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A New Labor Government
Congratulations to our new Labor leader Daniel Andrews and thank you Dennis Napthine for your service.

I think the Napthine Government had much merit. Personally I dont have great problems with the East West link but as I always say the public have spoken.

I must say I was surprised how big the swing was.

Brumby was a hard act to follow leaving the state with a triple A rating and to his credit Napthine after the lack luster performance of Ted B showed promise.

There were teething stages with myki and I never understood why they did not choose a model that had been working. Singapore however had much much bigger problems until they finally got it right as did the UK. Bth UK and Singapore ended up with a good system. Having lived in both countries they do have their problems too.

I believe Napthine got the Myki  running well. Well done.

I actually voted Liberals this time but I m impressed with the ideas of the new Government.

The real legacy of Brumby is the desalination plant which will prove a great asset if it is up and running. I believe the latest evidence on climate change ad future droughts is alarming. Dont fall for the lies. The Desal plant if well managed will be a great asset.

I do wish both parties would get together and improve the senate. We are so over these ridiculous parties like the shooters party having power.

Personally I am quite happy to have the Liberals, Nationals Labor and of course my own party The Greens.

WE did very well this round.

I know a couple of the Liberal candidates and they are great friends of mine. They too are thanked for their contribution.

Good post Green Guy Smile

The swing against the Liberals was just 2% which isn't much in the overall scheme of things so arguably Dennis Napthine's campaign was good enough for a recovery of sorts. My view is the ambo's dispute and the Federal Budget made the odds insurmountable in the end.
I think you are right.

Personally I think most Governments deserve a second term.

Still I believe the Australian electorate are generally pretty smart. I dislike people not respecting the choice.

Personally I support the EWL and also I voted for the Liberals this time because Mr Napthine impressed me. I am not quite sure why it is opposed. I think BOTH parties should be ashamed of their track record in not getting a rail service to the air port. Its been pathetic.

On a social issue the Liberals did something Labor never did.

Napthine was very gutsy in finally removing the criminal records of gay men who were convicted under the archaic anti homosexual laws of the past.

Labor supported it but did sweet F all when in power.

Although in many ways I am glad Labor got in. So many hundreds lost their jobs under the Libs, including me.

At least I got a happy outcome com but not in Australia.

The Libs federally have killed employment in Australia.

Boy one thing we can agree on they have definitely stuffed up the triple A credit rating. The deficit under ALP was nowhere near as bad.

Tony oneTERM better try to do something right.

BOTH parties should be thoroughly ashamed ...the rail link to the air port has been neglected just as trams and trains in the Doncaster area. Its ridiculous.

Not sure who you are talking to Peter. I live in Doncaster when not in SE Asia and people have been begging for years to get trams and trains to places like shopping town.

Public transport is a myth. With its aging population its a huge problem.

I have no problems with the EWL and dont understand the objections.

It is good having lots of asians in my area too. As you, I have been a big beneficiary since my wife is chinese. They make very good neighbours too. Very quite and no trouble.
Glen if the bigot attacks you or your wife give him hell. ALL know if you look back how he detests Asians. The patronizing condescending post above is sickening. 

Lets hope this creep NEVER had children. How shameful to have a dad like that!

Notice he had a go at the struggling people working in call centres, complete with rascist attack on their limited English. I wonder Mr good is your Chinese?
Gee Whiz... The Qld election is a few weeks away and the same calls for GST terror are coming from the fed Libs again. Are we sure Abbott's Government isn't infiltrated by ALP members? LOL
You have a great day too, don't let all the spindoctors and general thought benders foul it up! 



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Fair enuff, I predict Qld will have a new Government regardless of who wins. That's a good thing!

I'm looking forward to knowing who the next premier will be Smile
That's a pretty safe prediction - all governments are are new following an election - even if it's the same team:



<div style="font-size:large;">ˈɡʌv(ə)nˌm(ə)nt,ˈɡʌvəm(ə)nt/

<ol class="">[*]


<div>the group of people with the authority to govern a country or state; a particular ministry in office."
In our system the authority to govern is given by us - the governed. In that case each new election bestows a new authority (mandate) - that is - a new government.
The next (new) premier will be elected even if it's the same premier as at present!
My opinion: 
I share Green Guys idea: "
"Personally I think most Governments deserve a second term."
The previous  ALP state government had grown old, tired, and incompetent. Their present minibus complement of MP's is scarcely a base for a new government. I think a second term in opposition with more MP's would be good for the ALP and good for Queensland.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Glen if the bigot attacks you or your wife give him hell. ALL know if you look back how he detests Asians. The patronizing condescending post above is sickening. 

Lets hope this creep NEVER had children. How shameful to have a dad like that!

Notice he had a go at the struggling people working in call centres, complete with rascist attack on their limited English. I wonder Mr good is your Chinese?

<p class="" style="font-size:12px;color:rgb(164,164,164);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;">Posted 08 January 2015 - 07:27 PM

GG it's 2015!


Let the past be past and move on - your life is still happening!


Take this as caring advice - there is no other reason to comment.

<ul class="">[*]<a class="" href='' title="Vote this post up">[Image: rep_up.png]</a>



Y'all stay beautiful!!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
My view is no Governments deserve a second term - they earn it.

