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Our Abc
Bishop class

Greer crass



Y'all stay beautiful!!
So this is what happens when Liberal Party members talk to the ABC...


As you see, the ABC is simply relaying information. It boils down to what I posted earlier in the thread. If the Libs don't like the anti Lib bias on the ABC then don't talk to them, don't give them sensitive information and don't give them the means to portray the perceived bias.


Simple really Smile

Thanks Peter.


The most vocal right wing comic is Larry Pickering's "Pickering Post"


Clickity Click! >


It's the most anti Labor virtual rag around... you'll love it! :fishing:

[Image: 071012Abbottobsessedcl_edited-2.jpg]
[Image: av-372.jpg?_r=0]  Waiter!!! Come over here boy, have a cigar, you're gonna go far!





See you on Tunesday !


More ABC BS - this morning Mr Barron the Fact Checker was wheeled out for the failing anti Government campaign orchestrated from the back rooms of "Our ABC"


His query was related to a claim made by Julie Bishop that the present government inherited to greatest debt in Australian history. He the cited the figures that confirmed her claim.


Not content with that he the went on to express the figures in terms of the GDP at the time and proved that previous governments had inherited greater debts - expressed as % GDP 


I think the greatest of those was during the second world war.


All very ho hum I guess until Mr Barron then gave the judgement that Ms Bishop was incorrect in her assertion.


Hello - he cites the actual figures that agree with her assertion, then changes the assertion and proves that assertion incorrect.


Straw men alive and kicking in 'Our ABC"


It's all very funny until you recognise the intellectual dishonesty that 'Our ABC " peddles as comment.


Bishop 1 ABC 0



Y'all stay beautiful!!
LOL! That's a very lo-fi comment from JB Big Grin


"all areas of the budget have to be considered for savings because we inherited the largest deficits in Australia's history from Labor".


That's a bit like saying the Abbott Govt inherited the largest revenue in history from the former Labor Govt.


Hate to be the one to tell JB but there is such a thing as inflation???  I could easily argue the Abbott Govt is the worst in history simply because everything is more expensive than is was during WW2 or any other time.


I should be happy because chances are I have more money than Henry the Eighth ever did :officechair:


Any economist will tell you the most accurate way of measuring economic activity is through using GPD as a yardstick.


Forget WW2. We are far better off than we were even 20 years ago. Our debt to GDP ratio is roughly half what it was then plus we have money stored in future funds that didn't exist back then. Yes, Aloy we can thank the Howard govt for that but it doesn't help Julie Bishop very much in this case.


As much as I admire her performance in this term of Govt her economic credentials aren't strong enough which explains why she resigned as Shadow Treasurer 5 years ago due to dissatisfaction within her own party...


Swan has her scalp on his dusty old hat stand in the garage somewhere Smile


Back on Chooseday, have a good weekend mate :dance:

Yeah have a good panel of shifts PZ :dance:


Meanwhile let's be honest enough to accept that the ABC fact checker did check statements  uttered by Ms Bishop and found them to be correct - they then cast the figures in a different way and ended the program saying Ms Bishop was incorrect according to their new figures.


That is political spin dished up by a (notionally) apolitical "Fact Checker"


The loser is us and the ABC's ever diminishing credibilty.


JB - (John Barron) has a clear history of whitewashing the previous governments appalling economic record - now why would that be, one wonders? :Talking:



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Having looked at the Fact Check in question I'd say Ms Bishop is wrong and if the ABC had agreed with her in the first place they too would have been wrong.... but they didn't, and I can't see any evidence that they did.

They put 3 statements under scrutiny.

No 1 > "all areas of the budget have to be considered for savings because we inherited the largest deficits in Australia's history from Labor"

No 2 > "We can't solve all the problems of the budget debt and deficit, the massive unprecedented size of it that we inherited from Labor - because it was the worst set of financial accounts inherited by any incoming government in Australia's history."

No 3 > "We did have an enormous challenge given that we inherited the very worst set of financial accounts in Australia's political history... We sought to get a budget that was fair but recognised the fact that we had enormous debt and deficit to manage."

All three statements are wrong and that's coming from senior economists.. not John Barron. John Barron is simply a presenter reading a script. John Howard would've said the same thing if he had read the same script.
What's interesting about this thread is so far nothing has been said about the Fact Check unit disagreeing with the vast majority of Bill Shorten's statements including this one.

Their verdicts put him down as correct only once. Every other time it was either hot air, irrelevent, failed to check out or cherry picking.


Cripes! They don't like Bill Shorten very much at all :o

G'day Peter.


I'll take a union led Govt over an anti union Govt any day of the week... especially a if it's Saturday or Sunday.


Last time we had a anti union Government they tried to turn Saturdays and Sundays into just another Monday.


Not good for the workers!


I congratulate Dan the man for reversing the above process as laid down by the previous Govt when they attacked public holiday loadings.


But when it comes to Shorten at least, the ABC fact checker isn't as biased as asserted in this thread Smile

Thanks Peter Smile
I have an interest in Vic politics and how it affects Melbourne particularly as I visit the area frequently.
Meanwhile here's some more good news for workers...

Judge dismisses PUP candidate Maria Rigoni's bid to have Victorian election result declared invalid

More ABC bias Smile
Hi Peter.

