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Eye Catching Headlines What Grab Your Fancy
Quote:The Rudsta saved more lives than created deaths.


And you're right about your man. The Monk. They can't take anything away from him.


Because he had nothing to offer in the first place.



Heh Heh exPM Rudd has well and truly demonstrated his colours over time - white anting his successor, regaining a tainted chalice, losing power to the libs and then almost incessant commentary in a most Turnbullesque fashion.


Hello both theses clowns should never have been PM's - Julia Gillard by her example demonstrates the classier character of a deposed leader with a closed mouth - moving on to other areas of service.



Time is a great thing for exposing the taint in erstwhile power grubbing self opinionated folks.


Y'all stay beautiful!!



Heh Heh exPM Rudd has well and truly demonstrated his colours over time - white anting his successor, regaining a tainted chalice, losing power to the libs and then almost incessant commentary in a most Turnbullesque fashion.


Hello both theses clowns should never have been PM's - Julia Gillard by her example demonstrates the classier character of a deposed leader with a closed mouth - moving on to other areas of service.



Time is a great thing for exposing the taint in erstwhile power grubbing self opinionated folks.

You conveniently forget or avoided that no one did more white anting than Abbott.


Sheet mate, hate to be the one to tell you but ex PM's have the same rights to free speech as everyone else - even if they don't agree with the Tory Sheet.


No amount of time will help Abbott and his attempted $7 doctor tax. Imagine people with covid-19 not going to the doctor to avoid being taxed. The policy was dumb from the start.


If we do have a recession they should do a royal commission on the 2014 Abbott budget and how it totally stuffed the economy which we're still paying for today. The austerity experiment failed.


You conveniently forget or avoided that no one did more white anting than Abbott.


Sheet mate, hate to be the one to tell you but ex PM's have the same rights to free speech as everyone else - even if they don't agree with the Tory Sheet.


No amount of time will help Abbott and his attempted $7 doctor tax. Imagine people with covid-19 not going to the doctor to avoid being taxed. The policy was dumb from the start.


If we do have a recession they should do a royal commission on the 2014 Abbott budget and how it totally stuffed the economy which we're still paying for today. The austerity experiment failed.



No manner of subject changing can alter the total and utterly selfish behaviour of Mr Rudd - no standards - no ability - no loyalty - the new face of the left!!



One suspects a quick survey of ALP stalwarts will confirm the lack of respect for Saint Kevin - but there will always be folks who choose to ignore these rancid qualities that he so admirably displayed.


The quality of Gillard shows the lack of quality of Kevvie in sharp relief - no need to reach for a Lib!!!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
If there's no value in changing the subject one must ask why are you changing the subject ?


My original comment was to compare Rudd's stimulus policies with ScoMo's stimulus policies and why the Abbott $7 doctor tax was inappropriate.


Notice how this stimulus package is now bigger than the entire debt built up by the Rudd Govt ? $189b? Fark.


No wonder you conservatives changed the subject into boats and personal assessments...


But OK - youz wanna go with that - that's fine! Because Abbott brings youz undone every time!


One suspects a quick survey of Coalition members will confirm the lack of respect for Saint Abbott as well.


After all, he barely held his preselection for a seat that he lost anyway. When you have the president of the Liberal Party telling Abbott to stop intoxicating the party with hate speeches against their own polices you know you have a bad onion in the roast.


Abbott was a fake right from the start - just like I predicted on the other site 10 years ago.


To suggest that Rudd is the "new face of the left" is to vaporise any credibility attached to the negative character judgements that get thrown around with gay abandon. And yet, it was not being left enough that cost him his job. Attacking Rudd offers no mitigation for Abbott's place as the worst PM in the history of this land.


A royal commission is necessary to determine if this destruction of our wealth was just Abbott's incompetence or if there was an ulterior motive to profit from a weakened economy Smile


Of course one understands the pain being felt by the conservative movement's irrelevancies when sheet goes down in the economy, austerity fails and conservative Govt's here and elsewhere leap straight into the Keynesian handbook to save us all from starvation and death.


