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Our Abc
Whatever, Alan Jones is not the national broadcaster and as far as I know he is not funded by the taxpayer.


You know - the taxpayer who voted a significant majority to the coalition - hey but what do they know when compared to those ALP know it alls.


Citing Jones as some kind of balance to the ABC bias is drawing a pretty long bow!  IMO



Y'all stay beautiful!!
However, your earlier comment...

"I just think that it's fine to present the ALP position, but let's not shrink from stating that a journalist has some responsibility to evenhandedness." fine to advocate indiscriminate journalism as long as criticism for the lack thereof is equally even handed.


If Alan Jones can do it, so can everyone else. They have similar rights. It's called freedom of speech.

Cheers Peter.


My view is..... if a Govt is allowed to directly influence on air content, the ABC would lose its value.


It needs to retain its editorial independence.


If the Government doesn't like being criticised then they are simply going to have to improve their performance.


I might also add that next chewsday the ABC are running "The Killing Season" which is all about Rudd / Gillard war to end all wars and where they accuse each other of lying, betrayal, bullying, intimidation, the lot.


Apparently, the ABC never criticise the ALP.... so how is this possible?

Quote:Cheers Peter.


My view is..... if a Govt is allowed to directly influence on air content, the ABC would lose its value.


It needs to retain its editorial independence.


If the Government doesn't like being criticised then they are simply going to have to improve their performance.


I might also add that next chewsday the ABC are running "The Killing Season" which is all about Rudd / Gillard war to end all wars and where they accuse each other of lying, betrayal, bullying, intimidation, the lot.


Apparently, the ABC never criticise the ALP.... so how is this possible?



PZ who is asking for direct influence on ABC on air content?


All that I want is for their on air content to be less biased than it is.


I want to form my own opinion from unbiased reporting - I reckon I should have that right.


The present case is that the Nationally funded ABC does not provide unbiased reporting, it dresses almost all political reporting in clothes that are actually opinion - their opinion.



This is so much the case that I am absolutely amazed that they actually can present a program that is unbiased - at all.


It seems to happen once every few years and is confined to historical events - but hey I will take anything I can get!!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Who is asking for direct influence on ABC's on air content?
Quote:Frankly, a more direct response to their bias is long overdue.
It would appear you were asking for it... in your first post Tongue

Now for the record I would be asking for a more direct response to bias in all forms of media.

P.S. Did you watch the killing season by any chance?
Quote:The ABC’s blatant bias against the Labor Party has become a ­national disgrace.

Sarah Ferguson’s imminent ­series on the Kevin Rudd-Julia Gillard years — The Killing Season — is a deplorable, reprehensible attempt by the ABC to needlessly dredge up events Labor would best have us forget.

It deals with occurrences Labor needs to put behind it and the only reason the ABC has taken such pains to make the series is its outrageous and increasingly obvious preference for the Coalition.

The more televisually aware of you would be conversant with the regretful fact that this is the second time in recent months the broadcaster’s undisguised predisposition for the Coalition side of politics has been put on shameless public display.

We’re still getting letters complaining long and bitterly about Heather Ewart’s series, A Country Road, shown late last year and ­resplendent with such known political rogues as Doug Anthony, Ian Sinclair, Peter Nixon, Tim Fischer and Barnaby Joyce. You might even refer to it as the Doug ­Anthony Allstars!

Sinkers in his shorts and matching boots, fixing the paddock gate. Tim’s hat. Doug and Peter lauding and chuckling about the good old days of Malcolm Fraser’s Coalition administration. Barnaby whipping it all along with a few good old country yarns. And Ewart posing as just an uncomplicated, neutral country girl! Some neutral! We must put Ewart in with Ferguson; not a good word to say about Labor!

There simply aren’t enough exclamation marks available to adequately highlight the ABC’s embarrassingly conspicuous pro-conservative bias.

Should you be in any doubt, Labor’s manager of opposition business, Tony Burke, revealed on 7.30 a few evenings back that Ferguson had pestered him for some time to participate in her anti-ALP tirade.

