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Political Backflips And The Like... - JSmith - 26-11-2014

Quote:What they're doing is really to punish the poor, and reward the rich..

With respect but what BS!

Do you really think these people, (any people) actually get together and say: "Stuff the poor they are a blight on our nation so let's kick their asses, let's really hurt them, that'll teach them to be poor!"

No they get together and say "how can me and my mates get richer?"... poor people are simply not in the equation and any effect on them is irrelevant.


You can tell a Governments priorities by it's budget... and that speaks for itself. Rolleyes


Poor form Tony, poor form.


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]

Political Backflips And The Like... - JSmith - 27-11-2014

Quote:But I would expect that you are not of that ilk.

Mate it was just a counter argument/perspective to yours... you must admit there are plenty of politicians with ulterior motives in all parties.


It's a shame there aren't more statesmen (statespersons ? :blink: ) rather than just politicians. Wink


"A male political leader who promotes the public good or who is recognized for probity, leadership, or the qualities necessary to govern a state."


What do you think of the Medicare surcharge... do you believe that has the same effect on the well off compared to the not so?


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]

Political Backflips And The Like... - treblid - 27-11-2014

Quote:Do you really think these people, (any people) actually get together and say: "Stuff the poor they are a blight on our nation so let's kick their asses, let's really hurt them, that'll teach them to be poor!"
They don't think that way, not from what I can gather anyway..


This is what I think these right wing liberals are thinking - they have people are poor because they are lazy. it is true if you're hardworking enough you can get out of the poverty trap, but many people are stuck in poverty due to circumstances.

No matter how hard you try and raise up the ladder, something will always kick 'em in the guts and push them back down. Victim of circumstances. Not everybody can work 4 jobs a day and still get a university degree. 

BS or not these right wing are pretty out of touch. 1 resume in the morning and 1 resume in the night? Can you appreciate how Australia will transpire had the government not be forced to backflip on this?

When joe hockey said the age of entitlement is over. While the people cheer, do you realise the impact that could have hit the vulnerable? Can you count the cost of the social repercussions to Australia? 

The potential hike in GP rate, the university fee hikes, fraudband... They are all stupid short sighted policies. By trying to get the budget balanced now, they are simply looting money from the future Australia to balance it. These policies will result in a whole new generation of the unprivileged.

I do not believe in welfare and hand outs.. I believe everything I have, I have to work for it. That is a principle, and I'm a principled person. But it's absurd to use idealistic principles to become policies - the world is not black and white. But looking at welfare in just figures of dollars in vs dollars out, these pollies failed to see the lives and families that are affected.


In general the ALP tends to be more about getting people to better themselves, while the coalition is more about getting people to fend for themselves. Right or wrong, this is just what I think of Australia politics.

Political Backflips And The Like... - JSmith - 29-11-2014

"Conservative commentators Bolt, Jones and Albrechtsen turn on Abbott"




JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]

Political Backflips And The Like... - treblid - 01-12-2014

Quote:Hi JS.

They should leave Abbott alone and kick shti out of his minders!

It is them who cannot see the writing on the wall.
He desperately needs a makover, which alas was evident from day 1 to everyone except them.

They should look at the "Dan" "Daniel" "Danny" makeover and how it came up trumps for him.
Unfortunately people now vote for Eye Candy.
No. A million times no! I don't want to see him in that budgie thingy again.  


Political Backflips And The Like... - treblid - 02-12-2014

Quote:Hi Myrantz.

I have no idea how you get that I want him in budgie smugglers from what I said! He is not now eye candy.

Please explain?
His media minders (Spinners) will try to put him the spotlight to try to improve his rating and put him on as many cameras/radio talk shows as they possibly can.. Already today he's on Nine admitted ABC was a cut.  Hopefully those American style media photo ops don't include him out there showing what a man he is, or kiss a baby.. :wacko:

Political Backflips And The Like... - JSmith - 02-12-2014

Quote:Hi JS.

They should leave Abbott alone and kick shti out of his minders!


I thought they were his minders... :blink:




JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]

Political Backflips And The Like... - treblid - 03-12-2014

Quote:Abbott's minders are shti.
One would think Abbott hired his own spin doctors... So that kinda demonstrate Abbott's lack of judgement?

Worse if Abbott don't get to choose his own spin doctors - he's just a puppet of the party....

Either way, not a good look. 

Political Backflips And The Like... - petersj - 03-12-2014

Lets make a few corrections.

Libs are often called the great economic managers...not so. Indeed the track record is not all that impressive.Let me explain.

The current Government were handed a triple A rating from not one but ALL credit rating agencies upgraded by Fitch in a GFC the lowest debt to GDP rating in the world and an economy that was envied the world over. L/NP has doubled the deficit..93 billion dollars in 11 months and raised the debt ceiling from 3oo billion to 5oo billion dollars. Unemployment rate is the highest in a decade.

The Gov has talent in Foreign Affairs but Hockey must be removed.  In this term the deficit has doubled.

Do a deal with Wayne Swan and get him as a care taker treasurer.

We are in a serious mess with this one term Government.

Guys we should be talking the issues. I dont care what the PM looks like in speedos (I assure you he looks better than me) just as I was disgusted with the comments made about Prime Minister Gillard.

I got so bored with the comments about the person but never much about policy.

Political Backflips And The Like... - treblid - 03-12-2014

Quote:Lets make a few corrections.

Libs are often called the great economic managers...not so. Indeed the track record is not all that impressive.Let me explain.

The current Government were handed a triple A rating from not one but ALL credit rating agencies upgraded by Fitch in a GFC the lowest debt to GDP rating in the world and an economy that was envied the world over. L/NP has doubled the deficit..93 billion dollars in 11 months and raised the debt ceiling from 3oo billion to 5oo billion dollars. Unemployment rate is the highest in a decade.

