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Abc Bias


I'm having fun Bro


How 'bout you? LOL



It's harmless debate / fun on an internet website. Nothing more.


Ever tried playing chess without an opponent? LOL


Yeah, let's reject the unsolicited changes made to it in 2004 Rolleyes


Let's cherry pick you say??


How even handed!!


Knight to p4


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Let's cherry pick you say??

More like putting the cherry back wouldn't you say??

(Don't put a red herring in that comment FFS   :o )


Quote:How even handed!!

That's even more dubious... but yeah, put it back the way it was.



Quote:Knight to p4

Trust you to side with the white fella Rolleyes


But OK, I'll play along... pawn to c6 :ph34r:

I guess the point is that just like the stupid brouhaha over the eligibliity of "dual citizenship" holders laws are not perfect and have to change with time for all sorts of reasons.


The folks that wrote our constitution were no doubt working in good faith - with the knowlege that they had - but that can never mean perfection for all time.


We once had a white Australia Policy - funnily enough generated by the ALP - I can't imagine that you would want to revert to that - so yes cherry picking is a fair comment.


Knight to p4 is racist??? :blink: 



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Well, you went first right? White always goes first in chess Smile


No I want to go back as far as the white Australia Policy to see fairness in the marriage debate.


Just repeal the 2004 policy that same way it was accented and then let the people decide after that.


But anyway the vote is on, I'm voting yes. Doesn't affect me or my lifestyle.


If it makes more people happy in this unhappy world of late then it's a bonus.


PS Knight to p4 is an illegal move...

Like ok show your anal predisposition - I wnn't tell.

Meanwhile the gagging of one side of a debate says way more about the gaggers than the gagged!

Do you support gagging PZ?


Y'all stay beautiful!!
I've just read your post three times...


It appears you've actually gagged yourself  Rolleyes


###  :Talking:

Quote:I've just read your post three times...


It appears you've actually gagged yourself  Rolleyes


###  :Talking:

Nope the forum did.

Do you support gagging?


Y'all stay beautiful!!
What gagging? You mean the gagging when Tony Abbott banned cabinet members from appearing on the ABC ?

Or the Catholic church threatening to sack employees for marrying their same-sex partners ?


Or the guy with the pie ?

That kind of gagging? No I don't support it. Do you?

I seem to remember the NO brigade saying they are more likely to accept a result than the YES folks if they don't get their way.


Those last two paragraphs prove that theory has already gone out the window.


I'm actually hoping the YES vote goes through just to put some of these elitist egos back in their place.

Quote:True there is now doubt that the YES brigade, will not accept a NO result. Is that what you said?

Nope. What I said was the NO brigade will not accept a YES result.


They want to hold the population to the old order... their order.


If the Catholic church sacks employees for being legally married it gives away their self appointed superiority.


It'll take time.. but if they want people to accept their faith they are going to have to adapt to the modern world.


And they've done it before.


It wasn't that long ago that homosexuality was illegal in this country.


The sky didn't fall in when the law changed.

Hey Aloy. Someone on another site just accused me of being Alan Jones or vile Kyle :laugh:

Quote:Hi Power.

Good news if the ABC live up to the claim of impartiality? Time will tell.
Every other media can adopt whatever stance their owner desires.

Here you go Peter...


"Now Channel 10 has admitted to the cardinal sin of journalism: photoshopping an image of the poster onto a stock image of a bus stop in Europe, to use in its television coverage of the issue.


“The poster in question had been taken down when our film crew visited the laneway in question so we were forced to source a copy online,” a spokeswoman for the network said in a statement."


In other words... channel 10 have LIED to the public with what could best be described as a pro yes stance.


You still think they can do whatever they want ?

Quote:Hey Aloy. Someone on another site just accused me of being Alan Jones or vile Kyle :laugh:


Gosh - I would never do that!!!!!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Hi Hi Hi Peter, you said "I will never ever accept that MARRIAGE is anything other than a man marries a woman."


I said "the NO brigade will not accept a YES result."  So it's not bullshti - you've just confirmed it's true !


Yes, Catholics have always been persecuted and vilified and had calumny spoken against them.


Guess what? Gays have always been persecuted and vilified and had calumny spoken against them as well.

Ah yes... the old "elite" chestnut Smile

I have nothing to gain from voting NO. I have nothing to lose from voting YES.

But I'm actually hoping the YES goes through just to tick off all those haters...

... and Tony Abbott.

O'Yeah... watching him lose against his own sister will be a real buzz Smile

Meanwhile, meet some gay lions :laugh:


What it will do though is move the Catholic Church even further on the outer.


And going off their own hidden sexual behaviour that's going to be a good thing.

If they sack their own people for getting legally married their days will be numbered I'm afraid Smile

And guess what happened over that twenty centuries Peter... they changed.. adapted.


Why stop now? It won't be long before they welcome SSM couples with open arms.


In fact, they're already doing it.


High ranking members of Christian churches across Perth have gathered to show their support for same-sex marriage.

Hosted by Anglican Dean Richard Pengelley at the lofty St George's Cathedral, the group launched Australian Christians for Marriage Equality, a national campaign of committed and ordained Christians supporting a 'yes' vote in the upcoming postal vote.


"Primarily it's about making Australia a fairer and more just society," the dean said.

"This will strengthen Australian society not weaken it."

Dean Pengelley, who recently revealed he is father to an adult child who is gay, said among his priests were those both willing and unwilling to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies.

"And that's okay, that's religious freedom," he said.

Speakers from the Anglican, Uniting Church, Church of Christ and Quaker faiths addressed the crowd of about 40 fellow Christians. Quaker elder Brenda Roy held back tears as she spoke of wanting her grandchildren to grow up without having to "justify their family or worry about how they talk about it."

Maverick Anglican rector Father Chris Bedding, who organised the event, said about 66 per cent of polled Catholics were planning to vote yes.


Lay Catholic and federal Labor member Matt Keogh told the crowd, "no religion or church should ever dictate to the community ... fundamental to everything we believe is love, and that's why marriage equality should become a reality in Australia."

He denied a 'yes' vote would force churches to perform same-same marriage ceremonies.

"Churches will still be able to determine who they do and don't marry in the church."

"Knowing that Catholics and other Christians should feel very free to vote in support of marriage equality."


Good on them I say.


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