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Whats Wrong With Melbourne?
[quote name='glen' timestamp='1286117259' post='30276']

i was also surprised by the honesty of people over here with public transport. if they happened to get on at the back of the bus (and it might be a fairly crowded bus) they would pass the money up the front so that it could be given to the driver. each person would pass the money to the person next to them and so on until it reached the money box at the front of the bus. i found this most impressive.


Impressive indeed!!
I think our ticketing system is going to work well.

i lived in Singapore and Thailand and they had even worse teething problems.
[quote name='Anastasia' timestamp='1285972875' post='30230']

Well, actually I disagree with needs more people...if you stop to think about good times you have had in your life and/or travels

you may realise that people are what makes a good time.

Australia is generally way way under populated, plus you need more black people..the last time I visited...I saw one black african young woman working in the supermarket.

One in six weeks.

I say lots more people for Melbourne[Image: gathering.gif][Image: gathering.gif][Image: gathering.gif]

Australia is one of the most racist countries in the world

Aborogines & Native Indians are the worse treated people in the world.


I don't care who serves me in the supermarket, as long as they are easy to understand and do a good job.

Less people would be good, Melbourne is way too overcrowded, I don't think Australia is the most racist country in the world, I think Africa is one of the most racist countries if you look at it's history of war and genocide you may just agree.

Now that's an interesting thought.
I think its good to be challenged but I think I agree with the other posters that Australia is not a racist country. Yes we do have our red necks like every other country but immigration here has been very successful.

In the early days of the Vietnamese boat arrivals there were racist attitudes but these changed and now the Vietnamese are a wonderful people contributing much to our culture.

We did have a terrible racist called Pauline Hanson and in time people saw through her and she became an embarrassment.

Premier Jeff Kennet courageously did much to send her packing. At considerable political risk he put one nation last on his ticket. It was very gutsy, more than you say for ALP who helped get the disgusting Family First in the senate!!
The other thing I miss in Melbourne, especially in suburbs like Balwyn are birds! The feathered sort of course.

All we get are Indian myna birds and pigeons. Have not seen a sparrow for years! Hardly any black birds. Have not seen a kookaburra or willy wag tail in the burbs in years!

There is a small group of magpies and the odd crow.

There is a lovely flock of parrots but very very few.

There are also two butcher birds that come to visit and a couple of wattle birds.

But mostly its myna birds and bl**dy pigeons.
Peter I often used to shop in Preston because it really had a wonderful atmosphere especially the old market, tacky but kind of sweet. I hope you are not going to tell me its all gone!

No cows... but I agree there is a lot of bull spoken by politicians.

Trust me there are hardly any birds around here now. Its quite sad actually I miss them.
Politicians are full of lies and broken promises and Melbourne is no exception.
hey guys,

as for the birds, i reckon there are a lot more parrots around melbourne than when i was a kid. i love the rainbow lorikeets. we have heaps of them in the south eastern suburbs. also the other day i saw a tawny frogmouth (owl). ....i barely ever see them as they are so shy and only come out at night.

we also have heaps of flying foxes these days too though they are obviously not birds.

i agree i see heaps of indian mynas which are an exotic pest. but i also see the noisy miner which is actully an australian bird. not much more attractive though.

the best bird i have seen (which is now about 2 years ago) is the black cockatoos. they are great. i only ever saw them twice. both times at lysterfield national park. they have lots of bell birds in that park too.

<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
What's new? We are governed by a bunch of idiots.

Well Peter that will always depend on what side of the fence politically you are on. I admire your dedication and passion to your party. Although I think in many cases you are close to the mark, perhaps not idiots but cunning opportunists. Men and women with vision don't last long in politics.I find I become disillusioned with all sides of politics. I am so disappointed with the major parties I have moved to the Greens and on social issues they are great. But even here I find some of their views on various economics issues vague or silly. I am dressed for a party with nowhere to go. This site is clearly a Liberal party friendly site and that's fine. I don't say this to be critical. I was told this before I joined the site and that's the first thing I noticed. I have been impressed with how fair the site is at least the moderators and most posters let left minded people have a say. I have not been attacked here and appreciate that.