The Gov has talent in Foreign Affairs but Hockey must be removed.  In this term the deficit has doubled.
I don't think the foreign affairs ministry is doing that well TBH:

1/ Oz is involved in another war with no exit strategy.

2/ asylum stop the boats is in shambles (some will claim this is immigration purview) 

3/ Ebola crisis in west africa is not handled well


Quote:Do a deal with Wayne Swan and get him as a care taker treasurer.

We are in a serious mess with this one term Government.

Guys we should be talking the issues. I dont care what the PM looks like in speedos (I assure you he looks better than me) just as I was disgusted with the comments made about Prime Minister Gillard.

I got so bored with the comments about the person but never much about policy.
You're right.. My apologies. I should be going after the policies instead, rather than the person himself... Even though he deserves all the negativity he now gets..


Australia growth in sept quarter only rises by 0.3%... Let's see how our treasurer and finance minister can fix it.. First thing they need to do is to acknowledge there is a problem, rather than putting their head in the ground and deny things, or claim it's all ALP's doing  (their usual tactics).


Political Backflips And The Like... - petersj - 03-12-2014

What a fine post.

Thank you.

I guess my point about the person was that there was a time here that on this site there were constant venomous attacks of an unbelievable misogynistic nature against Julia Gillard. No acknowledgments of her achievements.

I guess I dont want to fall into the trap. I really dont know what I think of Abbot as a person.

I think his wife however is despicable compared to all previous PM partners. What a disgrace she was absent at the funeral of a great cricketer. One of our most loved sportsman yet you would never see Mrs Howard, Rudd or Tim stay away.

Political Backflips And The Like... - petersj - 04-12-2014

I watched it and it was very moving.Still you are a pom so I guess you barrack for England any way.

She has been a pretty unimpressive first lady. Look at all the great charity work Tim did for his country.

Political Backflips And The Like... - petersj - 05-12-2014

Here ion Singapore I love watching the ABC. Trust me if you were an ex pat you would love catching up on News at home.

Biased? Not at all...the Murdoch stuff we get here is unbelievable.

Abbot has lied.

As for climate change... Abbot boasts about getting did of a carbon tax which a growing number of people think is unbelievable.

No such thing as climate change?

Try telling the ordinary people of SE Asia that!!! Farms are dying!

Yet their Governments do NOTHING!!

Political Backflips And The Like... - treblid - 05-12-2014

Quote:Abbot has lied.
That's actually a good thing.. We know he's a liar.. e.g. FTTN is too wasteful, etc...


With Hockey doing such a bad job as treasurer, Turnbull may replace him next year. And a new comms minister will come in, and really start the infrastructure spending happening - NBN is one such project.


While it's not good to get into debt, it's worse if the economy grinds to a halt.


The more backflips this government does, the better it is. Sad is the sad affair of Australian politics. Abbott just have to do the _opposite_ of what he said and he likely will be the best PM in Australia (if he can find the money)...

Political Backflips And The Like... - Aloysius - 08-12-2014

Too many folks in  here regurgitating ALP / ABC philosophies.


The exercise of independent thought and judgement appears to be waning at the expense of social media/ political puppy thinking.


How quickly people forget the diabolical shambles that was the ALp government characterised not by caring for the people as some opine, but by their own personal aggrandisement and general ego tripping.


Caring for people and opening the door to people smuggling at the expense of thousands of lives and millions of taxpayers dollars is not caring for people, it's abrogation of responsibility.


Sentencing the next generations to repaying the loans frittered away on BS schemes is not caring for people, it's wanting political points no matter the cost.


Well some may readily forget but this little black duck isn't going to stop reminding them.


Contrast that sorry performance with a government that has put free trade agreements in place that will care for people by reducing cost and increasing jobs.



That ain't party BS it's what happening.


Gotta love people who love people as opposed to people who say they love people.

Political Backflips And The Like... - petersj - 08-12-2014

Myrantz I am really enjoying the fresh air you have brought to this generally right wing forum.

Aloysius enjoying your comments too, yes very different from mine but without the hate I mostly read here. Well done.

Political Backflips And The Like... - treblid - 09-12-2014

Quote:How quickly people forget the diabolical shambles that was the ALp government characterised not by caring for the people as some opine, but by their own personal aggrandisement and general ego tripping.

Well, not forget. Just found something new - people are now gossiping about how Abbott's office is controlling everything. How Bishop was angry over Lima, and how Hockey is afraid Turnbull will get his job.. I don't think ALP was in a shambles as bad as this. Big Grin

One thing the government can't seem to back flip (even if they try), turns out interest rates may well be lower after all with the coalition government. And for retirees, that's not a good thing Sad. Devastating if the libs actually kept this promise Sad.



Quote:Myrantz I am really enjoying the fresh air you have brought to this generally right wing forum.

Aloysius enjoying your comments too, yes very different from mine but without the hate I mostly read here. Well done.
Be careful, both of us may move to Melbourne Big Grin...

Political Backflips And The Like... - petersj - 09-12-2014

No come and live in Singapore.

The money is brilliant!!

Political Backflips And The Like... - treblid - 09-12-2014

Quote:No come and live in Singapore.

The money is brilliant!!
I'm Singaporean.. Money is not brilliant for Singaporeans in general... Many Singaporeans are moving to Melbourne..  :p

Another backflip by the government: no more $7 co-payment... Basically what Abbott needs to do is do the opposite of whatever comes out of his mouth, and he may well be a good PM..  :LMAO:

Political Backflips And The Like... - POWERZONE - 09-12-2014

Indeed. I'll be looking forward to knowing who the new PM will be next year or the year after Smile