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Well Done Conservatives
Quote:One is not better than the other, both live off the backs of regular, basically powerless, workers. Citing rogue employers as somehow justifying rogue union bosses is a furphy. Imagining that anger at rogue union bosses justifies rogue employers is just as silly.
Quite right. Who is making these silly justifications? :o
Those who pick their side a stay there regardless of the facts.


But then some accuse others of just that - erroneously at times! :Hug:



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Ok... not sure where this is going but I was responding to a comment that went something like... "Aloy... is correct who would want to live in Vic wth it's shti union driven government"

If that's not union bashing then fine. If it is union bashing then even better.

I could just grab some popcorn and join the party with some good ole Abbott bashing :Hug:

Move on mon ami!

And when you have please indicate your disapproval of the behaviours manifest by some of the " Union Bosses" particularly the 100 or so CFMEU lads currently before the courts.

I don't recall any comment from you in this regard.

My position is that they are worse than crook employers who do not pretend to protect their workers while ripping them off.

This position does not in any way make any attempt to legitimise crook employers!

Grab your popcorn and watch a rerun of the Rudd assassination - it will become clear.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Move on mon ami!

And when you have please indicate your disapproval of the behaviours manifest by some of the " Union Bosses" particularly the 100 or so CFMEU lads currently before the courts.

I don't recall any comment from you in this regard.

My position is that they are worse than crook employers who do not pretend to protect their workers while ripping them off.

This position does not in any way make any attempt to legitimise crook employers!

Grab your popcorn and watch a rerun of the Rudd assassination - it will become clear.

Clearly you are avoiding the point.


It is not the fault of the "shti union driven government"" when a power station becomes non viable because it's too old and is closed.

Why would I want to complain about 

" Union Bosses" when you and Peter have done it to death and beyond?

I don't recall any comment from you about a third of Australian workers being ripped off by rogue employers as reported a week ago.

No need to watch the Rudd assassination again - a rerun of the Abbott 

assassination is far more popcorn worthy because of its rank hypocrisy. It that didn't happen, this thread wouldn't exist.


As for moving on, well, if the cap fits... mony mony Wink

Moi avoiding the point!!?


Shirley - you jest. :dance:



When you can point to any comment made by you that recognises bad union behaviour - at all - then you will qualify as an independent judge of others.


Until then your position is unbalanced.


You can sure find pro union comment from me - I have had a deal of direct dealings with good union representatives that I still cherish for the open and cooperative behaviour they demonstrated.


Those people represented AWU, AWMU and the ETU, the relationship was one of mutual interest and trust.


No bias from me - I abhor bullying, dishonesty, and lawbreaking in anyone, Union or employer or anyone else.


So yeah  move on mon ami - the past won't change.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Ooooh judgement day is it? Let's have some fun then Wink


Quote:When you can point to any comment made by you that recognises bad union behaviour - at all - then you will qualify as an independent judge of others.

Until then your position is unbalanced.
Your position must be very uncomfortable then...

Quote:Personally I think anti union views come largely from dealings with hard line unions such as CMFEU which is a union I wouldn't touch with a barge pole and they make the entire movement look worse they it really is.
Quote:This new agreement obviously doesn't benefit workers and should be scrapped and redone.

It's a bad reflection on Coles and that union, and also a bad reflection on Turnbull for endorsing it in question time.

My position was, and is balanced regardless of your judgment. But I'm not the one telling people to move on.

For the record I generally don't start political threads unless it's an issue I feel is important.

Outside of that, the vast majority of my political posts are a response to some other form of unbalanced viewpoints. If people talk BS, I'll respond.

Blaming the shutting down of a privately owned power station on a state Govt citing union links is BS.


Energy security is a federal Govt responsibility anyway because it's a centralised infrastructure.



Quote:You can sure find pro union comment from me - I have had a deal of direct dealings with good union representatives that I still cherish for the open and cooperative behaviour they demonstrated.

Those people represented AWU, AWMU and the ETU, the relationship was one of mutual interest and trust.

Who cares? I can sure find anti union comment from you as well. Plenty of it in this thread. Your point is??

I didn't judge you at any rate. I said you were avoiding the point. And the point I was debating with Peter at the time was about energy security, not your political allegiances. Are you sure you're not being a bit precious here?



Quote:No bias from me - I abhor bullying, dishonesty, and lawbreaking in anyone, Union or employer or anyone else.

