirty Muslim, a dirty Arab and that she hated me because I didn't believe in Jesus".

After complaining to her teacher, she said she was told to stop being silly and "don't be stupid".

"That experience doesn't define for me what Australia means, that experience I had in the playground that day didn't equate with me saying Australia was a racist country," she said.



Malcolm Turnbull needs to - right now - condemn this deplorable racist act.

I remember reading this MP faced all sorts of hatred during the election campaign as well. I hope she stands her ground

Iagree with you racist attacks should be totally opposed.

Minister Duttons factual statements have nothing to do with these attacks.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Really? I would say Duttons' statements have everything to do with these attacks.


His days as a glorified plod on the front bench are numbered I reckon.


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