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A New York Yankee In Melbourne...
I've been offered a job by a friend of a friend. He's taking care of the visa paper work and I need to get some info on living around Melbourne.

I've got a place to stay for a few weeks, but eventually I'll need an apartment. I can live in just about any type of place as long as it's clean and I can get a good internet connection to stay in touch with my family.

Where is the most affordable place to look? I do plan on getting my own transportation, either a motorcycle or a used car.

After a few months (used to get to know the area) I'll need a 3 bedroom house (rental) to bring my family down until we can either buy or build. Suggestions on that?

And finally - any advice on day to day living costs. I need to diet anyway, so I'll be as cheap as I can on food (I prefer to cook for myself rather than order out). Telephone, internet and furniture are costs I need to check out.

Essentially, tell me everything! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />

And adjusting to the style of living won't be a problem. My mates in Melton have already said that I'll fit right in - no worries.

(edited to fix several horrible typos)
hi Ikyoto, what part of Melbourne will you be working in?
I think it's in Sunshine or there abouts. My mate and his missus live in Melton, with someone who drives by the company offering me a job and they said it's about a 15-20 drive.

My wife wants to live in Point Cook. I told her that once we're all over there and can afford it, fine. But for my needs anyplace will do. I'm not particular.
Well maybe you could pick a suburb near sunshine/altona then. Weribee would be even cheaper but of course a bit furthe away. Not sure how much you want to spend. I think Pt Cook is pretty expensive these days.
We looked at some online housing ads for Weribee already and it's within the range we can handle. We'd love to build rather than buy in the future, but for the first year or so, renting/leasing is the smarter way for us to go.

By the way - I couldn't help but laugh. I found an add for a one bedroom flat in Kensington. The irony - I live on Kensington Ave. Fate, neh?
emm well that might be a good sign! hahaha though you might find lots of other familar place names. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':wow' />
Well, Cliton Hill is the hot stop for tourists in Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada. We go up there on a regular basis when we have guests who have never seen the falls.

And if you take the zoo and park area and flip them right to left, it's essentially the same layout as the park, zoo and college in Buffalo NY where I grew up!
We have a Lake Buffalo and a Mt Buffalo but I don't think there is any towns with that name <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' /> LOL
Well, the suburb we live in is actually Amherst... if you say there is a prominent place in Melbourne named Amherst I wouldn't be at all suprised.
We have an "Amhurst Drive" which is pretty close! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsup2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':blink:' />

there is also a post code area with that name. Not sure exactly where it is though.


From what I can tell, it's to the north west of the city... and the suburb I live in is to the north east of Buffalo. Seriously, the layouts are mirrors of each other. The real difference is you've got the ocean to your south and we've got a huge fresh water lake bordering us.

At least it'll be an easy transition name-wise.
hahah yeah should be a breeze..speaking of which, it was a pretty cold day today!!! Ah I can't wait for summer!!!

Cheers, Glen
Mate, from what I can get off the web, it's between 6C and 12C there... That's an average spring day here! Winter here means -20C and then you add in wind chill off the lake to make it the equivalent of -30C!

Summer is in the 30-35C range with HIGH humidity. It's like setting foot in a sauna when you go outside. There are outrageously nice days in the early and late summer though.

Right now your weather sounds like paradise. When I come down I'll try to bring some rain with me. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':blink:' /> I hear you are willing to pay handsomely for it.
Yeah I don't know how anyone can stand living in such a cold place! I think i must have tropical bones because 35 sounds fine to me <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':blink:' /> Yes please bring some rain..but can you please arrange for NO rain on the weekends!!! thanks! lol <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
Little update - I've got a mate and his missus who are genuinely great friends. They are the folks I mentioned that live in Melton. Turns out that they are leaving Australia to take care of her mum in May... and they are leaving me furniture, a bike, a motorcycle and enough "start up" goods so that I can make an easy adjustment.

And I'll have use of a car. This is getting easier to handle!
Sounds like a walk in the park!!! What type of motor bike? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
No idea, but as long as it runs and I can ride it (I'm not long in the seam and have a set of steel rods in my spine that prevent me from bending certain ways), I'm right with it. My wife hates the idea, but at the cost of fuel, it's the best way to get around unless I'm moving large items. I just hope it's not a crotch rocket. I'm far more comfortable on a cruiser. But even if I can't use it, I've got a car to use.

Now it's in the hands of the paperwork demons.
Update: I'll be living in Flowerdale, working in West Sunshine.

The ONLY hold up right now is that the folks at immigration haven't given my new boss the number I need to fill in my Visa paperwork!

I'll be calling them Monday night my time to see if I can get that number. It's -1C here already! I want out of here before the snow REALLY hits - we've got half a meter in some places.
yeah i hate the cold too!!! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

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