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Jobs Off Shore.
Well when the construction industry goes off shore as many others have already.

Will the Unions and members be surprised?

Worse still if the construction industry just shuts shop.

These people disrupting other lawful businesses will have themselves to blame.

But guess what they will label themselves as victims.
Peterj has expressed his point of view and he is certainly entitled to his opinion. I wish to present the alternative view point. There is no malice here as Peter makes some observations that are correct. I thank him for starting a thread which is important. The recent Myer building site debacle was very badly handled and did not serve the union movement in a positive light. The methods were appalling and I believe questionable from a legal point of view.

However the off shore argument needs closer scrutiny. There are serious ethical questions.

The real victims will be the off shore employees. One of the reasons large corporations go off shore is for cheap labour. Having traveled to these countries it broke my heart to see the squalid conditions these poor people live and work in while large building companies and others reap huge profits.Like any other organization the union movement has been guilty of actions that one can only describe as scandalous and excessive. I make no apology for being a proud member of two unions and at times I have been angered by the actions of the union leaders.

Having said that for many years the union movement has been attacked by the right and membership of some unions has seriously dwindled. The result may well be devastating and the rights we have fought for may disappear. Some have gone already!

Yet a work force not represented by a strong powerful union leaves itself wide open to abuse by employers and the rights of the worker slowly disappear into oblivion.

If it was not for the unions children would still be sent down mines and up chimneys. Countries today without unions demonstrate the cruelest treatment of children and their parents often it is little more than slavery.

Every time you sit in your office, shop in a store or snuggle up from the cold at home remember these buildings were most likely built by builders.

As you walk down Collins street Melbourne and marvel at the beautiful historic Regent Theatre, remember it was the union movement that saved it from demolition.

I believe a strongly anti union Government may come to power at the next election.We must and will accept the electorates decision. If my regrettable prediction is correct the only viable power the worker will have is a strong cohesive union movement.

On a final note I would add the union movement needs to grow but must also listen to a frequently disenchanted public. To get the approval of people like Peter they must demonstrate a genuine sense of reality as well as a fight for justice.

I had a day free today and its great Peter puts up threads that are intellectually stimulating rather than topics like some Princesses breasts which one finds on other forums.
Sorry mate ... I just thought a good thread topic deserved a response.

No worries here.
HI guys, I am going to make a prediction and say Gillard will win the next election. So I don't think we will have a anti union govt any time soon. Not at the federal level at least.
Glen I wish I could share your optimism but I applaud your courage. I used to think this site was a Liberal party convention. I was wrong. I most sincerely apologize.Her speech in parliament yesterday was brilliant.

Gillard showed remarkable courage over the cruel inhumanity of Jones.

A gutsy remarkable woman.
I can officially declare I am swinging voter! hahaha.
I am really sorry I misjudged you Glen. I honestly thought this was a site strictly for right wingers.

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