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The Media And Government
Well our illustrious Government want to license the media.

At least the Greens do openly and the Labor covertly.

What they really mean is that once licensed we (the Gov) can just as quickly unlicense the right wing sods.
And where are they now? Gone in a landslide.


The ABC has just about fought its way to being the official opposition - not difficult really - but the price is going to be high - and anyway the electorate has gone off pontificating leftist middle class bleeding hearts.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
license? Broadcasters do require a license to broadcast.. Do you mean that? Or did I miss something on the news today?
Quote:Hi Myrantz.

The license in question post was in 2011!
D'oh missed that.. Big Grin Cheers for the clarification Smile
Killing conversations


Oh OH!


Perhaps one should reconsider - in the light of recent history.


Your apparent confusion between media and the press is noted.


The ABC in it's present role as opposition is not a particularly strong example of government manipulation - the reverse in fact.


You could observe similar examples of press opinion driving from the football grounds of Manchester to the beach in Miami, from Redfern to Rostock, from Ougadougou to Oswestry. 



Governments are elected and as such more representative of the people than the ABC elitists. 



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:media and the press are the same thing are they not ?


Goebbels didnt have television but im sure he could have used that to great effect, as they do in the USA


everything the USA produces in the way of movies, TV series, music, music video etc is cleverly designed to promote either US tourism, products or lifestyles


how many times have you groaned at some of the schamltzy speeches or values they propagate as morality, yet have no issue bombing the crap out of any country they either dont like or feel threatened by



Presumably you don't believe that the US is the only country that could be accused of these ills?


Do you have any examples of countries where information is not "manipulated"


One mans manipulation may be another's different point of view!


Y'all stay beautiful!!

i described how the media is used to promote, you describe it as an "ill"


you also indicated you wish to differentiate between a media and a press


lets establish the terms of reference first, then we can have the royal commision


is it media or press you want to pursue ?



1.Communication channels through which news, entertainment, education, data, or promotional messages are disseminated. Media includes every broadcasting and narrowcasting medium such as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, billboards, direct mail, telephone, fax, and internet. Media is the plural of medium and can take a plural or singular verb, depending on the sense intended.
2.Data storage material divided into three broad categories according to the recording method: (1) Magnetic, such as diskettes, disks, tapes, (2) Optical, such as microfiche, and (3) Magneto-Optical, such as CDs and DVDs.

Read more:





<b>a. </b>The collecting and publishing or broadcasting of news; journalism in general.
<b>b. </b>The entirety of media and agencies that collect, publish, transmit, or broadcast the news.
<b>c. </b>The people involved in the media, as news reporters, photographers, publishers, and broadcasters.
<b>d. </b>Commentary or coverage especially in print media: <span>"Like the pool hall and the tattoo parlor, the motorcycle usually gets a bad press"</span> <span>(R.Z. Sheppard)</span>
<span>Press is related top print media.</span>
<span>Media is related to all media</span>
<span>Hope this helps
<span>Peter is correct and you are informed


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:so in what way am i confused ?


i mentioned the media (mediums plural) as a political tool


and you suggested i had media and press confused




youre going from media to press and back again



so, is it the media or the press you want to focus on ?


Still confused?????


My only remark about this was:


Quote:And where are they now? Gone in a landslide.


The ABC has just about fought its way to being the official opposition - not difficult really - but the price is going to be high - and anyway the electorate has gone off pontificating leftist middle class bleeding hearts.


Focus on that!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Not at all confused - one would dearly love to assist you to the same position!!!


Meanwhile I think a few examples of the left leaning of the ABC would help illustrate to the point:


Premier ABC comment program "Insiders" is hosted by a broken down ALP political hack:


The ABC mention him in hushed tones but as an even handed commentator he is the left equivalent of Bolt - I suppose there's some balance in that at least.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Oh another example of an ALp Stooge - Kerry O'Brien.


Why do the ABC have this penchant for ex ALp staffers as heads of current affairs?



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Not forgetting the Fact checker Boss Mr Skelton - another example of left bias - in the three major ABC commentary organs.


Maybe in the interest of fair and balanced reporting someone can name an ABC commentator that has non ALp leanings?



Good luck with that Tongueeace:



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Not forgetting the Fact checker Boss Mr Skelton - another example of left bias - in the three major ABC commentary organs.
Maybe in the interest of fair and balanced reporting someone can name an ABC commentator that has non ALp leanings?
Good luck with that Tongueeace:
Alan Kohler, Paula Matthewson, Peter Lewis/Jackie Woods from Essential Research for starters.
Alan Kohler is pretty hard to miss in any form of mainstream media in business, Paula Matthewson was John Howard's media advisor 20 odd years ago, Essential research (Peter Lewis and Jackie Woods) was something I didn't know much about until recently - I usually stick with newspoll when it comes to polling.

Until recently Peter Reith also had regular columns on the ABC website, I suspect he left because people were getting tired of his anti alp tirades Big Grin
I'd actually say "no", after all, Reith was the most biased contributer there - if he had been replaced it would have needed to have been with someone equally biased solely to retain the commitment to overall non bias!

Maybe replace him with Andrew Bolt? :blink:

He should be an ideal replacement then; Andrew Bolt Column... works for me :p

Kohler is the only name you cite that has any kind of a popular recognition, Alan Kohler is a very good commentator on economic and business matters. In political terms he does not commentate or demonstrate bias.

Reith may be just as based as Kerry O but Kohler is not.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
I agree however I think Mr Skelton and the fact checker shows equal levels of neutrality.


I could easily cite pro LNP / anti ALP articles and their originating sources.


Anyway welcome back mate, how was the holiday?

Really fantastic we saw a very different USA

Denver, Mt Rushmore, Crazy Horse monument, Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, Bryce Canyon, Antelope canyon, Grand Canyon - did the chopper ride - didn't add much really something 240 miles long 10 wide and one deep is a bit hard to Miss! Las Vegas - check out those solo slot players with the 18000 yard Stare! Flew to SF walked the Golden gate both ways.

From my observations the west is less patriotic - less flags flying. Their history is around wildlife, Indians, white settlement and petty criminals - Sundance kid. That said they are still polite and considerate.

Met a guy from S Carolina who had served in Vietnam with Aussies had many fond recollection of that time.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
No matter the conveyance the Canyon is seriously large!!!!!!

240miles long, 10 miles wide, and 1mile deep!



You could fit a few countries into that!


Route 66 is a retread sixties tired old dream - I got the badge!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Hmmmmmmmmm clearly the media is being sucked in by the Queensland LNP.



Y'all stay beautiful!!

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