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Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 13-02-2017

Quote:What would be the point? Why would a union member habitually vote Liberal when Liberals hate unions?



This isn't ALP propaganda. It's Liberal propaganda.

We know this because attacking sick people, low income earners and retirement are Liberal polices.

"How is retirement age attacked?" - By moving it to 70. 3 years of retirement confiscated from poor people. Putrid

"How do you attack sick people?" -  By making them pay $7 to see the doctor.

"Are all people who go to the Dr sick?" - Why would anyone go to the doctor if they're not sick?

"Is the moon made of green cheese?" - Anyone who thinks it is should see a doctor Smile


Which of course explains why three of these are, or were, Coalition policies.

A moon made of green cheese says a lot about their sensibility. Not to mention sensitivity.


"What would be the point? Why would a union member habitually vote Liberal when Liberals hate unions?"


Heh, your ability to imagine that all Union members are anti Coalition and pro ALP is not their problem - it's yours!!!


"How is retirement age attacked?" - By moving it to 70. 3 years of retirement confiscated from poor people. Putrid"


Heh Heh - only poor people have to wait to retire?? Come on PZ you can retire at any age you wish - it's not mandatory to work - Confiscation my goodness, what emotive rubbish!!


"Are all people who go to the Dr sick?" - Why would anyone go to the doctor if they're not sick?


Hello answer a question with a question is not an answer - at all, however I will graciously point out to you that yes indeed some nonsick folks do go to the Dr.

$7!!    you gotta be joking , right??

Do you expect pensioners to pay for TAB betting, for potatoes, for fuel, what is the point ???   $7 to visit a highly trained Medical Practioner???  How obscene!!  $7 for an improvement in ones health?  Gracious - how quaint!



For goodnes sake never mind what you are told - what do your really THINK?


Repetition of political propoganda as reported by political press folks is unecessary, we already got their BS seventeen times.

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 13-02-2017

Fark, that looks like a Tony Abbott response!

When asked simple questions in Question Time he used to be like a school kid that would stand dumbfounded for 20 seconds because he couldn't think of an answer.
Your response was much the same.
It's not my problem whether union members vote Liberal or not.
I just don't see why they would given a portion of their union fees go to the Labor Party.
Retirement age. Your response shows you have no care for poor people who are forced to work until 70 because it's the only way they can pay their bills that never stop going up.
I think it's putrid. You cannot just retire at any age you if you don't have money.

Who cares about TAB, potatoes or fuel? They've budgeted for that all their lives.

This $7 sick fee is just another extra charge invented by the Liberal Party because they don't give a rats arse about sick people. We know this given their history with Medicare.

My question was simple by any standards. "Why would anyone go to the doctor if they're not sick?"

You did ask if this happens in a previous post. Now you're saying you know it happens.

Don't you think that's a bit obtuse?

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 13-02-2017

Quote:Fark, that looks like a Tony Abbott response!

When asked simple questions in Question Time he used to be like a school kid that would stand dumbfounded for 20 seconds because he couldn't think of an answer.


Your response was much the same.


It's not my problem whether union members vote Liberal or not.


I just don't see why they would given a portion of their union fees go to the Labor Party.


Retirement age. Your response shows you have no care for poor people who are forced to work until 70 because it's the only way they can pay their bills that never stop going up.


I think it's putrid. You cannot just retire at any age you if you don't have money.

Who cares about TAB, potatoes or fuel? They've budgeted for that all their lives.

This $7 sick fee is just another extra charge invented by the Liberal Party because they don't give a rats arse about sick people. We know this given their history with Medicare.

My question was simple by any standards. "Why would anyone go to the doctor if they're not sick?"

You did ask if this happens in a previous post. Now you're saying you know it happens.

Don't you think that's a bit obtuse?

"I just don't see why they would given a portion of their union fees go to the Labor Party."


Maybe it's just taken or no job?


"Putrid"  - $7!!!!!  Shirley you jest!! $7???  You don't care about food but you demand free $7 DR appointments? Hello what are you on about, your reasoning  is not putrid, it's stoopid !!


Obtuse is some one deliberately pretending not to understand perfectly simple communications - sort of like hiding behind fog - you have raised it to an art form.


Just to clear a doubt I have - Are you saying that only sick people go to the Doctor?

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 13-02-2017

Quote:"I just don't see why they would given a portion of their union fees go to the Labor Party."

Maybe it's just taken or no job?
That has been illegal since 1996. No one can be forced to pay union fees.

Not even liberal voters.
Quote:"Putrid" - $7!!!!! Shirley you jest!! $7??? You don't care about food but you demand free $7 DR appointments? Hello what are you on about, your reasoning is not putrid, it's stoopid !!
Food isn't a liability on the state so who cares about food? They buy their own food, always have. Some of it with GST.

