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Tony Dudded
The Ruddstar has dudded Tony again.

Tony wanted to stop the boats. So Rudd is going to stop the boats.

Tony wanted to drop the carbon tax. Rudd got in first.

Tony wanted to shred the public service. Guess who will do that?

And for good measure the Rudd will axe bits of fringe benefit tax, which seems as likely to kill a bit more manufacturing.
Rudd isn't axing any of the FBT, just partially forcing compliance of the existing laws, should've been done years ago.

I must say the PNG solution is really going to cause an upset for Tony.

I wonder if this move could actually help PNG to become a nicer place. I have heard it is terribly violent place but maybe that will become a thing of the past?
Going off Nauru's detention centre damage bill I'd say probably not Smile

So would I, after all it was Tony A who initiated the riots in Canberra and then went on to blame Gillard for it.

Redfern riots? Nah. Nothing to do with Phony Tony....


Canberra riots? Yeppers, he did it all. Didn't even need a policy to pass parliament... he just did it.


But he's definitely a good Opposition Leader....


... so good that he should stay in that role after every election! :officechair:

... and about as accurate as both devices Smile

G'day Peter! No I haven't lost my sense of humour - hence the smiley in my last post! Here's another one --> Smile


Never said Abbott was responsible for Government failures - he is however responsible for his own failures - whether as a Howard Government minister or as opposition leader. If he makes a mistake - which happens frequently - he needs to stop pretending it's everyone else's fault but his.


I don't ever want to see this bloke become PM. His policies are stupid enough that I'm not prepared to gamble my vote on whether he may make a mistake or not. I've seen more double standards, lies and backflips from this bloke than from the last three Prime Ministers put together - and that includes John Howard.


The polls say it all - his dissatisfaction % outrates his satisfaction rating by a ratio of 2:1 and has done long before Kevin Rudd came back, so Abbott has no one to blame other than himself... why else would he avoid an economic debate with Rudd? Because he can't cut the mustard. His manner of public speaking just isn't strong enough to overcome his rampant negativity. His debating skills are even less credible and are frankly, embarrassing.

That's the result of not having a purpose for the country - only a lust for power...

... why else would he suspend Parliament 80 odd times for pointless no confidence motions?


If the Coalition want Australia to improve its position they need to lose this election and then lose Tony Abbott soon after that. Then they need to lose their anti worker IR laws, anti car manufacturing funding cuts, anti internet NBN cuts, anti business paid parental leave policy - cripes! it's same as the Greens! Totally unaffordable and a huge burden on business.


As for waiting a few weeks after gaining power - there's no point. Regardless of the election result the senate doesn't change for another year from today so it's unlikely you'll see anything from the Libs until well after that.


In any event - I'm not "going all the way with MR T.A." and the Libs aren't getting my vote - not until they purge the entire party of anything remotely resembling a return to Workchoices or whatever they want to call it these daze...


Light enough for you? Big Grin

Quote:Er PZ!
You seem to have lost your sense of humour! Lighten up!
Wait a few weeks and when he is in power and MAYBE makes a mistake, have a crack then!

Yikes he is not in any way responsible for the gummints failures.
Yes he is! Big Grin
Ahh yes... Tony Abbott and the Indos... a calamity of errors right from the start of his tenure.


If he had simply apologised as requested for the phone bugging done by previous Govts instead of giving them the finger his relationship with them would be far less hostile I reckon.


As it is the relationship is so bad they have a minister threatening to release several thousand asylum seekers and send them here.


When you're dealing with volatile neighbours it seems prudent to make sure your I's and T's are dotted, crossed and commas are in the right place.


I blame Abbott for all of the above regardless of the outcome of the sentences handed out.

Quote:G'day Peter! No I haven't lost my sense of humour - hence the smiley in my last post! Here's another one --> Smile


Never said Abbott was responsible for Government failures - he is however responsible for his own failures - whether as a Howard Government minister or as opposition leader. If he makes a mistake - which happens frequently - he needs to stop pretending it's everyone else's fault but his.


I don't ever want to see this bloke become PM. His policies are stupid enough that I'm not prepared to gamble my vote on whether he may make a mistake or not. I've seen more double standards, lies and backflips from this bloke than from the last three Prime Ministers put together - and that includes John Howard.


The polls say it all - his dissatisfaction % outrates his satisfaction rating by a ratio of 2:1 and has done long before Kevin Rudd came back, so Abbott has no one to blame other than himself... why else would he avoid an economic debate with Rudd? Because he can't cut the mustard. His manner of public speaking just isn't strong enough to overcome his rampant negativity. His debating skills are even less credible and are frankly, embarrassing.

That's the result of not having a purpose for the country - only a lust for power...

... why else would he suspend Parliament 80 odd times for pointless no confidence motions?


If the Coalition want Australia to improve its position they need to lose this election and then lose Tony Abbott soon after that. Then they need to lose their anti worker IR laws, anti car manufacturing funding cuts, anti internet NBN cuts, anti business paid parental leave policy - cripes! it's same as the Greens! Totally unaffordable and a huge burden on business.


As for waiting a few weeks after gaining power - there's no point. Regardless of the election result the senate doesn't change for another year from today so it's unlikely you'll see anything from the Libs until well after that.


In any event - I'm not "going all the way with MR T.A." and the Libs aren't getting my vote - not until they purge the entire party of anything remotely resembling a return to Workchoices or whatever they want to call it these daze...


Light enough for you? Big Grin


Heh heh a blast from the past!! :rundog:


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Thought you'd like it Big Grin


I'm actually quite happy with that post given the current state of affairs...

See? Abbott's in the shat again. And once again his ministers have to defend him against another public backlash.

I like the new Government statement in regard to Electricity Bill =  "When you are going nowhere all roads lead there"


WRT to ABC anti LNP attacks and the dearth of anti ALP attacks one is mindful of that insight :


"Dogs only bark at moving cars"



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:That's cos the stationary cars pose no threat!


There you go - I knew you would get the point. :notworthy:


Stationary cars pose no threat because they are going nowhere.


The government car is trying to go somewhere, so the ABC attack dogs :rundog:  bark.


The ALP car is going nowhere and they are left in peace. :Sleepy:


Of course a stationary car does run the risk of the odd cocked leg! :ras:  :LMAO:


Y'all stay beautiful!!
You misunderstand: the ABC owns dogs not cars! :Cry:


Quote:Ah Aloy . . .

The ABC car is a bicycle!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Hi Aloy . . .

I'm saying the ABC people live in Fitzroy and ride bikes to ABC Central.

Makes them feel real good.

Feeling good is good!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
This is amply demonstrated by ABC images of what they perceive to be the "workplace"


It's always a room with people sat down looking at computer monitors..

 I wonder what tradesmen, production workers, truckies and the like think about that.



Y'all stay beautiful!!


Australia's Tony Abbott downs beer in 7 seconds amid chants of "Skol!"


How Australian is that? :ras:



Y'all stay beautiful!!
[Image: image.png?w=500&c=1]


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]

<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]

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