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Full Version: Electricity Bill Has A Future!
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Actually I agree totally!


Backflip has overtones of emotional response - backstep has overtones of considered retreat from a prior position.


Yep backsteps is better all right, but don't expect our journos to embrace boring accuracy.

So the Shorten campaign comes down to this:


Tell a lie, and keep repeating it - at least some of the voters will be leave it :Talking:  :Talking:


If he lies about Medicare - his holy grail - his words - what will he not lie about??? Huh


The ALP deserves better than this. The Electorate deserves better than this.

After 2 years of Tony Abbott's lies the electorate will get a better deal regardless of the result.
Aah get out of here Mel!!!!

Gotta be joking right?

I can go down that track no worries

How about 6 different Alp illegal immigrant policies, how about the Gillard crowning glory of all back flips?

If you want to go down that path, you know I have a whole lot more, you only need a memory.

Quote:how about Electricity Bill's future looks a lot rosier than Malcolm's right now




How about: maybe not?
Quote:God I wish Albo was a Lib!


He may well appear to be a Lib in the not too distant future.

how about more than Malcolm


Bill won 20 or so seats Mal lost the same number, not looking good for Mal


Let's talk about facts here OK?


The ALP have received their second lowest % of the vote at this election. :dance:




Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm that sounds like no kind of victory I ever heard of!! :Talking:
Quote:theres more pressure on Mal from a disjointed Liberal Party than there is on Bill from a united Labor Party


seems we have gone full cycle, something the Libs would accuse Labor of has come back to bite them


there are Liberal senators who want to form their own party because Mal is too "leftist" for them (whatever that term means)


Bill will front the ALP at the next election, Mal wont lead his party into his!!!


and thats a guaranteed promise LoL


200 comedians out of work in NSW and you wanna be one??



ALP United????






Shirley you jest!!!



A shrivelling rump of old union lags in back rooms, never voted in, call the shots in the once proud ALP.


On the other end of the spectrum we have the ALP intelligencia who never had a real job.


And you believe that these disparate factions deliver any kind of unity? At all? :Cry:  :laugh:



Not sure whether crying or laffing is appropriate here!



However, looking for a positive, I admire the power of your imagination :notworthy:  :notworthy:
For instance:


<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">"Plibersek plays down Left push

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">Tanya Plibersek has played down the threat of disunity within the Labor Party over her surging Left faction’s impending push for an extra position in Bill Shorten’s shadow ministry."

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">
I reckon that's a pretty damned funny post!! :notworthy:  :notworthy:

Interesting wideranging article here.


Good points raised about victim compensation and education standards.

There's a bit of a pay-wall block on that one Aloy Smile
Quote:There's a bit of a pay-wall block on that one Aloy Smile
Aah desolee!! I have no subsrciption and I get it via Google news.


The point most critical to me was a paragraph pointing out that our education spending continues to rise and the performance as measured continues to fall.  Education should really be about the performance and learning of the puplis not the comfort and ease of educators and educationists, and the political bending of all kids to suit minority groups (think unisex toilets)


This is playing with the human capital of the nation and it should received drastic surgery.
So I guess the Coalition are about to add another one term Govt to their record books this weekend?


Looks like a wipeout is imminent in the NT Smile

Well it looks like the Coalition in the NT will have less seats than the independents. LOL

Quote:Malcolm Turnbull was trying to rubbish the Labor's leader call for a banking royal commission by ridiculing him for apparently presenting himself as the people's saviour.

"He's getting so carried away with himself he sees himself rather like the person, the image of liberty in that great Delacroix painting," he told parliament on Thursday.

"There he is, trampling over the barricades, freeing the people, freeing the people from their wrongs, taking on the banks!"

But no, Mr Turnbull added. The Labor leader was simply running a "hopeless" and "hopelessly populist" political campaign which was exploiting people's suffering.
All ar
se, no class Turnbull with that speech. It's time to grow up and start governing dude!
Quote:sounds like a great football team


ALP United


nicknamed The Gunners




<div>[Image: 1377632413818_lc_galleryImage_epa0383941..._FC_pl.JPG]


we're gunna do this

we're gunna do that

we're the gunnas YAY


you really must stop posting porn on this site

Sam Dastyari says sorry over Chinese Government-linked company bill deal
Yeah yeah yeah Sammy baby - your NSW ALP roots are not buried real deep Eh?


Gracious me He's had a foreign entity pay off a personal debt, declined to give any reason for his corrupt act, and now called his South China Sea statement to Chinese interests a "mispoke"


Yep and as long as BS fails to take real action on this the more we will see how absolutely unfit he is to lead - anything.


It's already been established what Dastyari is - Bill is just keeping us waiting to make our judgement of him.
Dastyari should stand aside IMO.

Agreed - but if he doesn't he should be stood aside!

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