It's irrelevant, so why did you bring it up?
I demand free $7 DR appointments??? Are you fkn kidding me?? What a hilarious comment.
I pay for that shi
t every year!!!!! In fact I pay for it twice! Once as a levy, Once as a surcharge.
Last year I paid TWO TAXES for medicare. I protest against a third one and you call it stoopid?

So what was your contribution last year? Rolleyes
Quote:Obtuse is some one deliberately pretending not to understand perfectly simple communications - sort of like hiding behind fog - you have raised it to an art form.
I see your inability to answer a simple question has given you a need to use this silly avoidance tactic. If you don't want to answer the question that's your prerogative but it's no excuse for you to post this kind of elitist utter crap.

Try again Tongue

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 14-02-2017

Quote:Just to clear a doubt I have - Are you saying that only sick people go to the Doctor?

I have already answered that in a form of a question in a previous post or two back.

It really doesn't matter what the reason is why people go to the doctor.

Charging $7 is akin to a regressive tax where vulnerable patients would have been disadvantaged.

If Labor had done this, lynch mobs would have hung them from a pole.

But because it was the Coalition, they became an instant media darling with the Murder press until it became toxic.

Standard fare from right wing Margaret Thatcher wannabees.

No wonder it failed. No wonder it got dumped. No wonder Abbott got hung by the balls for it.

At the end of the day it doesn't matter who why when or where. Dumping it was a win for the people.

Liberals were forced to perform a massive back flip, and patients... poor patients in particular, live to fight another day.

It was a low moment for Australia when its Govt declared war on its own citizens. Putrid.

Tony Abbott has been morphing into a dalek ever since. Another attack on his own Govt today. What a grub.

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 14-02-2017

Tee Hee $7 excitement!!


$7 =  declaring war on poor people!!


This is your argument.


I don't accept it.


$7 is political dynamite!


Give me a break.


Avoidance you accuse me of - what exactly is your Tony Abbott point if not obfuscation and avoidance?



Low moment = $7 charge for health care.


Gracious, what wouild you call no care?


Heh Heh Heh $7, I get more fun out of $7 in this discussion than any other bought amusement.



$7 :Cry:  :Cry:  :Cry:  :Cry:

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 14-02-2017

LOL! You can get a stiffy from posting $7 wah wah wah as many times as you like if it amuses you  [Image: 16729219_1755210514808163_50563803717587...e=593EE193]

It just goes to show how your argument is turning a blind eye to the rest of the country Rolleyes


What is my Tony Abbott point? Tony Abbott was the grub who created the $7 war in the first place.


How can you call it obfuscation and avoidance when it's the very subject we are discussing?


$7 is political dynamite. Good argument. You may not accept it but most people do - which is why it was dropped.

What would I call no care? I would call another 2 years of dysfunctional Govt at war with itself "no care" because that's exactly what it is. They don't "care" about anything other than their political survival.

I wish I could link Tony Abbott with obfuscation and avoidance after loosing his job. Avoiding public scrutiny is the best thing he could do after his imbecilic behaviour over the last few months.

Unfortunately he is continually stabbing his own Govt in the back which is why Electricity Bill has a future.

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 15-02-2017

$7 - you got your knickers twisted over $7? The rest of the country has zero interest because it didn't happen - HELLO? There is no $7 - you are babbling about nothing because all ALP disciples follow the lead given them.


OK I guess.


Still trying to change the subject to Abbott?


There There PZ - $7??? :dance:  :dance:  :dance:


ALP is rightly known as the big taxing party, strong on spending and racking up debt then leaving others to attempt to fund their largesse -and you are carrying on about a mythical , nonexistent $7 tax??



Whatever floats yer boat I guess.


Have a really nice day :notworthy:

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 15-02-2017

Hmmm, Abbott - $7 - Liberal policy - 2014 budget. And now it doesn't exist?

Why are you defending something that doesn't exist? LOL

Crickey, next it'll Abbott himself that doesn't exist! double LOL!

Still, you have a nice day as well Smile

Getting hot up there yet? We had mid 40's over the weekend :ph34r:

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 15-02-2017

[Image: 16681821_1755761451419736_43861216047571...e=594B6D81]


Hey! $7 !! It DOES exist! :Money Eyes:

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 16-02-2017

Quote:Hmmm, Abbott - $7 - Liberal policy - 2014 budget. And now it doesn't exist?

Why are you defending something that doesn't exist? LOL

Crickey, next it'll Abbott himself that doesn't exist! double LOL!