The one thing I feel is wrong with politics in Australia is we are over governed. Three tiers of government. I have lost count of the number of times I have called a local member and then told.. oh that's a state issue or that's a local issue. You then ring your state member and you are told that's a federal issue. Happens ALL THE TIME. Its a ridiculous tug of war and frankly I think the idea of state Governments is ridiculous. Of course nothing will change and we will foever be paying all these prima donnas pensions we can only dream of.

Glen you are right about there being a few birds such as the frog mouth and parrots but you are wrong in suggesting there are more birds. The reason you are seeing a few native birds is because habitat is disappearing at an alarming rate and because there is still a drought.

City people often say to me that there is no bird shortage based on a few sightings in the city. One or two lucky sightings does not contradict the evidence of all the research groups.

Its a bit like saying a month of rain fall proves there is no such thing as climate change.

You are very lucky if you are seeing these birds.

The magnificent flying fox is here because of the same reason. This wonderfully interesting creature contributes an enormous amount to our eco system.

My over seas visitors love the flying foxes and I wonder why on earth we cannot promote this more as a tourist attraction.
[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1286258095' post='30331']

Ah Peter S.

YES the old Preston Market is there in all it's old wornout glory!

The sights and sounds and smells are all intact.

But don't park longer than two hours in the general area, or one hour in the "Aldi" area.

Oh you can if you get a "free" ticket first.

My sister and I try to have a mini meet for delicious coffee and really hot salty chips once a week. Ah bliss!

Come by train? Just get off at Preston and you are there already! How good is that?

Anyway the owners have been promising a rebuild for decades now, but no closer. I kinda like it as is!


I remember an old hot donut store?? OLd lady home made do nuts.
[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1286264081' post='30332']

Hi Peter S.

What can we do about the 3 tiers of Gov?

Which tier is going to vote itself out of work?


Perhaps it will be surreptitious?

You know like The Ruddster and grabbing control of Health.

That's the way to do it, gradually take over all the major services.

Well of course ages ago the State govs were vital!

As far as I am concerned I hope you stay and post often even if you are on the opposite side of the fence.

I know what it is like to be attacked and I have left two perfectly good sites simply because of vitriolic attacks on other people. (Not against me).

Strangely both were "Seniors" sites with people at each other's throats!

I guess I am too one eyed as far as Labor/Liberal is concerned and it shows.

I just hate to see the enormous waste of public money. I would hate it just as much if it were the Libs throwing it away.

The libs also do idiotic things, they often shoot themselves in the foot especially at elections.

Just witness Kennett and the unlosable election. Still in the wilderness.

Stay healthy!


I love your posts Peter. Frankly at times there are issues I simply cannot make my mind up about and I need all the mental stimulation I can get. Don't worry most of my mates are on the opposite fence to me. I don't mind being proven wrong. Have never had any nasties here. I find it odd that people on some sites are so biased one way or the other. Mmmm I think state Govs are pretty useless. Yes we have had good ones but its the constant buck passing that concerns me. As for desalination the potential destruction of Wilsons Prom worries me a lot.

Jeff Kennet was a man of enormous contradictions. I actually rather liked him. I met him a couple of times (dont worry I rarely name drop) and he was wonderful. I still think the way he stood up to one nation was gutsy. As for him selling off assets well the ALP was pretty good at that too!
WE will have to disagree mate .. I am a great fan of Bob Browns. I can see you cringing lol.

Look put it this way there are very few I would give top marks to.

AS for my views on Kevin Rudd I think the whole world think I am nuts, I adored him. Still do.

Mind you its so nice to be able to disagree rather than the slinging matches I encounter from some forums.I am a very proud atheist and I think you know that you scallywag!

Frankly Peter I enjoy chatting to people who disagree with me.

I better get back to the topic.

In Melbourne I do miss the Rawleighs man.
Now Peter the Rawleighs man used to home deliver products such as ointments for man and beast lol.

Oh and you are spot on about the connies... you know I wonder if they actually saved money compared to the millions spent on alternatives.
AS for being an atheist that's a decision I made after many years. Be who you want to be. I have no desire to make religious people angry. Thats not the aim of this but I presume young people read this and lets face it religious people have plenty of air time.