Happy to sympathise with that - even if it's always a one way ticket Smile

That's a real hoot :bee:


As far as headlines go - they don't get much more eye catching than this...


'Worst since 1932': Two million Aussies face unemployment queue

More than 2 million Australians could be out of work, with unemployment expected to soar as businesses begin shutting their doors and standing down or sacking workers because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Queues of laid-off staff snaked around blocks in Melbourne and Sydney on Monday in scenes reminiscent of the Great Depression. Under unprecedented sudden demand, the Centrelink website crashed and phone lines jammed. Those in line for payments now face a month-long wait to receive $1100 a fortnight in unemployment benefits.


Amid warnings the global economy is being irreparably damaged, a string of organisations including the AFL, NRL, Village Roadshow and Helloworld announced they were standing down staff or putting them on leave as restrictions aimed at curbing the spread of the coronavirus came into operation.


The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age have spoken to senior sources in the banking and the forecasting sectors who said their analysis showed Australia was headed for an unemployment rate of 15 per cent or more. It currently stands at 5.1 per cent.


A source who could not be named for commercial-in-confidence reasons said unemployment at that level would mean more than 2 million Australians out of work. It would be the highest jobless rate since 1932.


Treasurer Josh Frydenberg would not be drawn on unemployment projections on Monday but said up to 1 million people could be paid the special coronavirus payment, which will go to existing and new recipients of unemployment support. This includes sole traders. The hospitality sector alone employs more than 10 per cent of Australians.


In the Sydney CBD more than 15,000 hospitality jobs are set to go under the shutdown of pubs and clubs and the implementation of takeaway-only restrictions on cafes and restaurants. A further 11,000 hospitality jobs in the Melbourne CBD are also on the line.


Across Melbourne's suburbs, St Kilda, Richmond, and Brunswick will be among the hardest hit, with 3000 hospitality jobs in each set to disappear under the shutdown measures. In Sydney, Pyrmont and Ultimo could lose 4900 jobs, while a further 3000 could go in each of Redfern, Chippendale, Strathfield and Surry Hills.

The shutdown of non-essential indoor venues is likely to only be the beginning of the economic havoc caused by the virus, as governments consider measures that would effectively close all non-essential businesses including most workplaces.


The economic impact is expected to be particularly severe for those employees who are towards the end of their careers.

As a result of Australia's last recession, unemployment among men aged 55 or more peaked at 12.7 per cent. Among men aged between 45 and 54 it reached 7.6 per cent.


In Victorian suburbs such as Keilor East, 17 per cent of the hospitality workforce is aged 55 or more while in the Victorian border town of Yarrawonga the proportion is more than a third. In Sydney, Malabar and La Perouse have 20 per cent of their hospitality workforce aged over 50. Mona Vale has more than 17 per cent in the same category.

ANZ senior economist Catherine Birch said unemployment would climb rapidly and in much greater numbers than Australia experienced during the global financial crisis, when the jobless rate lifted from 4 per cent to 5.9 per cent over a 15-month period.

She said a rise in unemployment will also bring health issues.

"Periods of higher unemployment are associated with a deterioration in mental health and a higher suicide rate. And in this crisis, social distancing and isolation pose additional risks to mental health," she said.


ens of thousands of workers will now be forced onto welfare as the government grapples with a surge in demand that has overwhelmed the system, crashing the Centrelink website on Monday morning as more than 55,000 people attempted to lodge their claims.

The unemployed will get a $750 payment from March 31, but they will have to wait until April 27 before a special $550 a fortnight virus supplement is available for those on the JobSeeker payment.


Minister for Government Services Stuart Robert said the timing was a matter for policy ministers, including Mr Frydenberg and Social Services Minister Anne Ruston. Mr Frydenberg's office said it was a matter for Senator Ruston. Senator Ruston's office said it was a matter for Mr Robert.

A government source said the month-long waiting period was needed to upgrade the technical capabilities of Centrelink to deliver the coronavirus supplement to the bank accounts of thousands of new customers.

