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Hockey Merely States Facts And The Left Don't Like It
@Aloy. You reckon Hockey will make PM some day?
Quote:Hi there Myrantz.

May I butt in?
Julie B for me as the next PM.
Not because of feminism or equal numbers of gender, but to show all the Julia Gillards of this world how it should have been done.
You remember the guy who died in Israel prison? Prisoner X or something? The timing of it all, suggests Bishop outs him.. I wouldn't want her to PM... Having Hockey is punishment enough.. ;(
Quote:Well Aloy....

You are right.

There is an enormous scandal now running in England.

In a place called Rotherham it seems about a thousand young people mainly girls have been seriously interfered with over several years. The child protection authorities, police and even members of parliament did nothing. Even though knowing full well what was happening!


Because almost 100% of the evil people doing these things are Pakistani.

The English authorities are paralyzed with fear of being seen as racist.

The perpetrators are still tormenting their victims!

Don't believe me?

Read it for yourself in any English paper.


I'm well aware of the Rotherham case it's a good example.


There are plenty closer to home!!!


Quote:im sorry but Julie Bishop is no way Prime Ministerial material


she is too divisive, too incapable of being diplomatic when the crap hits the fan, she would make a good dictator, but not a good Prime Minster in a modern democracy that relies on trade and sailing a fine line between bitter enemies such as China and Japan


Gillard actually showed Tony Abbott a thing or two about people skills and how to govern and how to lead


remember she had a hung parliament to deal with and was able to convince even the likes of Bob Katter to chose her over the alternative in Abbott n Co


she was able to form a very effective government for her entire term however she couldnt withstand the backlash of a revolting opposition and a hostile Murdoch press who NEVER adhered to the principles of democracy and regarded her Prime Ministership as too "feminist" and illegitimate, nor afforded her the RESPECT of office that Tony Abbott and Bishop now cry and threaten casual news commentators with such legally intimdating language as "offended" and "i find that offensive" whenever the truth is being sought. Add to that too many sharp knives in her own party room and you get Kevvie wanting a second go


remember they also had major issues with her marital status for crying out loud, is that what an opposition is elected to do ?


Heh Heh Heh Joking right?????



People skills like how to break promises with reckless haste and abandon - yep she sure taught folks about that.


All Julia had going for her was a warm body to replace the much hated (by the machine men) Kevvie yes she was actually alive and anyone but Rudd would have satisfied them - hindsight is a marvelous thing they clearly picked a dud to replace Rudd.


Don't believe we read the ALp insiders thoughts on the matter they are legion.


As to who beat Julia - well Rudd did with no help from the Coalition - and then he was disposed of by a real winner.



See the science is in  - as they say - look at the score board.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Heh , Heh, Heh!!


Yep! :rundog:



Y'all stay beautiful!!
[Image: resized_lizard-meme-generator-hehhe-heh-...637354.jpg]


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]

<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
Quote:Hi JS.

What a beautiful creature!

Yes unlike Mr Hockey... Rolleyes


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]
<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
If you actually believe It!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
What does one say when they are not religious?



Case in point: Hockey announces the actual 2014 budget deficit at $43.

This is the final figure, this fact.

For those who suffer memory loss this the same 2014 that silly Swannie claimed would be a surplus, about 352 times.

Given those two unarguable facts as stated by Hockey once more, one can just about raise a wry smile when anyone pretends that the present representation of the Alp can ever be regarded as an alternative government.

You could pretty much aver that they have reached their level of incompetence, and are now testing the next level down.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:This is the final figure, this fact.

Figures are rarely "factual" and regularly used to suit a particular political parties message...


... not to mention there has bee policy changed implemented by the LNP which would have affected the figure too. Wink


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]
<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
At least you don't defend Swanny!



Y'all stay beautiful!!




JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]

<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]

By Odins sword



That's just a different religion!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Still a bit peeved that Hockey watered down some of his budget "savings" measures? Big Grin Big Grin
Quote:Still a bit peeved that Hockey watered down some of his budget "savings" measures? Big Grin Big Grin



Er politics - "the art of the possible"


In this particular why be mad at Hockey - it's not his desire to water down savings measures - as we all realise. Watering down is demanded by the folks who are blocking the savings measures.


Be angry with them!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Er politics - "the art of the possible"
In this particular why be mad at Hockey - it's not his desire to water down savings measures - as we all realise. Watering down is demanded by the folks who are blocking the savings measures.
Be angry with them!
Water down sayings on one side. Going to war on another..

I'm not angry, merely disappointed...
Peter, war will only come to us if we ask for it - by being aggressors.

Oil, territory and the overthrowing of Government should never be a just cause for illegal invasion - particularly when based on false intelligence... no wonder Howard got embarrassed - didn't stop him collecting a medal from the leader of the Woalition of the Killing however Smile

We are now paying the price for it on a long term basis.
Of course the empire building goals of a fanatical and deranged religious group have nothing at all to do with current events!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Hi Myrantz.

We can either go to war or have the war come to us.
Those certainly seems to be the only two options at the disposal of this government... 

Saying one hand lower income people spend less on fuel than prosperous people, yet OTOH intervene in a civil war (estimated cost is 500 m a year) to secure that very fuel.

Don't let facts get in the way of a good lie.


Quote:In the WWII we went and stopped the war coming to us. Just!
It's WW I btw.. Not 2.. The whole middle east conflict anyway. The intervention will win the battle, but not the war. To win the war, you need to build trust - unfortunately politicians often get in the way when building trusts is concerned.

This is a problem that cannot be fixed by this generation. And really if possible don't sow the seeds to the next generation to continue this silly fight.

Quote:Hi Myrantz.

I'm talking WWII not 1
Iraq and Syria is created as spoils of the first world war. Western countries only see the state lines, but the problem is the people over there only see ethnic lines.

Forcing state lines onto people who only see ethnic lines is one of the many problems that is happening to day. And a war that enforce the state lines will only divide the people further apart along the ethnic lines.


Quote:Aussies were part of stopping the enemy in Africa, the Pacific and in New Guinea.

That is, stopped the war coming to us.
The words of a neoconservative. Bring the war and fight it over there.

Never worked in WW1, never worked in WW2 (Japanese war criminals are still treated as heros), and never going to work in the middle east.

As for stopping the enemy. What happened to the fiscal crisis? Wasn't that the enemy before? Is it fair to say when the people don't buy the lies and these pollies had to manufacture a new crisis to gain support? 


Quote:Will you admint the war has reached us when the first head chop has happened?

Or will you require a re run on the premise it was not really intended! That the present government got what it deserves?

I don't think you will be most pleased if you are the chosen one.
I don't agree with the public display of beheadings. It's a criminal act (murder) and there are already laws for it. 


Quote:Er Myrantz, "trust" can you really trust people who chop off heads, surely you are not that stupid?
You trust a politician to say we need to save money, and then join a war? Where's the money going to come from?


Quote:Do you really think they will listen to you? Hell they chop heads of people who go there to help others!

Alas Myranyz, the war is already here.
Crimes are committed every day, as said there's already a system of laws for that.

Going to war is not the same as finding the criminals that commit the act.

Iraqi government asking for international help means it's a sign they are incapable of doing the law enforcement. i.e. it's a lawless country. What has the coalition been doing in the last ten years? What happened to the western trained police/military?

If you do not do this the right way, you'd never earn the peoples' trust over there.



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