But it IS important that young atheists (this old bloke can take the slings and arrows) do not feel alone.

You are not!

If you do feel pressured by religious people there are many support lines. At the Athesist foundation there are a growing number of proud young atheists just like you.

Last year at the Atheist convention it was sold out in no time. They could easilly have filled another couple of convention centres. I could not even get a ticket!!

So always remember you are certainly not alone but I know if you are surrounded by religious people it feels that way.
[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1286354070' post='30359']

Hello Peter S!

Hell I forget what the Rawleighs man was/did? Help!

[size="3"]I am a great fan of Bob Browns. I can see you cringing lol.[/size] No I had a good laugh!

Anyway I miss the "Connies" of yesteryear. No nonsense women, had a laugh, no one messed up!

And what about the conductors? Feezzzss pleeezzzzzeee! Fessssss Pleeasseeee!

No doors on the trams! No one fell or were pushed!

Winter Saturday mornings!

A walk trip to the wood man with a barrow and bring home a hundred weight of wood for the heater.

Then get to chop it up!

Ah nostalgia ain't what it used to be!

Oh I was not sure if I remembered correctly about the Atheist thing?


Does not the absence of tram and train conducters make it easier to fare evade? Not that I participate in such practises of course.
i could not see the video and thought there was something wrong with the link so i converted to a url instead.

now i am wondering whether that site is blocked (from my current location)!! maybe it is. sorry peter, if i wrecked the link.
I have finished my little atheist tirade but thank you very much for letting me express it. I am now back on topic.

I also want to thank those that disagree (peter) for friendly debate.

Glen I don't reveal much about my work but let me assure you there is enormous harassment of kids and young people brought up by the growing number of atheist parents. They get it from teachers as well.

Its a very confronting issue and I hope I have argued it without offending people.

Over the years I have found that scientists LOVE having their ideas challenged, they even like being proved wrong.

But religious fundamentalists get very agro.

Now I must add I am very aware that there are great people around who believe its just I find the idea of faith ludicrous.

Any way thanks everyone/.

Back to topic.

Above everything I miss THE TIVOLI.
I tend to agree with you Peter about the film stats in the video but the vid was made by a young guy and I guess a few high profile people were a choice he made. I was surprised he left out people like Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and Einstein.

Oh sadly I do support Collingwood rofl.

Still it does show its possible to disagree politely and lets face it the forums are never going to be boring.
Peter Oh how I envy you having actually seen Mo live. It was just a bit before me. He died two years after I was born but always heard people saying STRIKE ME LUCKY which was one of his catch cries.I was taken back stage to the Tiv often as my Aunt knew many of the Tivoli lovelies.

His real name was Harry Van der Sluys. I think he was the son of a Dutch cigar maker.Later he became Roy Rene and this lead to his greatest character Mo. Little is available of him although I have seen his film Strike Me Lucky. From this its easy to tell that the stage was his true medium. His style was too big for the medium of film. Still if one has a bit of imagination its easy to get an idea of his genius. He a was an enormous hit on radio as well.

Anyone who ever saw him never forgot him. He was hailed by international stars such as Jack Benny as one f the greatest performers in the world.

No star was as big as Mo with the possible exceptions of Gladys Moncrief and radio star Jack Davy. In Australia he is a legend, his life is celebrated in the annual MO awards given today to top cabaret acts.

In later years our greatest star was obviously the King Graham Kennedy. Kennedy also spoke, as most did about MO with a kind of reverence.

Rene's use of pauses were legendary and apparently he could rock the house just with a sneer.

He was top of the bill for about nineteen years.

How lucky you are. All I have is a collection of programs and interviews I have taped with people who worked with him. I very much doubt that because of a quaint new prudishness and political correctness which has invaded us whether Mo would be able to perform today. Maybe on late night television or fringe theatre.

Mo shocked people but they kept coming back in hoards. They came to see Mo even more than the international headliners..

Sad, very sad that we have become, or think we have, too sophisticated for this kind of ribald comedy.

I am pleased to say there are statues of MO around Australia.

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