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Giving Week - how you can take part
Giving Week - how you can take part

Australian Giving Week is being held around the country from December 4 to 10 to focus attention on the many ways that individuals, families, businesses and groups can make a difference to their community in the lead-up to Christmas.

It's about helping people take some small, simple steps that open the way for a better supported, more inclusive, more vibrant community.

Some ways of taking part are listed below:

  • Think about how you give. Christmas is a great time to think about how you give and how much you give. Read through the help sheet on 'How to Give Wisely' at [url=""][/url] to develop your own giving plan for Christmas and the New Year.

  • It's not just about money. Think about the time, skills and goods you might be able to contribute to make a difference to your community. Whether it's rolling up your sleeves for a working bee (or rolling up your sleeves to make a deposit at the Blood Bank), using your career skills to help a community group avoid costly professional fees, putting your hand up to join a community board or committee, or recycling goods such as mobile phones and bikes - there are such a huge number of ways you can give. Find out how to go about it at the Australian Giving Centre at [url=""][/url].

  • Send greetings to your friends and contacts and help the community at the same time. Australia Post and Our Community have teamed up to develop Australia's first Community Giving Card. For every Giving Card that is purchased and sent, $2 will be handed on to a local community group - with the group to be nominated either by the sender of the card, or the receiver. Find out more [url=""]here[/url].

  • Spend wisely. There is a lot of money sloshing around at Christmas time, and not all of it needs to end up in the hands of big business. Divert some of it to the community by buying your Christmas cards, Christmas trees and some of your Christmas gifts through community groups. There's a listing of community christmas cards at [url=""][/url] and for community christmas trees go to [url=""][/url].

  • Make a donation. With the rise of the internet, making a donation to a community group is just a mouse-click away. The Australian Giving Centre at [url=""][/url] has more than 850 community group appeals listed. This free, safe service means you can give to a group that matches your values from the comfort of your own home, at a time of your choosing, and with the security of knowing that 100% of your donation (less normal bank fees) reaches the group of your choice.

  • Join in. Join up. For many people, Christmas provides an opportunity to take a breather from work and other stressors and reconnect with your family, friends and community. Find out what events are happening around your community and get involved. Knock on your neighbour's door and invite them along too. Find a group whose work you like and join up. Our help sheet on volunteering - online at [url=""][/url] - can help you find the group that's right for you.

  • Spread the word. Tell everyone you know about Australian Giving Week. Email them with a link to this site ([url=""][/url]). Print out the '50 Ways to Give' list at [url=""][/url] and post at on the noticeboard at school or work. Ask your local businesses to get on board, and your local MPs as well (there's a section for both of those groups on [url=""][/url] too).

Australian Giving Week - being held around the country from December 4-10 - is an initiative of [url=""][/url] and is supported by Westpac Bank.

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