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Learning On The Job
Wow it seems as though its a whole life time ago I came here.

Glad the site is still here Glen been living in KL.

Back again for a while at least.

I have to be honest although generally an ALP voter I actually voted, shock horror, Liberal last time. Andrews did not impress and I could not see why they opposed the link.

Wow did I get that wrong.

The more I researched the ink it was a shocker. But I think you all know that any way.  Now to the Gov. Its cautious and clever. Even the opponents mist be impressed with the economic policy. The coalition cannot take any credit at all.

Steadily Andrews is emerging as extremely impressive. A man of humanity and decency.

A man of compassion

Heavens he is a politician.

As a gay man I watched him on Q and A brilliantly defending safe schools and my eyes swelled with tears. This is a great program and will save kids lives. When I was a kid bullied for being gay I wish such a scheme existed.

I have some other news Glen but I will test the waters here first.

Lovely to see you round mellow yellow. I think Turnbull has been a bitter disappointment ..climate change, marriage equality an well you know the rest....all out the window..he is so scared of the red necks like Bernardi.

But its our wonderful Premier that  am impressed with.

Anyone in this mutual admiration society any interest in economic growth and welfare, in jobs an security?

These mainstream issues appear to not get a Guernsey!

I suppose beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and one man's eye is not better than anothers


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Yes Aloysius I was not trying to upset anyone. I am simply very impressed with Andrews and it appears many others are too I think I was balanced as I said I voted Liberal and still don't understand why labor opposed the link. Now economic growth I fear you may have stabbed yourself in the foot. In actual fact Labor proved they handle the economy much better. I have indeed done my home work. Look at the Federal example. These are FACTS. Not cooked up.

According to TREASURY

In 1983 Malcolm Fraser handed an economy to Keating ranked 20th in the world.

In 1994 Keating handed over an economy ranked 6th in the world.

2007 John Howard handed over an economy ranked tenth in the world.

2013 Under Julia Gillard we had the BEST performing economy in the world

In 2015 Turnbull and Abbot slipped back to tenth and and is seriously deteriorating in 5 out of 6 economic indicators. Now we are LAST of 34 in OECD..

This is not fake or cooked up. Cold hard facts.

Liberals the great economic managers.? I don't think so.

I think this amazed me more than maybe many Libs. It certainly illuminates the distortions of truth of Fox Murdoch media. Even Nazis like Bolt could not weasel out of this.

Also remember although John Howard was not devoid of merit he led us into war based on lies which blew out budget much more than ridiculously managed  pink bats. Don't forget the pink bats scheme was brilliant in concept. Howard handed over an economy ravished by potential depression. Rudd and Wayne Swan led Australia out of the depression through outstanding management. Even today Wayne Swan remains Australia's greatest treasurer apart from the obvious genius of Keating.

There is one HUGE flaw in LABOR they are lousy at promoting their achievements. The Liberals falsify theirs brilliantly.

I have been away a long time.

I hope I have not upset you. They are just facts. 

Hey GG

Not upset at all, you merely confirm my point that beauty is clearly in the eye of the beholder!!

To be able to swallow the quaint notions Vis a vis the financial record of Rudd/Gillard/Rudd/Swan flies in the face of non political financial and economic facts.

Try national debt, job creation and so on.

That said , it's nice hear from you again, one applauds your honestly held opinions without agreeing in any way with them.

Enjoy your Easter.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Glad you are not upset and so far the political stuff is pretty good.

I agree with you Aloy the national debt is arguably a centre issue although much much higher under the current Government. Job creation well lets hope so.

My main problem on this site on politics was not you Aloy it was the constant comments on Gillards partner, her weight, Rudds appearance etc etc. Never any substance.

May have been a bit glib on job creation.

The possibilities are endless and neither party is very creative. I hope the destruction of he barrier reef and our forests is not seen as a job though boot made it clear he had little respect if any for the environment.

I think you and I could come up with job creation project.

I would invest in our film industry for a start which would provide numerous jobs.

I would go back to the fifties and sixties (now I am sounding like a conservative) and have the biggest buy Australian campaign ever mounted.

Abbott shafted the entire country and got his just desserts.


Worst PM in history.

Peter I don't expect you to click any links that are contrary to your ideological rhetoric.


If you say "Others with deeper understanding of a "go to" leader" you're inviting a challenge Smile


Feel free to blow us all over with Abbott's list of achievements, if you can.


Chances are you won't because there aren't any.


Rudd / Gillard were a far better deal for workers and the less well off than Abbott.


