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Seems to me that the media must have led the ex Minister to resign!


Seems to me sacking of the CFA Board is just media hype!


Seems to me that the voluntary firefighters have got it all wrong!


Seems to me that the Premier is just paying off his debts.


Seems to me that there is a distinct lack of values in this issue.

Seems to me the Murdoch press articles were written by James Campbell.

Seems to me James Campbell was an ex staffer from the Liberal Party.

Seems to me the Liberal Party are attempting to gain political mileage from this issue.

Seems to me there is a distinct lack of values in this issue Tongue
Quote:Hey Power,
No siht! What BS.
Plain as the nose on your face Danny Boy is paying the piper.
From now on the union tail will be wagging the CFA dog.
Whatever union wants, Danny gives.
Some advice: Don't buy a home in Vic country.
The Fairwork commission have recommended the deal go ahead considering the volunteers aren't affected.
Of course it would be nice if Dan had listened to the unions in the first place as opposed to dragging this out for years.
It's a pity that Dan hasn't been on the side of the unions Smile
Presumably the volunteer and career firefighters are on the same side.

So yes you are right in the sense that the union boys are on the volunteers' side Smile
The CFA were board were sacked for refusing to cooperate with the fairwork decision.

They just didn't want to lose their power after abusing it for 3 years.

They want this long dispute to carry on through yet another fire season.

Clearly this is unacceptable hence their sacking.
Utter bullshti yourself.


The refs' call was made by Fairwork. CFA need to get on board with it and move on.


The link says the new chair will be Greg Smith and his deputy will be Michelle McLean.

They have NO union links.

Greg Smith is a former Fair Work Commissioner.

Michelle McLean was a member of the Victorian Chamber of commerce.

All this stuff about UFU "controlling" the CFA is media fuelled rubbish.
Danny boy delutional Dan dilligent Dan.

He really must be running out of cliches. lol

Well pissy pete pathetic pete pooey pete you have no understanding of the CFA.

Quote:Hi Power!
Obviously you have not read the UFU 50 veto demands.
If granted, means the UFU fully controls the CFA.
The only demand they left out was that at any fire CFA personel will tie the shoe laces of the UFU members.
Feel free to post these vetos Peter...

The UFU could never control the CFA. CFA is controlled directly by the State Govt.

How do I know this? Because the State Govt recently replaced the entire CFA board Smile

What you are suggesting is impossible.
So - just to help out a queenslander - why did the Minister resign after a stoush with the Premier?


Presumably this minister was pro Union - being a member and all?


Why would a Union want veto rights over Volunteers and non union people?


Anyone from Fairwork if not a union member is definitely part of the IR Club. That's why they are selected - because they have experience in the field.

Quote:Danny boy delutional Dan dilligent Dan.

He really must be running out of cliches. lol

Well pissy pete pathetic pete pooey pete you have no understanding of the CFA.
Well GG - I have heard your whinges about other people belittling others who they disagree with.








As is common - Peter is wrong - You are not funny at all, you just let yourself down a whole lot with that post.
Meanwhile Bills future is dimming by the day, I hope he continues as leader of the Federal ALP.

OK a little in the way of an explanation - thanx - I had the idea that an ALP pollie had to be a union member?


Is this untrue?  Maybe PZ can advise here.



Heh Heh if nothing else I've managed to alert you to your similarity in posting to GG.


That's not something that I aspire to.


As to being welcome to my opinion - that's also an irrelevance - it's mine, and I have it with, or without, permission.   :wacky:

Quote:Hi Aloy ...

I rely on PZ for the answer as well.

My phrasing of "you are welcome to your opinion" was not meant to be cynical.

Sorry to offend you.

I can never match GG, his intelligence surpasses my limited amount.
No offence taken - given that I also said: "it's mine, and I have it with, or without, permission"


No apology is required - no offence taken - after all I choose to be offended or not - it's always my prerogative.



Meanwhile on topic:



Stooping to dodgy if not outright falsity would indicate that Bill also understands his future prospects.


The only folks that don't appear to see this are those dear loyal ALP supporters who give free rein to their emotions at the expense of using their brains.


