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Our Abc
Criticising one bunch of journalists as a defence of another bunch of journalists (ABC) is a fairly lightweight response!


what if they are both biased?




Quote:Good Friday is a rare day off Big Grin

As for Powerzone /PZ it was a recording studio I was associated with for a few years.

These days I'm just happy to be alive hence the smiley login name (ツ)

Back to the fact check... I followed the links that came with the article in question - one of them was published on 24th March and the "fact check" was published the day after that.

I reckon the investigation started on 1st of March, finished on 24th March and was published on 25th March.


Furthermore, I've not seen anything else on the internet to suggest the report was deliberately held back by the ABC.


The accusation thereof appears to be only coming from Piers Off Akerman - no one else from what I could find.


I think he's either stuffed up, or lied. It's an own goal either way.


The Daily Telegraph has form in both aspects.

People who read it usually go like this...
[Image: giphy.gif]


So Akerman and Fairfax are biased but the dear old ABC - our ABC - is not?



Yeah - riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight



Y'all stay beautiful!!
It really doesn't matter whether Akerman is biased or not. It's beside the point.

The point is his allegation is false based on the evidence I provided in the post you quoted.
But having already demonstrated ABC bias to you - why would one respond?



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Because the ABC bias in that case hasn't been demonstrated, it's been alleged, and proven false.

And that false allegation by Piers Akerman invited a challenge Smile
Aw shucks yor Honnor sorri I didn't prove it to your satisfaction :blink:


If you can't see ABC bias - you don't want to.


Good grief, just look at the work experience of the major players.


Then you can either say  " but they are professionals with no political leanings" or you can start to see their biases.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
I could say that but why would I? Political leanings of major players has zip to do with the way the ABC operates.

I'm more interested in how this "fact check" investigation that started on 1st of March, finished on 24th March, was published on 25th March and suggests the ALP leader is talking "spin" is somehow a form of pro Labor ABC bias?

More to the point - how's it possible the result was deliberately held back by the ABC as alleged?
Quote:How about they didn't know the result until after the investigation?
Exactly. Having put forward this possibility there seems little point in discrediting it.
You appear a tad confused my dear PZ :Sleepy:



But it's OK i still regard you as a very nice person.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Thanks mate, and the other good news is there's no confusion in this neck of the woods Smile

Attack dogs or their female equivalent that the ABC primes and let's loose quite boringly appear to believe that their ALP based philosophies are far more important to the television viewer that the message and proclamations of government ministers.


That's all very nice for them but I prefer hearing what the folks that make policy have to say.


Asking a question and then cutting in on the answer is not just poor manners it's actually denigrating the ability of the listener to understand the answer and to make their own judgements.


The excuse that they give for this biased behaviour is that Alan Jones does it.


Well hello!


The must respect him more than I do, and  more than they say they do!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
I suspect more people respect Alan Jones after the QLD election than before...
Suspect away -it's free - hope you had a good w/end at work PZ!



I guess Alan Jones is as good an excuse for ABC bias as anything else I have heard :Hug:



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Maybe he should work for them then? He'd be an ideal replacement for Peter Rieth.

Yep the weekend was good thanks Aloy Wink
"Alan Jones can be as biased as he likes"

Away from the microphone? Sure. On the job? No.

By law all forms of media are required to be unbiased but clearly they aren't.
It's a V8 mate! 4 on the left, 4 on the right - nice and balanced Big Grin

That was a b-a-d last 5 minutes :o


Chooseday will be better... lol

Quote:bias ?


go the blues!!


Yep they went!!

And they were given a lesson in control.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Excellent example of the new opposition's (Our ABC) stance this very morning on ABC 24


Barrie Cassidy ex ALP staffer and alleged journalist was interviewed and took the ALP stance on all 4 issues raised.



Now I don't know about others but it's a bit hard to believe that a government can only make mistakes and an opposition only be correct - it just doesn't wash. - at all.


Cassidy is not a journalist he is a commentator.


That should be put up front - it's OK to be a commentator, it's OK to be biased as a commentator, but it's dishonest to pretend to be a journalist, as he does and as the ABC pretend.



Unlike Peters car the ABC car is not balanced - at all.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
I just think that it's fine to present the ALP position, but let's not shrink from stating that a journalist has some responsibility to evenhandedness.


If that is not possible at least be honest and call yourself a commentator rather than a news presenting journo.


As for Scott - his bias is clear, so how can one accept his statements as unbiased?

How can he be right?



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Excellent choice of words - I'm sick of ants too!


"Definition of sycophant in English:


<div style="margin:0px;">A person who acts <a class="" href='' title="Meaning of obsequiously">obsequiously</a> towards someone important in order to gain advantage<span style="margin:0px;">."</span>
Definition of obsequious in English:


<div style="margin:0px;"><a class="" href='' title="Meaning of Obedient">Obedient</a> or <a class="" href='' title="Meaning of attentive">attentive</a> to an <a class="" href='' title="Meaning of excessive">excessive</a> or <a class="" href='' title="Meaning of servile">servile</a> degree:
yep excellent choice of words there Pete. :notworthy: 
Note well how servility, sychophancy, and obsequiousness towards ones masters is so frequently contrasted by undue aggression and rudeness toward those thought not to be "masters" however incorrectly.
You can fill in the list of "our ABC" representatives who so charmlessly present this contrast. :angry2: 


Y'all stay beautiful!!
.... and Alan Jones Smile

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