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Whats Wrong With Melbourne?
Everyone here might be too young but I miss the wild cherry cafe, Hilliers soda fountain (next to Plaza and Regent), I wonder if they still have stars in the ceiling at the Forum?

New yorker ice cream in a cone at Myer.

Collins street before it started to get ugly.

Swanston walk is a flop like the mall.. great idea but its not a walk and its not a mall. You still have to avoid trams, commercial vehicles. I would love a great mall but why can't we do it.. other cities can.
Well said Peter.

One very good thing about recent developments is the new transport ticket system. Its working well although it does not seem to penetrate through my wallet as well as Singapore.In Singapore you almost just walk through the turnstiles and you clock off! I must say that it had as many teething problems as Singapore and Thailand but why didn't they learn by international mistakes. Of course it was also incredibly expensive and I normally embrace change but it was incredibly expensive and there are many other transport infrastructure issues that needed attention.

Some one here suggested bringing back conductors would have been cheaper and better and frankly I am convinced it is not a bad idea.Still too late now so we have Myki.. it seems to work. Lets wait and see.
I also found if you swipe your wallet it says "multiple cards detected"... never had that problem in Singapore.

Also quite frankly I hated the idea of yet another dam plastic card.
Well sorry Peter the Prime Minister actually impressed many in her visit to Indonesia. I know this as I have a few business friends living there. One thing about Prime Minister Rudd was that he was very impressive in over seas conferences. I know not many here liked Kevin Rudd but I would be quite happy to debate anyone that history will treat him well. I remain quite angry with factions in the ALP.

Not sure why you use the term woodpecker, maybe its from my old days in service but I still think one should respect the office. I always referred to John Howard as the Prime Minister even though I cannot think of anything positive to say about his Government. Children over board was the worse thing I have ever seen and he will be for ever remembered for this. History will record him as the Prime Minister who lost his own seat.. I still think he deserved the respect of his office.

Prime Minister Gillard is showing brilliant leadership in incredibly difficult times despite a hostile media and an opposition that believes it has the eternal right to rule. Whether or not one likes the fact Labor is in power (sort of) thats the result of our political system.

Remember Kim Beasley (a brilliant man) won the popular vote but sadly never got to govern.
What everyone can do to improve Melbourne's public transport system:
You better not read my history thread Peter on the Communist Party.

Not trying to upset any one but I thought it was significant.

Well I see your point, I never quite got the little Johnny Howard thing, he is actually taller than me!
I started a thread Peter as today is the90th birthday of the Australian Communist party. I know not your cup f tea but academically you might find it interesting.

They say short men are more virile.
77 virgins.. and female!!! Sounds like hell to me lol.
None taken.

I am PERFECTLY happy on my tram.. I tried the other one in my youth and I HATED it. YUK!!
rofl... no one is asking you to Peter

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