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"MP urges Bill Shorten to consult more with caucus as Labor agrees to back the Coalition's metadata retention laws"
"Bill Shorten has been sent a warning shot to fix the way he operates and consult his colleagues more during an extended debate on metadata in the Labor caucus on Tuesday."
Meanwhile, Newspoll shows Coalition support dips to 14-year low in West Australian stronghold; Bill Shorten ranked as better PM in all states



Quote:Meanwhile, Newspoll shows Coalition support dips to 14-year low in West Australian stronghold; Bill Shorten ranked as better PM in all states




Relevance nil - hysteria 34
And now real; relevance:


"Newspoll: Bill Shorten posts worst ratings as Tony Abbott claws back ground"


<p style="text-align:inherit;">"Bill Shorten has posted his worst ratings as Labor leader, with more than half of voters dissatisfied with his performance as Tony Abbott continues to claw back ground.

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">The latest Newspoll, taken exclusively for <i>The Australian</i> at the weekend, shows the Coalition has opened a five-point margin over Labor on primary vote to be ahead by 41 per cent to 36 per cent — its biggest lead in seven months.


<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">The Coalition’s primary vote was steady while Labor fell one point to a five-month low. The Greens were unchanged at 11 per cent with support for others, which includes independents and minor parties, up one point to 12 per cent.""


Oh gosh, Oh Golly!!!!





Future there is no future - this is a terrible result for Billy boy - one can only imagine the conspiracies and the assasination plots afoot!


Don't be surprised when it happens - it's written on the wall.

This pictiure is an attempt to bury this headline:

"Bill Shorten’s popularity slides in latest polls"

This article includes this photo:

[Image: tony-abbott1.jpg?w=740&h=385&zc=1&q=90&a=c]





They will be burning the midnite oil down in the Union dens - "who should we try next - this bloke is just not jumping fast enough when we say"
Do not fret Pete!!!



Labour is spelled "Labor" in Australia and the US.



Go figure! Confusedports:

Quote:Relevance nil - hysteria 34
A post about Bill Shorten in a Bill Shorten thread and you can't see the relevance????

Quote:And now real; relevance:
And now an even bigger LOL!

Bill Shorten leads Abbott as preferred prime minister and his disapproval is lower than Abbott's...

Labor have led the Coalition in every single poll for the best part of a whole year.

What do you think is going to happen to Abbott's popularity if he starts taxing your super as expected in the budget?

The other irony is you have to subscribe to read the article you've hot linked.

If you have to pay to read the articles it pays to read the articles without hysteria comrade Tongue
Quote:A post about Bill Shorten in a Bill Shorten thread and you can't see the relevance????



And now an even bigger LOL!

Bill Shorten leads Abbott as preferred prime minister and his disapproval is lower than Abbott's...

Labor have led the Coalition in every single poll for the best part of a whole year.

What do you think is going to happen to Abbott's popularity if he starts taxing your super as expected in the budget?

The other irony is you have to subscribe to read the article you've hot linked.

If you have to pay to read the articles it pays to read the articles without hysteria comrade Tongue


\Sorry PZ - I didn't have to pay to read it - there must be some electronic issue with which I am not aware.


As for taxing my super - that's conjecture.


One may respond if it makes actuality.



I do find it more than Hilarious that some folks offer up Peter Costello as a witness - when they have only ever bagged him previously.



Go figure!
Hehe, if super does get taxed I suspect the response will be a high expectation of the ALP blocking it in the senate Smile

And they've already made it clear that they won't...

A bank deposit tax won't be as easy though Big Grin

Yep, your assumption of "electronic issue" is probably right - after clicking the link and giving the subscription request a cursory glance I went out of there quicker than a rat up an aquaduct...
Thanks mate! It should be an icon that represents a Tuesday Big Grin

G'day Peter.


I just go for the good old Aussie No worries / She'll be right mate / 21st Century Winkycon



Oh Oh Oh OH Oh!!




Deputy leader Plibersek is gunning for Bill and she is using the same sex marriage issue to progress her ambitions - watch carefully and be instructed in the finer points of power plays.




If I were choosing I would have to support Bill - the alternative is too horrible to contemplate.


Happily I am not choosing and neither will the rank and file of the party be.



Bill axes Kev then Julia as Union hatchet man but now it's a whole 'nuther scenario.


"Hoist by their own petard" springs to mind

Spill motion time is it? Smile

Just you wait and see!!!!





!984 is alive and well in the NSW ETU and significant fund provider for the ALP.



I wonder what the rank and file think about all this?

Are you touting for work? :officechair:

How come every time the ALP get to govern there is a landslide away from them?


The Cronulla riots were a Conservative government action?


Stopping people from drowning at sea is a violent action?


Union action is never violent?




Open the other one - I presume you were given two - but it's not all that apparent!
Heh heh,

I see your point!

I really have to admire some alp devotees - they have the most awful set of past and present "leaders"

Even those who one has some respect for most certainly have their Human foibles - even the females.

But the devotees keep faithfully supporting basically discredited saints.

I give them 100 out of one hundred for loyalty!

I give not real much when it comes to wisdom.
Property acquisitions! Badgery's Creek airport! Liberal Party! Puke inducing hypocrites! Done dirt cheap!
Dunno what you're smokin PZ - but i want some of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote:Dunno what you're smokin PZ
I don't smoke, bro Smile

Quote:- but i want some of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here you go mate... you can have as much of that as you like Big Grin
[Image: 203bbe18-35ea-11e3-94a7-1378f03bd3e7_syd...46x363.jpg]
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