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Hockey Merely States Facts And The Left Don't Like It
How does this work?


The ABC are the most effective opposition in the country, they troll up fellow travelling opinionists to bag a treasurer that is attempting to fix problems made by the now floundering Australian Labor Party.


Well not everyone is offended by facts - in fact ignoring facts is the recipe for more disasters.


We need more pollies with the chutzpa to state the facts and make policy!


Lower income people spend less on fuel than more prosperous people - it's a fact! 



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:How does this work?


The ABC are the most effective opposition in the country, they troll up fellow travelling opinionists to bag a treasurer that is attempting to fix problems made by the now floundering Australian Labor Party.


Well not everyone is offended by facts - in fact ignoring facts is the recipe for more disasters.


We need more pollies with the chutzpa to state the facts and make policy!


Lower income people spend less on fuel than more prosperous people - it's a fact! 
I'm waiting on an article from ABC fact checker before commenting further.. :LMAO:  
It's merely the commentary that paints Hockey as uncaring - look at the other budget measures which clearly provide assistance to the less fortunate!


They are cheap shots from those who are not themselves "poor" and their apparent support for those folks is quite hypocritical and self-interest generated.


The bald facts are true it's the fraudulent interpretation of the comments that are intellectually dishonest.


As for fact checker - it is an ABC organ - and their position has already been addressed.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Ah Myrantz.

The ABC Fact Checker is very selective in the "facts" it checks.

Anyway, a fact is a fact, so no need to check it!

So the ABC should call the item A Statement Checker.
They have to be selective. Budget cuts and all Smile.


Quote:It's merely the commentary that paints Hockey as uncaring - look at the other budget measures which clearly provide assistance to the less fortunate!


They are cheap shots from those who are not themselves "poor" and their apparent support for those folks is quite hypocritical and self-interest generated.


The bald facts are true it's the fraudulent interpretation of the comments that are intellectually dishonest.


As for fact checker - it is an ABC organ - and their position has already been addressed.
Good on Hockey to apologise to the voters.. Not on the the things he said, but for the misinterpretation Linky.


Quote:“I’m sorry about the interpretation,  I am sorry about the words.

“All of my life I have fought for and tried to help the most disadvantaged people in the community.


"What has been said can't be unsaid. I can only apologise for any hurt I have caused."

The papers will do whatever they can to get people to click and read their articles (click baits).. This so called "fraudulent interpretation ", they've been doing this during the "KRudd" years, the "Juliar" years, and now using the same formula for the "mad monk"..


Can't complain now if you didn't really before.. Big Grin 

Quote: The verdict
<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);">High income Australians spend more in absolute dollar terms on fuel, so will pay more fuel tax than lower income households.

<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);">However, as a proportion of gross income and weekly spending, fuel bills hit lower income families harder.

<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);">Census data and research from independent experts shows that people on lower incomes have enough cars and drive far enough to feel the impact of raising the fuel tax more than those on higher incomes.

<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);">Mr Hockey's statement is misleading.
<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);">ABC Linky Smile

Quote:so Aloy your primary concern is that the criticism is coming from those who are not less affluent themselves but have come out in support of these unfortunate individuals


is that correct ?


No - another misinterpretation!!

That is not the primary concern - the dishonesty of twisting words and deliberately misinterpreting them is the primary concern.


The observation about exactly who the whingers are is merely intended to reinforce Myratnz's "self interest" observation made previously.


Meanwhile those who invent their own examples of what about .............. that's a profitless path.


Hockey did not say "as a proportion of income"  at all he merely stated the bald facts that more affluent people will pay more tax - I thought that you might embrace such a concept?



Facts are good!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
How about advising where his facts were incorrect - then their may be some credibility to your "Interpretation"


As for opinion surveys: Did you see the result at the last election when the need for tough budgetary action was well and truly advised.????



Y'all stay beautiful!!


No - another misinterpretation!!

That is not the primary concern - the dishonesty of twisting words and deliberately misinterpreting them is the primary concern.


The observation about exactly who the whingers are is merely intended to reinforce Myratnz's "self interest" observation made previously.


Meanwhile those who invent their own examples of what about .............. that's a profitless path.


Hockey did not say "as a proportion of income"  at all he merely stated the bald facts that more affluent people will pay more tax - I thought that you might embrace such a concept?



