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I Wish I Said.
Quote:Peter Hitchens in the Sunday Daily Mail said Police do not prevent crime or protect our citizens.

Among other things Peter H said:

Since then, the police do not prevent crime or disorder. They wait for it to happen, and then come rushing along to the scene of their failure, accompanied by loud electronic screams and wails and flashing lights.

"Come rushing along to the scene of their failure" How good is that?

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How good is it?


Not very - at all.


Crime is a result of criminal activity not of police failure.


If there were no crime we wouldn't need police.


Mr Hitchens is merely mouthing the same BS that has infected most western cultures: "It's all some one else's fault, I don't deserve any consequences for my crimes against society"


Blaming police for crime rates is a furphy.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
At my last Cardiology test - eighteen years after a five heart arterial bypass op - my Cardiologist said


" Mate, your hearts still under warranty"


                                                                      that's some way of saying that you are doing OK!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Knees?Knees are for kneeling - not keen on that notion!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Knees are mighty fine thankyou!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Whats your point?

As always incredibly petty.

Yes I know the red neck going for the lowest form of attack.

A true low life.

Cold it is :o


<a class="" href='index.php?showuser=372' title="Your Profile">[Image: photo-thumb-372.jpg?_r=1431387834]</a>
I wish I said it and now do:


Vale BB King.


Thanky ou to a fine musician and a greater man!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
I wish I had said much that Paul Kelly Editor at large for the Australian said in has article relating to Professor Trips.

One recommends this as an incisive article about a troubling issue.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
I think they should charge triple, no one will read it, the haters that work there will leave and that'll be the end of it Smile
Awww cheers mate!

Yes it was harsh but accurate. By not paying to read the Australian you're missing out on basically.... nothing Smile

For several years now the haters that write for the Australian have had an agenda of cutting pay and conditions for shift workers which apart from being a complete repudiation of their duty is a dead giveaway of their far right leanings...

So for me the Australian has no value yet they want you to pay to read their rubbish.

Have a good weekend Big Grin
Hi Peter.

I do a frequent google search for workplace relations and the vast majority of results show up as anti worker articles from The Australian so I have no need to read it, the headlines say it all.

I agree though... good game last night!

See you Choosedee Smile
Hi Peter.

My wish is for a double D and no houses under Libs until the day I die Smile
At least Albanese has some semblance of values and ethics - a rare quality in todays ALP.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Meanwhile look forward to more dissension in the ALP as a senior shadow minister urges the ALP caucus to adopt the Coalition policy regarding turning back boats - good luck with that one!


Vote Coalition and get future ALP policy - you know it makes sense!!!!


"Aslyum seekers: Labor's Right mounting push to adopt Abbott Government's hardline boat turn-back policy"



Y'all stay beautiful!!
"Vote Coalition and get future ALP policy"... Well the Coalition are already handing down ALP budgets.

This years' budget made a lot more sense than the last one.
Quote:At least Albanese has some semblance of values and ethics - a rare quality in todays ALP.

Quote:As Burt Newton once said to Cassius Clay:

"I like the boy."

Turn it up fellas... :LMAO:

If he was leading the ALP right now you would be discrediting him at every opportunity.


He's a Labor man, and therefore your enemy.


Turn it up fellas... :LMAO:

If he was leading the ALP right now you would be discrediting him at every opportunity.


He's a Labor man, and therefore your enemy.



Mr Albanese's  values make him a better candidate than Mr Shorten for Leader - but he was rejected by the party machine in spite of his higher approval from the rank and file.


It's perfectly possible to rate Albanese higher as a candidate for his values and reject his policies.


That is a normal state of affairs many ALP folks behave exactly the same way toward Coalition leaders.


If I recall correctly Mr Turnbull meets with your general approval but you disagree with some of his policies - and that's OK - I just claim the same right.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
You are more than welcome to claim that right. However it seems to contradict a previous right you claim that Bill Shorten "has a future" and his longevity is assured by surrounding himself with those less credible than himself.


So I must ask how did Mr Albanese promote himself from being less credible than Bill Shorten as leader to being a better candidate in less than a year?

Quote:You are more than welcome to claim that right. However it seems to contradict a previous right you claim that Bill Shorten "has a future" and his longevity is assured by surrounding himself with those less credible than himself.


So I must ask how did Mr Albanese promote himself from being less credible than Bill Shorten as leader to being a better candidate in less than a year?


Huh what are you talking about? I previously claimed Bill had a future?  Do tell!


Mr Albanese has credibility established by his perceived behaviours. I believe nothing has changed in that regard - clearly rank and file ALP party members agreed with me more than a year ago when the Machine installed Bill against their vote.


Try again PZ one looks forward to understanding your point.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Huh what are you talking about? I previously claimed Bill had a future?  Do tell!
LOL! That's funny. Here you go my friend...
Quote:Hmmmmmmmm I had thought that Mr Shorten would have a limited shelf life but now I'm not so sure.

In spite of his popularity beginning to fall away, the truth is that the possible replacements are if anything even less credible.

What a way to longevity - surround yourself with those less credible than yourself!

The cost, and there is always a cost, is that electoral support will continue to slide.

Clearly the Government is quite happy to have Bill there!

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