Loyalty is a commendable quality - pity that it's not tempered by a dose of reality.
The reason I posted as I did was not so much the opinion but the constant attacking of the person raher than the policy. If you look back I rarely attacked any politician on their personality. Politicians are alll fair game. Really? They are as vulneble as we are. The nasty examples of alliteration were nasty unfunny and lets face it not clever.

I am sorry Aloy you align yourself with him. I thought you were more intelligent 

Lets try a balanced approach.

I believe the current Premier Mr Andrews has been outstanding. Firstly he showed great compassion in the sorry to gay men victmimised by the cruel laws of th past. Credit due also to the opposition leader.

Credit also to Andrews for the safe schools program. A brilliant program that has saved lives. I know of cases personally. 


The only folks that don't appear to see this are those dear loyal conservative supporters who give free rein to their emotions at the expense of using their brains.

<p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;">Loyalty is a commendable quality - pity that it's not tempered by a dose of reality.

<p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;">Of course I will be as always be attacked for going off topic.

Peter, the veto's you posted come up fine, thanks for that.


While I still don't believe they amount to a takeover-by-proxy some of them do appear to be quite restrictive and bordering on disruptive so I think you've made a fair point Smile


Aloy, not sure if union membership is a perquisite for an ALP pollie? Perhaps it's done automatically when they start but I don't know any ALP members personally.


They sure picked a bad day to launch in my seat. Rain and wind galore :o

Quote:Peter, the veto's you posted come up fine, thanks for that.


While I still don't believe they amount to a takeover-by-proxy some of them do appear to be quite restrictive and bordering on disruptive so I think you've made a fair point Smile


Aloy, not sure if union membership is a perquisite for an ALP pollie? Perhaps it's done automatically when they start but I don't know any ALP members personally.


They sure picked a bad day to launch in my seat. Rain and wind galore :o


"Mr Shorten, a former leader of the Australian Workers Union, was due to use a speech in Melbourne today to call for the party to allow people to join the ALP without having to also be a member of a trade union."


"Members of the ALP are required to be members of a trade union and to employ union labour where possible. Yet union membership has fallen from 41 per cent of the workforce in 1990 to 17 per cent in 2013.

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">“The right to join a union is a fundamental principle for any free and democratic country,” the paper says. “But it is unhealthy for an interest group representing 8 per cent of the Australian population to have such an unprecedented level of influence over Australian politics.”

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">So: you must be a union member to be an ALP member and you must be an ALP member to be an ALP pollie.

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">Put another way something like 14 or less% of the population (Union Members) control the second strongest party in Australia.

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">On this issue I agree with Bill Shorten, this condition is a dead hand on the ALP being a progressive democratic party.
Agreed. It'll probably split the party however.


Although only 14% of the population can join the ALP the vast majority of their funding comes from unions.


It's a bold call.

Quote:The reason I posted as I did was not so much the opinion but the constant attacking of the person raher than the policy. If you look back I rarely attacked any politician on their personality. Politicians are alll fair game. Really? They are as vulneble as we are. The nasty examples of alliteration were nasty unfunny and lets face it not clever.

I am sorry Aloy you align yourself with him. I thought you were more intelligent 

Lets try a balanced approach.

I believe the current Premier Mr Andrews has been outstanding. Firstly he showed great compassion in the sorry to gay men victmimised by the cruel laws of th past. Credit due also to the opposition leader.

Credit also to Andrews for the safe schools program. A brilliant program that has saved lives. I know of cases personally. 


The only folks that don't appear to see this are those dear loyal conservative supporters who give free rein to their emotions at the expense of using their brains.

<p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;">Loyalty is a commendable quality - pity that it's not tempered by a dose of reality.

<p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(40,40,40);font-family:helvetica, arial, sans-serif;">Of course I will be as always be attacked for going off topic.




Aaaaaaaah playing the old victim card eh GG  :Cry:


Hear this : Your assessment of my intelligence has no interest for me, as do your accusations of "alignment" :dance:


These sound very much like attacking the person - something you appear to be able to detect with a great deal of ability - in others :notworthy:
"Labor steps back from tough China talk"


Stepping back - it's the ALP way.


Remember "No Carbon Tax", or maybe a couple of dozen other "backsteps" - we used to call them backflips!
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