4 years was long enough for the Victorian Coalition to affect change; they didn't hence the result.
Quote:My view is no Governments deserve a second term - they earn it.

4 years was long enough for the Victorian Coalition to affect change; they didn't hence the result.


well I guess speaking purely that I totally agree: Emotion says give folks a chance to perform over the long term, cold rational thinking says they will get what they deserve.


There are two ways of looking at it!


Looking at the past: the JWH government was long and got tired - they paid the price for failing to rejuvenate themselves - in spite of a generally very creditable performance.


The ALp governments of Rudd and Gillard failed to perform across a wide spectrum of government - they were absolutely dead set lucky to get two terms.


 It appears that the system of government that we enjoy has some issues - a strongly mandated government is unable to carry out it's mandate due to the machinations of the unrepresentative swill - as Keating labelled the Senate.


Todays Senate is a joke created by a smart alecky preference manipulator. It certainly fails to represent the majority of voters and it certainly does do it's best to frustrate the will of the electorate generally.


On that basis the system is broken and needs fixing.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
I don't really have a problem with it. It's not the first time the AK or AO was awarded to members of bucking-huge palace. I'm not a royalist by any means but the Duke's service to this country during, and after WW2 is (at least IMO) worthy of some recognition. Whether that extends to Knighthood is debatable but not something that I personally care about; it's nothing compared to all the other, and much bigger disasters from this Government.

What I'm pissed off about is Tony Abbott using the Australia day long weekend to publicly criticise employees earning penalty rates for working weekends and public holidays. It's just another tirade of anti worker insults from a bunch of Thatcher wannabes that are hell bent on lower the living standards of lower paid workers that sacrifice their communally accepted day off to try and stay abreast of the high cost of living in this country.

Last time they did this it cost them the following election and if they try it again I hope they suffer the same fate.
Quote:I don't really have a problem with it. It's not the first time the AK or AO was awarded to members of bucking-huge palace. I'm not a royalist by any means but the Duke's service to this country during, and after WW2 is (at least IMO) worthy of some recognition. Whether that extends to Knighthood is debatable but not something that I personally care about; it's nothing compared to all the other, and much bigger disasters from this Government.

What I'm pissed off about is Tony Abbott using the Australia day long weekend to publicly criticise employees earning penalty rates for working weekends and public holidays. It's just another tirade of anti worker insults from a bunch of Thatcher wannabes that are hell bent on lower the living standards of lower paid workers that sacrifice their communally accepted day off to try and stay abreast of the high cost of living in this country.

Last time they did this it cost them the following election and if they try it again I hope they suffer the same fate.


I share those sentiments related to the honours! Tongueeace:


It's a bit rich that the very folks who criticised the re introduction of these honours last year now demand that they be restricted to Australians!!  Hello - is that a cultural cringe or what????


Can't comment on the penalty rates - I didn't hear anything about it - but then I find my appetite for what is loosely termed "news" is waning significantly


Chief pain is the printing of party ranting as fact - it is merely opinion from a specific point of view. I pick no side in this, in fact one expects political parties to have differing views that's why we get a choice, but blindly publishing claim and counter claim with no real attempt to determine facts and presenting those is a complete abrogation of the responsibilities that the "free press " says they have.


If the press fail in their responsibilities we should query their " rights"

Gotta say less news is better - it's a much calmer style!


The other point you make:

As you say the last time they lost government the major issue was IR - I doubt that they are silly enough to repeat that false step. Others may accuse them of planning to do just that but putting issues on the table is not the same as agreeing to do them - If nothing else decisions that are made should be based on the full picture not just the pleasantries.


My experience with penalty rates is different to yours I believe.


I worked in a large Industrial plant with workers on hourly rates, penalty rates and shift allowances.


The employer took their last years gross pay including all penalties and allowances , added 15 - 20% plus improved superannuation and free medical benefits, if they accepted a salary that was paid monthly.


99% of the workforce accepted their offers. Why wouldn't they?


\Net result was much less "overtime," less absenteeism,


Penalty rates appear to be clung to in less progressive areas and with less progressive and enlightened employers. IMO :Shame:


Y'all stay beautiful!!



Uh Oh so who are we being asked to be our choice as Premier?



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Dead link but OK.... The Labor leader didn't know the GST rate.

Meanwhile the electorate didn't know who the new premier would be if Newman lost his seat.

So why would people vote for a leaderless party? That was a major tactical error from the LNP.
Quote:Dead link but OK.... The Labor leader didn't know the GST rate.

Meanwhile the electorate didn't know who the new premier would be if Newman lost his seat.

So why would people vote for a leaderless party? That was a major tactical error from the LNP.


That's a fair point.


It would appear that asset leasing or selling is a toxic policy not only in Qld.

I have trouble understanding the antipathy - why not prize out some of the tied up wealth and use it for new and necessary infrastructure?


What is so holy about a state owned railway, power station, port, etc etc?

If they continue to perform their necessary function as, or more, efficiently.

Why restrict infrastructure to that which previous generations paid for, there are many projects which would raise the performance of the country - but the cash isn't to hand.


Y'all stay beautiful!!

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