Burke hinted he’d said “no”, time and time again, presumably half-cognisant of how much harm the program would do Labor. The only faint hint of political impartiality we can detect here is that Leigh Sales at least had the wit and sense of political balance to reprimand him.

This was Sales to Burke on June 3: “You’re one of the Labor MPs who’s participated in a ­documentary trawling back through the Rudd-Gillard years. Why would you remind voters again of all the dysfunction that characterised Labor’s last stint in office?”

Burke: “I said no for a long time. I did the original research interview. There’s a great policy story I want to be able to tell. I was given different guarantees eventually that the program would tell those, so I agreed to a long interview.”

Sales: “Well, do you regret doing it now?”

Burke: “No, no, not at all, not at all.”

Sales: “Isn’t the effect of the documentary going to be to remind voters, ‘Oh, that’s right, that’s what this mob was like last time they were in office, so I won’t make that mistake again by voting Labor?”’

Burke: “By the time I did agree to do the program, which was a long way into the production phase, the program was definitely going to go ahead. So when the story ...”

Sales: “But isn’t the effect of you, and all of your colleagues participating, going to be to remind voters of the disarray that occurred?”

Burke: “The decision I had to make was whether or not I thought the story was going to be told anyway, I could contribute to it being told accurately. And certainly I’m not in charge of how it gets edited.

“The interview I gave was the long, whole story of policy achievement in my area of the ­environment: the Murray-Darling, oceans, Tasmanian forests, a whole lot of things that I’m tremendously proud of. I got to tell (Ferguson) that.

“Whether it ends up on the cutting room floor or not, that part of it’s not my decision.”

Yes, Sales was a bit after the event. But at least she tried. Whether she’s said anything to Ferguson isn’t known.

Why the ABC can’t find it in its heart to be fair to Labor is a difficult thing to identify and establish.

Some say it goes back to a long-ago day when a former ABC ­managing director, David Hill, had a fierce argument with Paul ­Keating and Bob Hawke about a funding campaign popularly dubbed “only eight cents a day”.

Some insiders say this is a ­nonsense theory and that Keating and Hawke actually regarded the eight cents a day campaign, ­largely dreamt up by a Hill lieutenant, Keith Jackson, as enormous fun.

This faction says the big rift actually goes back to a mighty row between Hawke and the ABC’s then director of radio, Malcolm Long, about whether or not Radio Australia should be free to carry personal messages on behalf of overseas-based soldiers.

Others maintain ABC-Labor antipathy stretches back more than 30 years to when Four Corners, primarily in the persona of Chris Masters, was regarded as perpetrating calumnies against a Labor premier of repute and reputation, the late Neville Wran.

The program heralded trouble for the then chairman of the NSW Rugby League, the late Kevin Humphreys, and Wran was accused of improperly trying to extricate Humphreys from strife. Wran had to face a royal commission (which cleared him) and subsequently sued the national broadcaster for libel.

For some time he took pointedly to not answering questions from ABC reporters. That was 32 years ago but, insiders remind you, some Labor memories are ­robust and intact.

Some say this is all rubbish though they do concede 1983 wasn’t a good year for ABC-Labor relations.

They remind you the ABC, largely in the form of the late Richard Carleton, responded to Hawke deposing Bill Hayden as Labor leader with the question, live on television: “Mr Hawke, could I ask you whether you were feeling a little embarrassed tonight at the blood that’s on your hands?”

Mr Hawke wasn’t amused. He told Carleton: “It’s a ridiculous question. You know it’s ridiculous. I have no blood on my hands.”

Out damned spot! Out I say!
Errol Simper >
Heh Heh Heh good one!!!



Dear Errol seems to think that merely by letting the "ALP" figures speak for themselves that this is somehow biased.


The program clearly praised Mr Rudd for many of his acts as PM, it also allowed us to draw our own conclusions from two sides of a story articulated by the major players.


Never mind Mr Simper PZ, what was your take on episode 1?



Heh Heh I think Mr Simper was merely simpering



Y'all stay beautiful!!
I didn't actually watch it, but it appears from your description it was worth watching?

FTA isn't worth my effort of watching and promptly passing out in the process... but I can always download it Tongue
I reckon you should see the first episode it most certainly did not give undue praise to the Coalition in opposition - raised the Godwin Grech debacle etc.

