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Our State Premiers
I never thought much of real men or what society calls real men.
So far the new Liberal Government is not doing anything! That's a pretty safe way of governing .Still its early days and we should give them a chance.

There has been one serious breach of trust. Who said they could re introduce cattle to our pristine alpine forests and national parks. This is appalling and I thought this was finally over and done with. These are fragile areas and several species are at risk especially frogs! Some will say big deal, who cares but frog sp[ecies are on the decline.

Our state forests deserve to be protected and not for the use of cattle farmers (mostly over seas owned) to graze, we did not vote for this!!i

Of course the cane toad introduced by the Libs to Queensland is doing very well.
Isn't the argument that the national parks are getting burned out by bushfires so cattle helps to reduce fuel and thereby save the park? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' /> I presume those frogs like cows more than fire?
Hi Glen

enormous research went into the sustainability of cattle grazing in the national parks. The bush fire argument is a furphy and another cunning deception becoming very popular in this country. Scientist bashing is actually becoming a national past time. Frogs are becoming seriously endangered and while this does not matter to some people they actually have a significant place in the web of life. Remember we are not talking about struggling Aussie farmers here but huge internationally owned corporations.
Speaking of frogs. I barely ever get to see a frog! I saw a yellowish coloured one last time I went for holidays to Bright but that was only because I was fishing at night on the Oven's River and the frog was happily hopping around in the dark.
Its an odd topic but while the future of frogs may not concern many I really believe we have a responsibility to future generations and the way we are going the only frogs may be chocolate ones. I believe eradication of the cane toad should be a much bigger priority. Its devastating for the wild life and also the farmers.

There is much research going on but like all research it is under funded.
Funny how they (the scientists) needed research funding to bring them in and now they need funding to get rid of them! (the cane toads i mean). Seems like a good way for scientists to remain in continuous employment!

Seriously though, I hope they do get rid of those toads!! If only they could find a pharmaceutical that could be made from can toad poision. Now that would be a wonderful motivator for people to go and catch the toads! Maybe give them $10 per kg.
Ah Peter! I will make a Greenie out of you yet!!
I too believe in a free market economy Peter and actually there are numerous green minded conservatives. Hope you are well and happy and enjoyed the wedding.
THe real question is whether or not a carbon tax or an ETS is really the answer. I am not really sure. It may well be too late. I just attended a lecture on climate change and quite frankly the science is astounding. The problem is that the scientific community has plenty of evidence but few theatricals (unlike the skeptics) to get the message across.

A carbon tax will come, its inevitable but because of the procrastination it will be more expensive and less effective.
Fair enough Peter. No I wont like it but I really don't think you need worry. The carbon tax will not be passed. Australians think of their wallets rather than their grand children.If we want to tack;e climate change it is going to mean enormous changes and its going to be tough.

Remember we are seeing the same kind of lobby who rejected smoking as a health issue. Even with all the science linking smoking to death the interest groups could still get hold of rogue scientists who dismissed it.

Sadly because climate change is so complex there are no quick fixes.

All I am saying is that unless we take action the effects will be enormous. I argue we are seeing it.

Its like trying to explain why the term global warming was changed. THe ordinary people thought it meant the weather just got hotter and hotter. Weather and climate are NOT the same.The facts remain but climate behaves in a very strange way. As the earth warms we actually see periods of increased rain fall, even extreme cold. .
Sorry if I upset you. That was not my intention. All the best.

I do get a bit like a school lecturer...bad habit..point taken. I have lectured for too many years, so sorry about that.
I always think if one dishes it out one must take it and your comment was valid. It was not my intention to upset any one but after reading it I totally agree with you.

I just wanted to add that I always addressed John Howard (even though I disliked him intensely) as my Prime Minister. I just don't like the nasty attacks on Bob Brown, as for Julia I adore her but she can take it. A LIb friend of mine admires her nerves of steel.
[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1304327001' post='33431']


[size="3"]Weather and climate are NOT the same

[size="2"]Errr gimmi a break we are not idiots! Most people know that.

And most people don't like being lectured, we get enough of that cr** from school ma'am Goolya![/size]



calm down peter j! it was a harmless comment! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' /> hardly a lecture!

thanks green guy for sharing your thoughts!
hahah. i am glad you feel better now peter j!! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/115.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bee:' />:bee:
Tim is her partner. There have been lots of wives of PMs sharing the lime light and frankly it does not worry me.
Nancyboy???? How old are you Peter? LOL
Actually on the topic of first ladies we have had only two that were really remarkable. I actually wrote a play about Dame Zara who was an incredibly interesting woman. Zara showed great courage and tenacity. Harold Holt had Phaetons syndrome, a condition in which a man needs father figures. It explain Holts devotion to Sir Robert and President Johnson. This is actually a fact. Zaras courage was incredible because although a very affable man he was not a great leader and he should never have married because without going into details he was not very good at monogamy. Zara was so gutsy when Holt disappeared.

The second of course was Margaret Whitlam, a true intellectual.

Peter I wont join in on the attacks on my Prime Minister.
Forgetting politics I find the story of Holt incredibly interesting. Zara was a great eccentric, quite wacky but frankly I adored her. She kept a very brave public profile.

She loved Holt and in his way he loved her but it was a very unconventional union.
AS enchanting as it sounds I very much doubt Mr Holt ended up in China taken by a submarine.

Personally I believe it was suicide. I never accepted the other explanations. Harold knew the ocean and he knew about rips and currents.McMahon was after the top job and was cunning and devious. Also the ALP had the (like him or not) the wit, intellect of Gough and Harold could not compete with that. The pressures were enormous and don't forget the guilt of Vietnam was enormous. Holt was not a good leader, he was a charming man, a pretty good treasurer but he did not have the calm cool resolve of a Menzies.

It is fascinating that way back then there was so little security.

Of all our first ladies Zara was only one that actually eclipsed her husband. Maybe Holt was a nice bloke that simply did not belong in the thrust of politics. He certainly seemed an odd contender for married life.

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