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I Wish I Said.
Aaron B said in the Herald Sun:

The climate scientists trapped in the sea ice went to the Antartic to prove the ice cap is melting.

Then became frozen in the sea ice because ice cover had expanded?

What delicious irony!
Yes that is pretty funny. They should have taken some bottled global warming along with them. I believe that would be any carbonated soft drink. That is full of CO2!


It is a bit chilly this evening actually! I don't feel much global warming.

Their response would be to say it is climate change and the cold weather is a symptom of that.


Then when it is hot they say global warming.


With an argument that like it is pretty impossible to make sense of it. I generally think scientists make a lot of sense but I still have not been convinced about global warming.


In any case, I think a bit of warming is so much better than an ice age!

I don't want to cause friction. I just don't understand why this is an issue. The sceptics are EXACTLY and I do mean EXACTLY the same as the people who were backed by the tobacco companies saying smoking is harmless.

I read the thread and I don't see why its irony? OK in a way but its a very very long shot.

The science is clear. Indeed 97% of climate scientists believe the earth is getting hotter. Do I hear contradictions? Fact... between 2000 and 20009 was the hottest on record.

Some say the earth has not warmed since 1998. Not so. 2010 was the warmest recorded.

Oh the big lie 1934 was the hottest on record. Not so. That was only in one part of the USA.   

AS for the article about the trapped scientists... it proves nothing but variables.

It is further proof that the non scientists simply don't understand the difference between weather and climate.

Of course science does not have all the answers. That's the beauty of science.

Personally I would rather believe men and women who have spent their lives studying climate than a few mediocre shock jocks. Sorry there's no irony in this. Its simple proof of the complexity of this science.

Or do you believe that if Aunt Sally smoked all her life and never got cancer that's clear proof that smoking is harmless. 

I don't like the suggestion that hundreds of people will be killed off and that's ok...the earth will get respite and function once more.

Look at your children do you care at all about them?

.I don't believe you are heartless. I honestly believe that if you read the literature you will be convinced. Its not my desire to upset anyone here. I am simply presenting the other side of the argument. The sceptics simply are the ones with egg on their faces.

I have read all sides of this and I am no expert either but procrastinating is not a wise move.

Here in Thailand I see the effects every day. This country does NOTHING about it either.

I don't think I will be here much longer. There is trouble in the air.

Home again. Not all that happy about living in Abbots Australia but by the looks of things it will be hopefully a one term Gov.

Quote:Home again. Not all that happy about living in Abbots Australia but by the looks of things it will be hopefully a one term Gov.
You can say that again :dance:
I wish I said that :Loser:



How've you been?

So much for the shirtfront; anyone can talk tough while holding a wet lettuce :o
[Image: 1477683_918574494834273_4574593377880486...e=551AB74D]
Well I think we can at least agree on one thing guys...Abbots performance at G20 was a farce and an embarrassment.Both he and the hopeless one, our buffoon treasurer are looking dreadful in their posts.Give Bishop the top job and transport the impressive Mathias to the big post of treasurer.

He should have bitten the bullet and invited Kevin Rudd to lead the summit. It could easily have been a bipartisan job..

I was in Singapore a couple of years ago with several Chinese business men who were bowled over by Kevin Rudd and his perfect Chinese. I speak a little Chinese but its pathetic compared to Kevin.

I know some of you were not happy with the previous Government either Rudd or Prime Minister Gillard but Rudd was a brilliant diplomat and the current Government would be foolish not to use this formidable talent.
Not too embarrassing for the Government to rely on someone who lost the election to lead the summit? I'd rather see Abbott shooting himself in the foot and into opposition where he was obviously far more comfortable. I don't think it matters who gets the top job. The entire front bench in Government are merely figureheads in a job that requires no educational prerequisites outside of maybe public speaking skills.

It's the regressive/scabby polices of this Government that are a hopeless farce in my opinion.

Attacking the pensioners and sick people is putrid for starters.
I cant really top that.

It is certainly a remarkably untalented front bench.

I am totally convinced the speaker Bishop is really a bloke.

As I suspected this guy (there is a nice Americanism you will no doubt love) is not an Australian.

He probably would never read The Sentimental Bloke by one our most loved writers CJ Dennis.

He must be running out of people to hate. Of course Robert Kennedy said that a true society in the end will always be judged on how it treats its minorities.

Gays, Indigenous Australians, certainly women, Muslims, non English speaking people, greens, unions...

read back on his hate posts you will see this Nazi likes very few people.

Its not free speech is pure hate...

Hey guys, I agree Abbott is doing badly but that is why i did not vote for him. it was pretty obvious from the beginning that he was not going to make a good leader.


But on the plus side, i think he is not a power driven maniac, so he will probably happily step aside and give someone else a go in the not too distant future. That is my prediction at least!



That is not true. Ted gave up without hardly fight.

Quote:I don't want to cause friction. I just don't understand why this is an issue. The sceptics are EXACTLY and I do mean EXACTLY the same as the people who were backed by the tobacco companies saying smoking is harmless.

I read the thread and I don't see why its irony? OK in a way but its a very very long shot.

The science is clear. Indeed 97% of climate scientists believe the earth is getting hotter. Do I hear contradictions? Fact... between 2000 and 20009 was the hottest on record.

Some say the earth has not warmed since 1998. Not so. 2010 was the warmest recorded.

Oh the big lie 1934 was the hottest on record. Not so. That was only in one part of the USA.   

AS for the article about the trapped scientists... it proves nothing but variables.

It is further proof that the non scientists simply don't understand the difference between weather and climate.

Of course science does not have all the answers. That's the beauty of science.

Personally I would rather believe men and women who have spent their lives studying climate than a few mediocre shock jocks. Sorry there's no irony in this. Its simple proof of the complexity of this science.

Or do you believe that if Aunt Sally smoked all her life and never got cancer that's clear proof that smoking is harmless. 

I don't like the suggestion that hundreds of people will be killed off and that's ok...the earth will get respite and function once more.

Look at your children do you care at all about them?

.I don't believe you are heartless. I honestly believe that if you read the literature you will be convinced. Its not my desire to upset anyone here. I am simply presenting the other side of the argument. The sceptics simply are the ones with egg on their faces.

I have read all sides of this and I am no expert either but procrastinating is not a wise move.

Here in Thailand I see the effects every day. This country does NOTHING about it either.



Aye but there is the rub green perspective folks come to the table convinced before they read the facts - from there it's a simple matter of interpreting to suit their already held convictions.


It's a new faith based religion really you have faith first then you explain all in the light of that faith.



I reckon faith is better than no faith, but it's not the answer to these issues.


Empty phrases like " The science is in" are pathetic - the science is never in merely the current belief is in


Humans once thought the world was round then flat and then round!!


To equate a sceptic of the current "The science is in" thinking with tobacco apologists is a ludicrous association that bears no scrutiny at all.


That logic is something like the " Charlie Hebdo  people were shot by muslim terrorists - the king of Jordan is a muslim - he must be a terrorist" type argument.


These kinds of statements call into question the beliefs of those who consider themselves non-sceptics.


A non sceptic is a believer who has faith and is never afraid of attacking those who do not share their faith.


Long live scepticism, a strong defense against the excesses of blind faith.


Who knows what scepticism of the Nazi pure race beliefs may have done for millions of victims?




Y'all stay beautiful!!
Question everything and believe nothing? You're getting warmer Big Grin
Quote:Question everything and believe nothing? You're getting warmer Big Grin


It's warm up here!


I would modify your statement to: "Question everything and believe nothing" - that you cannot verify with due diligence.


Y'all stay beautiful!!

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