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Exit Or Not?
Of course we may find things after a period of time improve. Trying to see the other point of view.

Yes there is the racist element but on the other hand am I right in suggesting as a result of EU much industry went off shore? (so to speak)

A friend gave me this information.

A short list of financial and industrial FUBARs from the EU…

<p style="background-color:transparent;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">Cadbury moved factory to Poland 2011 with EU grant.

<p style="background-color:transparent;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">Ford Transit moved to Turkey 2013 with EU grant.

<p style="background-color:transparent;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">Jaguar Land Rover has recently agreed to build a new plant in Slovakia with EU grant, owned by Tata, the same company who have trashed our steel works and emptied the workers’ pension funds.

<p style="background-color:transparent;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">Peugeot closed its Ryton (was Rootes Group) ./plant and moved production to Slovakia with EU grant.

<p style="background-color:transparent;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">British Army’s new Ajax fighting vehicles to be built in SPAIN using SWEDISH steel at the request of the EU to support jobs in Spain with EU grant, rather than Wales.

<p style="background-color:transparent;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">Dyson gone to Malaysia, with an EU loan.

<p style="background-color:transparent;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"> 

<p style="background-color:transparent;color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">Its important we see the other side too

Quote:Of course we may find things after a period of time improve. Trying to see the other point of view.

Yes there is the racist element but on the other hand am I right in suggesting as a result of EU much industry went off shore? (so to speak)

A friend gave me this information.
A short list of financial and industrial FUBARs from the EU…

Cadbury moved factory to Poland 2011 with EU grant.

Ford Transit moved to Turkey 2013 with EU grant.

Jaguar Land Rover has recently agreed to build a new plant in Slovakia with EU grant, owned by Tata, the same company who have trashed our steel works and emptied the workers’ pension funds.

Peugeot closed its Ryton (was Rootes Group) ./plant and moved production to Slovakia with EU grant.

British Army’s new Ajax fighting vehicles to be built in SPAIN using SWEDISH steel at the request of the EU to support jobs in Spain with EU grant, rather than Wales.

Dyson gone to Malaysia, with an EU loan.


Its important we see the other side too

Heh heh ain't data troop momma.

One must try ones best to continue along that pathway.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
I do not understand. But I really arm not interested.


The xenophobic racist hate against foreigners continues. 

Hate flourishes against Polish citizens.

Britain owes Poland a great deal.

All this racism accusation against the Brexit voters is ill founded pop culture.


Folks that want a say who comes to live in their house are not necessarily racists - at all - we have to respect their rights too.


In this case a part of the reason for voting to leave the EU was based on control of immigration - may or may not be racist, but others voted against a high handed Euro bureaucracy that in their minds was limiting their sovereign rights.


The vote to join in the first place was made under that understanding - but with time the majority appear to have reached the conclusion that the price was too high.


We would be being simplistic in the extreme to imagine that the Brexit voters were all racist or all ignorant - after all it's their country and they have walked the path - we haven't.


It would also be a mistake to imagine that everything Euro was right and good, and everything non Euro was wrong and bad. 


If you have been there you could never make that judgement.



Y'all stay beautiful!!

what Aloy was trying to say greenguy, in his finest Memphis Queensland swampwater accent, was an iteration of "aint that the truth, one must continue down the path of seeing the other side"


we are used to it after all these years, LoL


Thank you for that fair translation MY - GG was not helping by my spelling mistakes - bleedin tablets!!! :angry2:


Y'all stay beautiful!!
In the end Aloy Britain will live with this time will tell.

I posted a piece about the busnesses that went under due to EU.

I need to applogise/.

I got it wrong.

This is well worth reading.






As time has gone by the economy is still in trouble and the call for another vote is growing. Calls of we got it wrong.

I think its too late for that and I am not convinced the EU would welcome Britain back.

Thanks GG, I again point to stability as being a very valuable commodity - the Brits have essentially traded a tainted stability for the (apparently) more attractive unknown.


Good luck with that I say!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
THe last couple of days the economy seems to be bouncing back. So maybe...

It will. There's always money to be made from investing during the dips on the market.


A new PM will help. Theresa May is shaping up as the only viable candidate from what little I've read.


It's tempting to buy up on some British banks while the pound is down and the OZ dollar is relatively high.


Over time the loss of our AAA rating will crash our dollar and increase the value of your O/S investments Smile

Quote:Ah GG.
What do you mean? We got it wrong?


Did you vote?

I just voted in the Aus Fed election, and I know we got it wrong.

But it is doubly wrong to say we need to try again.

Will a different result be right.

Or is it only right when it suits you?

God the arrogance of the left is breathtaking!



You should re read GG's post - you have missed an important couple of words - "Calls of "


GG was not saying "We got it wrong " at all.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
I think the vote is over. Whether we like it or not the electorate decided. Talking of having another vote as I have said puts us on a slippery slope.

Of course when the electorate votes differently does not mean you have to suddenly agree. You dont have to like it.

The pressure is now on to prove our fears are unjustified.

Will Britain continue to take her share of refuges?

Will other races be welcome and made to feel welcome?

Will trade be effected. I believe it will but time will tell.

England is a gloriously multicultural community. The most popular dish is curry! 

I know Peter has had a go at me for when I have said plebs. Cant recall saying it but if I did will the parochial insular Britain return? Will it remain a vibrant mutli cultural society? I loved that.

 Surely we wont go back to mushy peas. Thats a crime against humanity! Only joking.

The point now is to be paient and see if this will make the UK a better place.

The race issue worries me and the freedom to move through Europe will be an issue.  

Never the less it may be a storm in a tea cup preferably Meissen.

I want to see British industry flourish, agricuture must flourish, care for its rivers and oceans, protect its wild life,improve the national health.  Thats one issue I agree with. Its great but I suspected when I was there it was abused. I saw scores of people who did not need their scooters. Dont get me on those FU##ING scooters. Bloody dangerous! Thats another issue. I digress.Sorry.

Good luck Britain.
Europe is slowly but surely declining into a new dark age - they have been there before.


The UK may have made exactly the right decision when someone has the benefit of hindsight.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
I might start a thread of things we love to do in Britain. Love to hear yours.

Great post Peter!

REgardless of how I feel aboutthe EU I still think the decision has been made. As Aloy says theBritis are real survivors.


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