Facts are good!


You're reaching... he stuffed up, simples. Smile


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]
<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
Quote:How about advising where his facts were incorrect - then their may be some credibility to your "Interpretation"


As for opinion surveys: Did you see the result at the last election when the need for tough budgetary action was well and truly advised.????
Let's assume your point is valid... Hockey has since "apologised".. Do you think a person that panders to public opinion is a fit Treasurer?


With the second point.. The KRudd government did a tax review... The government of the day tried to implement some of it, how did that go?
Quote:Let's assume your point is valid... Hockey has since "apologised".. Do you think a person that panders to public opinion is a fit Treasurer?


With the second point.. The KRudd government did a tax review... The government of the day tried to implement some of it, how did that go?





Hockey apologises that what he said was said in a way that could be readily misinterpreted and that's bad.


Kevvie apologises and that's good?


Is this a case of bias that one detects here?


Apology = pandering?




Y'all stay beautiful!!





Hockey apologises that what he said was said in a way that could be readily misinterpreted and that's bad.


Kevvie apologises and that's good?


Is this a case of bias that one detects here?


Apology = pandering?


Me bias? Big Grin How can you tell? :rofl:

KRudd apologised for the stolen generations... Hockey apologised for totally being out of touch. Hardly the same thing..


first opens the floodgates for any potential compensation, Latter didn't do a thing, just weasel words to fool the gullible to pay up more... One is the act of an adult taking responsibility, the other is the act of a child shrieking responsibility... I can guess which one you think is the kid Smile.


Now when it directly involves their hip pockets, the Australia voting group is suddenly very very smart... :rofl:
Kevvie - the  best the ALP had - he actually beat John Howard!!!!!



And it turned out that he was a flake so the alp ditched him and hired another flake, and when that didn't turn out they rehired the first flake.  


And Abbott wiped the floor with him.


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm you know what they say - "you get the leaders you deserve"



The ALp certainly can and have confirmed that.



Poor beggars. Grovelling - the way forward in ALp speak. 



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Yep we always do!


Clearly we deserve a little better than Kevvie and the other PM we had.



And that's a good thing!


Like they say you have to try something to be able to judge it's merit or otherwise- and Australia did - and didn't judge the merit favorably.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Yep we always do!
Clearly we deserve a little better than Kevvie and the other PM we had.
+1.. You deserve Abbot Smile
Thanks Myrantz - I agree.Abbott is more than a little better than Kevin and Julia combined - Shudders at the thought. :Cry:



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Has anyone else thought that the Government should split the difficult parts of the budget away and re-prosecute them as stand alone polices?


After all, it's the Government that continually says its budget is dysfunctional because it can't pass the senate despite the majority of it actually getting legislated.


I reckon the controversial GP fee, retirement age and uni de-reg should be debated separately and handled by the relevant ministers as opposed to pitting Joe Hockey against the world as it were.



Hi and I agree with you: maybe much of what you suggest is actually going on behind the scenes and not attracting much scrutiny?



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:they tried to cheat by introducing their policies as a budget "emergency"


its was always an ideological budget, which is why they are copping heavy opposition from all directions


PUP, Greens, ALP, even the motorists party





"There will be no Carbon Tax from a government I lead"  -Julia ?


Election promise that lasted three weeks and not an emergency in sight we had the worlds greatest treasurer pumping up the volume on the national debt and all was well with the world.



But I guess that wasn't an ideological decision merely a horrendous mistake as advised by Ms Gillards Minister of Industry - or something - Martin Ferguson.



It's a strange set of values that defends passing on the debt for our lifestyles onto our kids, and attacks those who would attempt to stop it.



But as they say we all have a right to our own opinions - no matter how selfish they may be


Y'all stay beautiful!!
So tell that to the ALp who are blocking a fuel excise that means gas guzzlers pay more tax.



You know it makes sense mon ami


Get into that serenity that comes from understanding



Y'all stay beautiful!!
See the thing is - black ducks - even though not black - are a minority group.


In some circles minority = good, and vice versa.


Regrettably this popularly held position has no basis in fact - only in emotion.


This emotional perception of the world - while commendable in it's caring nature is fraught with the danger that while some minority groups are doing unacceptable things, they are excused by some - because they sell the old minority/victim pitch.


Look around it's all round you.



Y'all stay beautiful!!

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