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Well Done Conservatives


Labor agrees to allow $1bn of Abbott-era spending cuts through Senate
Oh yeah - two years later the facts sink in.


Meanwhile a hamstrung government at the mercy of an unrepresentative swill of a Senate is prevented from discharging the strong mandate of the electorate.


Yep it's true, you get the government you deserve.


Unfortunately the lesson learn't is as yet not harsh enough to drive change and responsibility.



Aaah well, time will inevitably repair this state of affairs, pity about the suffering in the meantime though but.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
To get back and prove I am not always anti conservative I applaud the British PM. Cameron.

Firstly let me declare I love Britain. I am not a pom hater.I lived in Lonon for some years and apart from the Nazis in the National Front I loved it.

<div style="margin:0px;font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;font-style:inherit;">
<div style="margin:0px;font-family:'Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:1.3em;font-style:inherit;color:rgb(0,0,0);">Lately my blood is boiling.

The murder of talented British MP Jo Cox by a fantatical nationalist shows the danger of over zealous Natonalsim. Of course not all Nationalists are extreme but the sooner we appreciate the fact we are universal citizens the better. Its a utopian pipe dream perhaps but not impossible in a digital age,

WE do not really know the repercussions of leaving the EU. But using logic its clear the once great Empire will soon be a puddle.

THere is absurd talk that by leaving the EU England regains her sovereign status. Ridiculous ctually. She never lost it.

One thing is for certain Britain will become a third world country and her economy will be finsished. Agriculture will be finished. I believe this is indisputable.

Some say England does not get a fair deal at the table. If she leaves the union there will be no table. There will be no trade.

Take Britain off your list as she will unaffordable. Because of the absurd refusal to adopt the Euro during the Thatcher years Britain is already overly expensive. Britain went backwards.

I hope I am wrong...I have been bfore.

I hate the racist agenda behind this nationalsm ... leaving the EU is a load of absoloute crap.

The extreme right look like they will win this.
Quote:Hi Aloy ...

No comparison tween UK and Tassie.

UK is a country and Tassie a state. Different circumstances.

Tassie does not even have a queen (of it's own) as far as I know.

Be master of your own destiny I say.

Or in the EU you can say "Brussels made me do it".

Better, imagine being part of South Pacific Union and Singapore telling us feed your chooks in a clockwise direction and open your borders to anyone. Now!

Worse is that we would pay heaps for the privilige!

Would you vote for that? I didn't think so.

Neither would GG.

What are you saying? I'm wrong as is common!

Thanks but my opinion is as good as anyone else's and no one will stop me from expressing it.


Don't be so bleeding literal Pete!!


I'm making a comparison of UK's size compared to Europe (Economically) with Tasmania and I may not be totally accurate, but hello there is a point here! 


Y'all stay beautiful!!


Solid jobs market data has pushed consumer confidence to its highest level in more than two and a half years.



<span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">So - do you think folks are looking for a change or are they going to re elect the Coalition government?



Y'all stay beautiful!!
As long as it's not the Coalition Govt of two and a half years ago consumer confidence should remain where it is Smile

Aaaaah but we are the product of our history!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Nice of Tony Abbott to criticise the Coalition's election campaign with just 2 days to go.


As Abbott himself once said: "Whose side are you on?"


Got news for you Tony. The day you leave parliament will be the day you stop dumbing down politics in this country.

I think that John Hewson does far more to damage Coalition hopes.


I guess some folks and there are quite a few just don't understand when their day in the sun is over whether fairly, or unfairly, dismissed.


You certainly couldn't accuse Ms Gillard of that - her withdrawal has been gracious and silent.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
voting day as you all know


who do you think will get in?    
77 seats for the Govt from what I can work out. Much closer than I expected.


Chisholm in Victoria could well have cost Shorten the election.

Abbott has a 10% swing against him! LOL

I think it will be a LIberal win...sort of.

This is the election no one won.

A smart electorate said. Listen to us.

Well you are NOT the Malcolm Turnbull we expected so,,, take that!

In away it would have better for Abbot to stay and then it would have been a clean clear win for Labor.

My party the Greens..disappointed acually but pleased Adam won. Damn he is doing a great job. 

Shorten did a great job but an impressed electorate clearly said .good but not yet.

Very sad the brilliant Tony Windsor lost. Oh well his electorate prefer rubber bands to real fibre.
Latest up to date tally results >

ALP 71, LNP 67. Probably the most accurate figures...

Obviously they use different thresholds for undecided seats.
How great smug little Wyatt Roy lost who never did a thing yet will live all his life on tax payers money and of course the repugnamt Mirribella.

It would however have been a Labor victory had Abbot stayed in.

So from what I've read now it looks like a tie of 72 seats for the ALP and the Coalition leaving the others with 6 seats.


Whoever wins this will probably lose the next election given the hostile nature of the new senate.


Australia will be ungovernable for the next 3 years IMO.


Ironically, Malcolm Turnbull has always advocated for smaller Government and less interference.


His Government is now 20 seats smaller and can't rightly govern so in a way he got his wish Big Grin
Holier than thou?

If so please address me as lord and master thank you.

Peter I would be more worried about getting a compliment from you.

Not sure how to take that but I would remind you of some of the comments made in the past about people like Julia Gillard. As for the bitter comments you have made about other politicians you dislike my comments really are light weight compared to yours.  

People we might need the lady back to teach them how to run a hung parliament and pass legislation.

Quote:Anyone ever heard of global cooling???

Nope... it's called climate change. Wink


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]
<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
Quote:Australia will be ungovernable for the next 3 years IMO.




JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]
<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
I must say you seem to be running out of descritions of me. WE have don the yuppie thing often, holier than thou, guru.

Well heres one for you. You have a one trackmdbut there is not much traffic on it.


Its interesting political party has come up with a good election slogan since...its time.

Moving Forward..yuk

Jobs and growth. dreary

Privatise medicare.. boring

THe worse of all

remember incentivation.


I love the way the true believers keep moving the goal postd!


Mmm? Must have another latte.Mind if I scratch my goal post?
Latest count is Coalition 74 seats, Labor 71, Katter 1, NXT 1, Greens 1 and 2 indies.


Presumably the Coalition will form a minority Govt with Katter and Nick Xenophon.

More importantly (for me anyway) the Govt will lose at least 2 senate seats (31) whilst the rest of the world will get 45 making passage of right wing garbage even harder than last time.

Personally I don't think the Govt will get very much done at all and will probably knife their leader prior to the next election when Labor will probably clean up and history repeats itself.


For the record, I blame Tony Abbott for this result. 3 years ago I said the Coalition would have been better off losing the 2013 election so they could lose Tony Abbott and then win this election against Rudd or whoever. Far from being their messiah, this naughty boy managed to burn their political capital in less than 2 years and consequently lose 3 unlosable state elections in the process. In this election he lost nearly 9% of primary votes in his own seat.


History will not be kind to Tony Abbott. I can't believe there are still people saying the Libs should've kept him on as PM. If they did it would've been a one term Govt and they'll be wondering why they didn't go with Turnbull before now.


Tony Abbott was the worst PM we've ever had and this result proves it. Well Done Conservatives.


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