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Warren Is The Man
Warren Mundine.

What a man!

This article is from the August 24 issue of The Herald Sun Digital Edition. To subscribe, visit


AUSTRALIAS electricity system is in crisis after years of political mismanagement. And our political system has followed suit.

This week marks the second time Malcolm Turnbulls leadership has crumbled because of his approach to emissions policy. It also brought down Kevin Rudd and was at the heart of Labors downfall.

It doesnt matter who is prime minister next week or next year, Labor and the Coalition have never been so unpopular. In the Longman by-election , 31 per cent of voters didnt vote for Labor or the Coalition in primary voting.

Why? Because for years, Australias political leaders have been lying to the people and lacking the courage and determination to implement policies and reforms they know are required: on welfare, the pension, debt, tax and certainly on energy.

Political leaders have been telling voters Australia can reduce COemissions without increasing power prices; that we can have 25 per cent, even 50 per cent, intermittent electricity without our standard of living or economy suffering. Thats a lie.

Humans have never had better quality, healthier or longer lives because of cheap, abundant energy. Global primary energy consumption increased 2500 per cent in the past two centuries. Globally, more than 80 per cent of primary energy consumption is from fossil fuels, with less than 1 per cent from wind and solar. Fossil fuels produce CO, and scientific models say that will adversely change the climate.

There are two options.

One is to apply the wealth and innovation of modern economies to adapt to the change; but suggest that and youre howled down as a monster and a denier.

The other is moving to nonemitting energy that can still meet the needs of 8 billion people in the modern world. That is what our political leaders pretend to adopt.

Actually, theyve taken a third course: telling us we can switch to substantial intermittent power while maintaining industry and technology and not paying prohibitive prices.

There is no stand-alone electricity market in the world the size of Australias generating more than 20 per cent of electricity from intermittent power. The handful of countries with substantial intermittent capacity have much smaller electricity markets or are in the European electricity market, with ready access to despatchable power.

Activists argue wind and solar are the cheapest per MWh. So they should be: theres no guarantee when theyll generate power.

An intermittent power source can provide a guaranteed supply only in combination with despatchable power like a gas plant.

The battery hype isnt matched by reality. I cant find any example of a stand-alone intermittent-plusbattery power source that can reliably power a heavy user, like a factory or data centre, let alone a national system. Theres also no robust Levelised Cost of Energy estimate for such a power source and ballpark estimates vary wildly.

So intermittent power is thrown into the mix with other sources and its all supposed to work in the aggregate. When it doesnt , were told we need new delivery and transmission mechanisms. Some markets now have excess capacity, reducing profits for individual generators and/or excess generation at times and not enough at others.

Such factors add costs. With few exceptions, every market thats increased intermittent power has seen increased prices.

AUSTRALIAS Paris commitment means higher power prices and scaling down industry. One enables the other because higher prices drive industry away. Well also have to scale down agriculture: culling herds, reducing exports and importing more food. But industry and agriculture wont stop, just move elsewhere. Australia wont reduce emissions but export them.

Reducing electricity usage and reliability and increasing prices has severe economic cost; and political cost as the past decade shows. Countries wont decarbonise energy if this means deindustrialising and detechnologising . With current technology and engineering, the only way to rapidly achieve zero emissions and meet growing global energy demands is nuclear power. But few political leaders embrace it and Australia has banned it.

Australias efforts have no effect on global climate. And because global emissions will increase, Australia will face climate change adversity anyway. To address that, well need a strong economy. Instead, were weakening it. We should get out of Paris, repeal intermittent subsidies and lift bans on nuclear power and gas extraction.

You can only lie for so long before the truth catches up with you. Regular people have figured it out. The revolving door of governments will continue until our political leaders do the same.


Copyright © 2018 The Herald Sun
Quote:The attack comes months after blackmail charges were dropped against Mr Setka.

He doesn't look like a blackmail to me.

Don't think Warren Mundines' very clean either - not if he's advocating for nuclear power - which that first article skillfully avoided is even more expensive than any of the alternatives discussed.

Yeah OK - but just like the article you have overlooked the cost of Nuclear power in this country.


It's expensive to do anything in Australia - Nuclear power is more expensive than coal.


That's why it won't happen.


It's not a Greenie argument - it's an economic one.

Quote:Hey PZ

Greens and Lefts don't care about cost!

Labor doesn't care about cost! Labor via Greens gave Melbourne a desal plant cost $X billion to make.

So far not a drop of water! How many years now? 6, 7, 8?

But costs every year over $0.5 Bill to keep open, that's one dam every year not built.

So that's about 4 dams and no more debt!

Labor just liquidated $1.2 Bill on a non road.

Labor promise $100 Bill on a scenic raill through a few suburbs.

See what I'm saying PZ? Ain't no shortage of money to burn here in in Mexico, a nuclear plant is a doodle!


Peter... what I'm saying is Nuclear power will cost you more personally..IE > your bills would go up.
Hi Peter


So that's why we will never go nuclear. It will always be prohibitively expensive Smile

Yeah - what a crack up.


They had to break their own rules to run him in an electorate he never lived in.


His negative gearing policy kinda sucks too.


But of course his kids enjoy my tax sponsorship so it must be good.... NOT !
G'day Peter.


I'm sure Warren is a brilliant Australian. I didn't say he wasn't.


But his policy on negative gearing still sucks.


Red Shirt Rorters? You mean the banks that Turnbull and Abbott defended?


$3000 grange anyone?

Well that's where the banks are Smile

G'day Mel, it's the bank of witchery.


Yes, there's a few banks but they form a gestalt of evil

At least we are no longer arguing about the reality of climate change.

It may well be too late to do anything.

The kids and grand kids have NO FURURE.

I believe the sceptics deserve jail terms!

I cannot believe there is a generation with contempt for science.


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