So feel free to demonstrate this "No bias" by offering your position about workers getting ripped off by employers as posted earlier. Why not? You have nothing to lose.



Quote:So yeah move on mon ami - the past won't change.
What a hilarious comment. Since when did you shut down free speech on an internet forum?

Thanx anyway. But I'll move on when I'm ready. Or until we all spontaneously combust Rolleyes

Well done conservatives for staying good and out of gaol!

Regrettably your political opponents are less able to do do.

Ex NSW ALP Minister Eddie Obeid heads to the place of incarceration.

How many ex ALP pollies are similarly situated?


Y'all stay beautiful!!
O-oh... Damien Mantach: Victorian Liberal Party ex-director jailed for stealing $1.5m from party coffers...

Five years. Well done conservatives Smile

Bernardi quits to coalition anger >


Haters gonna hate each other. Rats in a barrel.



Just wondering about how politics work here in Australia. Did he get a pay cut by moving from the back bench of the government to the independent?


Bernadi is a relic from the 60s. I wonder how many voting Australians still have a mindset from that era.... Huh

Regardless of detail it's a fundamental duty to keep the family safe, whichever family, no matter how large or small.


All the talk about walls and moats etc is merely an outworking of a fundamental need - to protect those close to us.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
[Image: GW_Sep8_tonyabbott_LN3-20120905145504522863-300x0.jpg]

Let's have an early election Smile
Quote:Still live with mummy?

Don't bullshti about stuff you only heard about.
:LMAO:  Tongueeace:
Quote:Regardless of detail it's a fundamental duty to keep the family safe, whichever family, no matter how large or small.


All the talk about walls and moats etc is merely an outworking of a fundamental need - to protect those close to us.
The walls can keep people out, it can also keep people in.


Personally I don't really mind the wall... Mainly because the Americans who voted for Trump will eventually hate the idea - when they realised most labourers and construction workers in that part of the will be Mexicans. That's an extra $15 - $20 US billion going to Mexico.


The conservatives as Bernadi sees it is all about hate... The old 60's ideology of "Us vs Them", borne from the Hollywood western flics.. Eventually the lynch mob they gathered will hate them right back.


Sitting back and enjoying the right wing imploding...  :clap:
Quote:The walls can keep people out, it can also keep people in.


Personally I don't really mind the wall... Mainly because the Americans who voted for Trump will eventually hate the idea - when they realised most labourers and construction workers in that part of the will be Mexicans. That's an extra $15 - $20 US billion going to Mexico.


The conservatives as Bernadi sees it is all about hate... The old 60's ideology of "Us vs Them", borne from the Hollywood western flics.. Eventually the lynch mob they gathered will hate them right back.


Sitting back and enjoying the right wing imploding...  :clap:


Good riddance to bernardi - it is hardly an implosion however.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Good riddance to bernardi - it is hardly an implosion however.
You're looking it from the perspective of the eye of the storm.. All peace and quiet sitting where you are... Oblivious to the CAT 6 storm ripping and tearing the conservatives world apart.  :clap:
Quote:Leave the 60s alone. (Unless you were alive and voting then. Hmmm what makes you think you would think behave differently if you were actually voting at the time. And that applies to any era. Live the era or shut up).
I left the 60s about 50 years ago..  Tonguearty:  Tongueeace:


Look at the events happening now... Bernie has run out of things to hate he is actually hating the party he's been with for 30 years. The fact that he's breaking the conservatives apart is he is forming a us (him and whoever is dumb enough to join him), and them (Turnbull).
Quote:As this thread is "Well done conservatives".

Loosing Cory B seems like a plus.
I agree... If the Liberals are actually interested in governing Australia for a better Australia. They would have kicked him out... I would have said "Well done liberals" then. Hopefully the conservatives within the coalition will splinter against the Liberals and join Berno and compete for the Hanson votes... 


Now with less 60s mentally in the party room, perhaps now is the time for the Liberals to finally bring some new ideas to the table.. Not asking for much, anything from the 21st century will do.  Tongueeace:

Quote:Good riddance to bernardi - it is hardly an implosion however.
Quite the opposite. It's one small step for a progressive Govt.

Now let's dump Abbott... who started this LNP sinkhole in the first place just like I predicted before the 2013 election.

Then we can boot Eric Abetz out sometime after that. And that screaming banshee Michaelia Cash.

That'll do for now Smile

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