Rating's agency Moody's said world GDP would be cut by up to 2 percentage points this year because of the virus, with the impact to reverberate long into the future.


"The sudden and sharp increase in risk aversion, fed by fear that economic activity will be several curtailed for months, has the potential to propel a self-fulfilling vicious cycle of deteriorating confidence, weak earnings expectations, lower business investment, retrenchment in employment and a further pullback in consumer spending," senior analyst Madhavi Bokil said.

"As a result, GDP growth will be permanently lower.

Proposed rental law changes to shield tenants during coronavirus crisis welcomed

Tenancy advocates have called for "all governments" to copy emergency laws being debated in the Tasmanian Parliament which could protect renters from eviction for four months during the coronavirus crisis.


The laws, if passed by both houses, would give "no effect" to rent arrears or eviction notices for an initial emergency period of 120 days due to the coronavirus crisis, with an extension of 90 days in exceptional circumstances.


If this applies to shops as well it's the one thing that will stop many of them going broke. Should be nationwide.

Govt spending from 3 programs now totaling $320 billion dollars.


Goodbye Medicare / NDIS / pensions ... work till you drop.


Tax the family home / they'll probably even nick your super...


Australia's top retail bank boss warns of sharp economic slowdown

Quote:Australia's top retail bank boss warns of sharp economic slowdown


What prescience that man possesses!

Better get yer multi-meter and clippers ready mate.


You're going back to work !

Coronavirus 'may not peak until November' in NSW, new modelling shows



There are early signs that coronavirus outbreaks around the world are slowing down




Glass half full!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Good points!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
$11k fines:


Breaching the restrictions in NSW can carry $11,000 fines or six months in jail for leaving home without a 'reasonable excuse', or a $1,000 on-the-spot police fine for breaking social distancing rules under the Public Health Act. 




Hmmmmm let's see, lost my job, went for a walk - no excuse - six months free board and lodging - great stuff!!!!



Police now judge and jury?


Courts blocked with appeals, jails overflowing - Hmmmmmmmmmmmm this must be helpful!!!!!



Can you catch Covid 19 in jail?


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Last time I checked they were letting people out of jail to avoid the virus.


"ABC to re-edit and restore George Pell episode of Revelation as News Corp goes on attack"



Oh yeah those nancys in the ABC are not going to be put off by a unanimous decision of the High Court of Australia - they know much better.


Leading with their collective chins - go for it guys - a further erosion of their credibility can only hasten the day of reckoning and change for the better!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
NewsCorp?? Phhht ! :Talking:

Yeppers, Happy Online Easter everyone  Confusedports:

A major judicial decision with significant implications for Victoria's judicial system, and for the future cleverly punted into touch.

Well done mes amis


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Pete I start to see what you are saying about your Premier = the rot starts at the head just like a fish.


Our premier is merely an incompetent - yours is  bent  :Hug:  :Hug:



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Pete I start to see what you are saying about your Premier = the rot starts at the head just like a fish.

Our premier is merely an incompetent - yours is bent :Hug: :Hug:
You ain't seen nuthin yet.. At least your premiers don't kill people with incompetence.

The rot that started in Ruby Princess is spreading around the whole country.

Quote:Oh and I reckon Malcolm Turnbull was no good either was he an ALP chap?
An ALP chap donating $1.75 million to the Liberal Party to save Tony Abbott's seat ?
Send that eye catching headline to the Courier mail - they'll believe that and print it.
Have I accidentally wandered into the comedy thread???? Tonguearty:  Tongueeace:  :LMAO:



Malcolm was the best ALP PM we have ever had!!!!! :ras:


Meanwhile in the Headlines thread





Y'all stay beautiful!!
"With 2020 clarity, visions of smallness from Rudd and Turnbull"



Heh Pairing Rudd and Turnbull - no wucking furries - gotta pay that!


Super ego's without one unselfish redeeming feature



Y'all stay beautiful!!

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