Abbott was a fake who managed to stuff up the economy in just half a term.


It takes a special form of incompetence to go from hero to zero in that time frame.


For as long as he remains in parliament he makes the Liberal Party a toxic brand.

Ah Peter... Thank you for posting your own loads of opinion. To use your words: alas it is all BS!


Ideological rhetoric? Ideological criticism is a form of rhetorical criticism concerned with critiquing rhetorical artifacts for the dominant ideology they express while silencing opposing or contrary ideologies Smile

Do not click this link under any circumstances >

In other words, it's akin to Abbott sympathisers having a need to stake their credibility on a Holier-than-thou chain-yank as portrayed in your post #13. Trump sympathisers and God botherers use the same tacky-ticks Smile


Pretty sure we weren't living in grass huts before Abbott came into power. Pretty sure if he'd stayed in long enough we'd be living in glass houses though!


Abbott wanted to fix the huge debt did he? Then why did he make up a hugely expensive paid maternal leave policy with a huge levy on business? Talk about having a whale of a time on the beaches in the North Shore!


The only thing that saved us from that disaster was Shorten and the Independents. Bag them all you like. You're in the minority with that one.


Stopped the boats? That's not an Abbott achievement. It's a rehashed Howard policy! Abbott created nothing other than an annual expense. Offshore detention costs $1 billion a year.


Yes, workers needs are important. One of those needs is a strong economy. They don't need a reckless twit of a PM who tells them to work for less money until they're 70, pay $7 to see the doctor or pay more GST on everything.


You want to stick up for business? Fine with me. They need a strong economy as well. A strong economy happens when consumers are confident enough to spend their money. No Spending = no business.


Abbott's 2014 budget totally stuffed the economy because people lost confidence and reduced their spending. No wonder the vast majority of it was dropped. No wonder it failed. No wonder Abbott lost his job!


Cripes, you don't want to click links but expect me to read a right wing rag like the Herald Sun?


Why not give us a link?  Not that I'm interested in right wing rags. They're full of Ideological rhetoric that proves the earth is flat and we all live in Universe #3.  AND they want you to pay to read it online!


That's Abbott's list of achievements right there. Pay everything to get nothing. Talk about Learning On The Job. Abbott has NFI. His credibility had the aerodynamic lift of a half chicken in a glass house.


Worst PM in history!

G'day Peter.


I'll start with the economy argument. Imports / exports ratio means very little to the average business in the street.


The reason why interest rates are as low as they are is because the reserve bank wants people spending less on loan repayments and more in the shops. Spreading the money around is exactly what's needed because every time it's spread around it eventually goes back to the state as taxes, GST, etc.


But it doesn't happen if consumers aren't confident with the economy.


That's why political parties frequently go with the "Jobs and growth" mantra. They need money circulating through the economy. (Maybe they should make ugly dollar bills so people don't hoard them. lol)


We weren't living in grass huts during any previous Labor Green Govt so I can't see how this argument works for you.


Shorten's election policies were far more budget friendly than the Coalition's.


I work with a few God botherers and Trump Sympathisers. They're first in line at the canteen queuing up for their daily dose of fig and jam sandwiches. Simply put, they pretend to know everything about the workings of the universe and if you don't agree you're an illegal alien and cast out beyond the wall.


Personally I think Trump is more likely to be shot than Mr Bolt. Let's hope it don't go that far. Glad I'm not a Trump.


Dan land sounds fine to me. At 55-45 it's the most popular Govt in the country at the moment Smile


Sorry about your keyboard Big Grin


55 zero? Is the opposition bad or something? Haven't seen much of them on the news.


Yes, Shorten's costings were around $60billion less than the Coalition's over the long term.


Can't comment on Metro Rail but the trams are excellent.


Just one thing. They need to have Myki work on the Skybus. Apart from that it's all good.

Well.... a lot of Shorten's savings are passing thru parliament right now as we speak Smile
Can't agree about the "stuff the people" line.
The people voted to rip up the contract and that's what they got. Promise kept. Probably explains the Govt's popularity Smile
Stuff the people says more about Tony Abbott that anyone else. 

Quote:"To pay $1.2 billion not to build a road. What does that say about Victoria? It's an example of what goes wrong when in a fit of absent-mindedness the people elect a Labor government."
What a sick dog of a PM to not accept the will of the people with that statement.
Here you go Peter, there's your real Dr Dan Smile

[Image: wazza-rock-dog-triplem.jpg]

"Because your ears have brains..." 1980

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