I would like to get your take on it.


Meanwhile flying out to Lake Como tomorrow to celebrate a 60th birthday for a couple who are long standing friends, after that we are heading to Trieste then joining a coach tour of Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia.


First time on an Airbus 380 14.5 hrs to Dubai then 6.5 on to Milan.


Heh Heh this is my superan at work!!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
You just can't stay still can you mate? LOL

I'll watch the doco on Snoozeday - enjoy your holiday!
Geez! 7 hr drive to Brisbane, 14.5 hrs to Dubai, 4 hr stopover _time for a shower etc,  6.5 hrs to Milan, 1 hr train to Como, 15 min on ferry to our hotel.

All just in time to go out to cocktails for 4 hrs.


Believe that a sound sleep followed!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Meanwhile back on topic:

Our abc has been found to have risked thousands of lives by bagging the most effective anticholesterol drug - statins.

Our abc deemed itself more expert than the huge majority of cardiologists and in doing so frightened those easily frightened into discontinuing the use of an essential and effective drug.

Until this cowboy behaviour has significant consequences for the abc expect no improvement.

I am a user of statins for the last 19 years following heart surgery, I believe it has contributed to my survival.

Happily I have much more faith in my Cardiologist the the AB frigging C!!!!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Latest Q&A effort merely confirms ABC biases.


National broadcaster? 


This appalling lack of judgement is a good thing really - it removes any sham of even handedness. 



Y'all stay beautiful!!
I take it you mean allowing the presence of Coalition pollies on the panel is an appalling lack of judgment? lol
Quote:I take it you mean allowing the presence of Coalition pollies on the panel is an appalling lack of judgment? lol

Lol right back at her!

Please tell me that an anti Australian should be afforded own own ABC's public forum paid for by the folks this effluent threatens.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
The law of the land and the judicial system confirms his current status as a free man allowed to walk the streets and voice an opinion - just like everyone else.

He presents no more of a threat than say... anyone holding a "ditch the witch" sign Smile
Speaking of technicalities... the ABC is technically lead by the Australian Govt that is full of and lead by a bunch of unaustrailan bastrads. LOL

Still... I know what you mean about beheadings... apparently the human body regrows the most unimportant parts like hair and fingernails...

So Tony Abbott has nothing to worry about... if someone takes his head off he just grows another one and donates the old one to the Australian newspaper.

look at this sample >
.jpg   2.jpg (Size: 2.87 KB / Downloads: 23)
And this >
.jpg   3.jpg (Size: 2.73 KB / Downloads: 23)

Then you have this >
.jpg   8.jpg (Size: 2.9 KB / Downloads: 26)

.jpg   5.jpg (Size: 2.47 KB / Downloads: 21)   < How 'bout this?????

Don't forget this >
.jpg   6.jpg (Size: 1.97 KB / Downloads: 24)
Changing the subject does not refute the basic assertion that the ABC is guilty of blatant bias.

The ABC in fact admits it, altho they call it errors of judgement when challenged.

If they accept that their behaviour is wrong, why can't their apologists?

Dobro jutero!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
The ABC has apologists? Where?

If the Libs really believe the ABC is biased they would boycott their programs and not appear on them.

The ABC would then abandon the political arena, voters would then do their own research and ultimately the Libs would probably never win another election.

Perfect solution Smile
Quote:The ABC has apologists? Where?

If the Libs really believe the ABC is biased they would boycott their programs and not appear on them.

The ABC would then abandon the political arena, voters would then do their own research and ultimately the Libs would probably never win another election.

Perfect solution Smile

Look no further than Bill and your bathroom mirror. :Hug:

As for boycotting - that has it's problems particularly in the hands of biased "news" folks. I'm sure you realise this.


Minister Andrews has in fact done exactly that!



That aside the bias is becoming increasingly obvious even to those who are no fans of the Coalition parties.


"Our ABC" they say and then have the hide to say " Well you can always turn it off"



Hello - would you accept ownership of a car that wouldn't steer along the middle of the road?



You would fix it!


Y'all stay beautiful!!

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