Yeah it does get hot in that area, I'd prefer Kurrajong myself although it would be nicer if they rebuild the railway line.

Meanwhile... shock horror! Another biased opinion from the fact checkaaaaar

Fact Check: Does privatisation increase electricity bills?

The claim: NSW [Labor] Opposition Leader Luke Foley says electricity privatisation pushes up power prices and households in privatised South Australia have the highest bills.

The verdict: While one report did find SA had the highest bills, others don't back that up. Whether comparing electricity bills, prices or the relative price index of electricity in each state, there is no consistent link between privatisation and what consumers pay for their electricity.


Mr Foley's claim is spin :o :o :o
Aaaaaaah our ABC Tony Jones showing his true colours in the CFMEU whitewashing on Lateline


Tony Jones who is paid very handsomely, and who also has a few jobs on the side which he doesn't declare when they bring into question his evenhandedness bona fides



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Dunno Peter I'm outta that scene now - but speaking generally - the CFMEU folks will wear what ever they like and the rest will have to like it.


Clearly they are not constrained by the rule of law.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'Guardian Sans', Tahoma, 'Trebuchet MS', TrebuchetMS, sans-serif;font-size:16px;background-color:rgb(245,245,245);">Aaaaaaaaaaaaah our ABC:

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'Guardian Sans', Tahoma, 'Trebuchet MS', TrebuchetMS, sans-serif;font-size:16px;background-color:rgb(245,245,245);"> 

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'Guardian Sans', Tahoma, 'Trebuchet MS', TrebuchetMS, sans-serif;font-size:16px;background-color:rgb(245,245,245);"> 

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'Guardian Sans', Tahoma, 'Trebuchet MS', TrebuchetMS, sans-serif;font-size:16px;background-color:rgb(245,245,245);">"Sheer ineptitude alone cannot explain the manner in which editors at Fairfax and the ABC have wilfully turned blind eyes to Shorten’s multitude of inadequacies even as they stridently manufacture faux outrage at Abbott’s imagined shortcomings.

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'Guardian Sans', Tahoma, 'Trebuchet MS', TrebuchetMS, sans-serif;font-size:16px;background-color:rgb(245,245,245);"> 

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'Guardian Sans', Tahoma, 'Trebuchet MS', TrebuchetMS, sans-serif;font-size:16px;background-color:rgb(245,245,245);">Their bias is palpable and obvious, as demonstrated by decisions such as that of the ABC to withhold the results of its Fact Check Unit’s investigation into Foley’s election claim that the privatisation of NSW’s electricity “poles and wires” would push up electricity prices.

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'Guardian Sans', Tahoma, 'Trebuchet MS', TrebuchetMS, sans-serif;font-size:16px;background-color:rgb(245,245,245);">When it finally released its verdict — just before the state election when the media blackout on electronic advertising took effect — the damage was done.

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'Guardian Sans', Tahoma, 'Trebuchet MS', TrebuchetMS, sans-serif;font-size:16px;background-color:rgb(245,245,245);">The ABC, which likes to believe it is a responsible media organisation, effectively gave the Labor trade unions the freedom to run their damaging series of lying advertisements unchallenged throughout the election campaign."

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:'Guardian Sans', Tahoma, 'Trebuchet MS', TrebuchetMS, sans-serif;font-size:16px;background-color:rgb(245,245,245);">



Y'all stay beautiful!!
That came from the Daily Telegraph yes?


The same people who tried to influence an election by publishing fake birthday suit pics of Pauline Hanson???

Never mind the source of the report - - did the ABC use "Fact Check" in a non biased manner?



Hint: NO!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Yeah, OK... I need something more convincing than the monosyllabic ramblings of Piers Akerman or any other myopic right winger.

Where's the connection between "bias" and delaying the airing of the Fact Check Unit’s investigation?

If the ABC was "biased" why would they even bother doing the investigation in the first place? Hint: They wouldn't.
Quote:Yeah, OK... I need something more convincing than the monosyllabic ramblings of Piers Akerman or any other myopic right winger.

Where's the connection between "bias" and delaying the airing of the Fact Check Unit’s investigation?

If the ABC was "biased" why would they even bother doing the investigation in the first place? Hint: They wouldn't.



How about they didn't know the result until after the investigation?


How about the didn't publish the result until after it could have any electoral effect?


To imply that non bias is demonstrated before doing the investigation, by deciding to do an investigation, is a implication of  an even more biased and cynical ABC than I postulate. :Shame:  :Shame:  :o


Y'all stay beautiful!!
One can only wait with relish!


PZ's OK I reckon!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Good Friday is a rare day off Big Grin

As for Powerzone /PZ it was a recording studio I was associated with for a few years.

These days I'm just happy to be alive hence the smiley login name (ツ)

Back to the fact check... I followed the links that came with the article in question - one of them was published on 24th March and the "fact check" was published the day after that.

I reckon the investigation started on 1st of March, finished on 24th March and was published on 25th March.
Furthermore, I've not seen anything else on the internet to suggest the report was deliberately held back by the ABC.
The accusation thereof appears to be only coming from Piers Off Akerman - no one else from what I could find.
I think he's either stuffed up, or lied. It's an own goal either way.
The Daily Telegraph has form in both aspects.

People who read it usually go like this...
[Image: giphy.gif]

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