Still, you have a nice day as well Smile

Getting hot up there yet? We had mid 40's over the weekend :ph34r:


Why are you bagging something that doesn't exist - I asked first so nah nah nah!


Good day yesterday, walked and played 18 holes golf - had to keep the fluids up. Humidity has backed off a bit, 32 yesterday, cool nite, up 5.30am walking the dog in the cool.


I note that the heat down your way (as reported on TV) is not accompanied with the high humidity we get - lucky for you I reckon!


Perspectivewise one may recall other policies that were never implemented by governments of all stripes.


Then again one can also recall policies that were implemented and it would have been better if they hadn't. That would not be the province of only one party methinks!!!

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 16-02-2017

Quote:[Image: 16681821_1755761451419736_43861216047571...e=594B6D81]


Hey! $7 !! It DOES exist! :Money Eyes:


Great art work PZ!

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 16-02-2017

LOL! Thanx mate Tongue


We definitely get that sticky humidity here, not so much in Sydney itself but in the west we cop it sweet.


In fact once the temps went above around 42 it actually felt cooler because the humidity started dropping.


It's been a very uncomfortable summer.


Agree with your last bit about both parties not (or getting blocked from) implementing bad policy.


The senate, while annoying for some, plays the role of review as it should.


It has stopped many bad policies over the last 10 years Smile

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 16-02-2017

Non cents.. LOL


Oh my gold! I look like Davros in this :o


[Image: 16806656_1756525414676673_44920459529305...e=5904E6A3]

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 18-02-2017

One is always amazed and impressed by ones artistically blessed fellow forum contributors - carry on mes amis.

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 12-04-2017

I like this one :laugh:


Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 12-04-2017


  Bill Shorten’s retreat into leftist fanaticism

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">Considering the hurdles that Shorten claims would have to be cleared for its support, federal Labor must be considered to be opposed to the mine project.

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">This puts Shorten not only at odds with the Turnbull government but also his Queensland Labor counterpart, Premier ­Annastacia Palaszczuk.

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">He also finds himself on the other side of the fence from his companions in the Australian Workers Union, which is threatening to go to war with the Labor left in Queensland over the increasing succour paid to the Labor/Greens constituency.

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">And then there is one of his chief factional sponsors, the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union, which also backed the project.

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">The irony is not only apparent but comical.

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">There is a view that for Shorten to recalibrate as a centrist leader, he needs to have a fight with the union movement. He may have one, for all the wrong reasons.""

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;"> 

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<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">

Bill Shorten isolated over Adani coalmine opposition


Can't call Bill a populist on this one, or can you?


"Editorial: No projects means no jobs, Mr Shorten"


Yeah, well, says lot really don't it?


For the good of Australia and Australian workers one hopes that Bill's future will not last beyond the next election!!!

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 12-04-2017

All those articles require subscription.


Is Bill Shorten actually opposing this project or is he waiting for a cost benefit analysis ?


Funny how an "independent" Federal Court ruled the deal invalid and even funnier how Mr Turnbull has already promised to overrule the court despite not having the power to do so...


"Once independence is diminished anyone can take advantage of it."



Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 13-04-2017

Sorry about the quotes they were free quotes from the website but I have just checked and see that the link I provided takes you straight to the subscrription page -


I googled Bill Shorten News and found the above headlines

Full texts in order:

<p class=""> 

<p class="">Australian quote

<p class="">Bill Shorten’s repositioning on the Adani coalmine in north Queensland appears to be yet another political retreat into the inner-city streets of leftist fanaticism.

<p class="" style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">The Opposition Leader has now drawn political battlelines on the issue for the $16.5 billion Carmichael mine.

<p class="" style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">Having previously said he was not opposed to the mine, Shorten yesterday cited the environment as one of the deal-breakers for opposition support. Coal is bad; wind farms are good.

<p class="" style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">He also performed a mind-boggling expansion of Labor’s class-war strategy to a corporate-welfare argument to support his claim that there is no economic case for the government in spending $1 billion on a rail line.

<p class="" style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">Never mind that it is a loan. And never mind that the mine and the rail line alone would create thousands of jobs, or that Labor itself has never been shy about spending billions of taxpayer dollars subsidising jobs — think cars, which like coal could not be said to be a friend of the ­environment.

<p class="" style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">Shorten claims he is all for jobs, as long as they are green jobs.

<p class="" style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">Yesterday he was driving around Queensland talking about jobs. He just made sure he didn’t drive anywhere north.

<p class="" style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">It can only be assumed that Shorten has now determined that Labor is cactus in federal seats north of the Townsville-based seat of Herbert, thanks to One Nation, but still vulnerable to the Greens in the metropolitan enclaves where jobs in the regions are of little concern.

<p class="" style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">In opposition, politics beats policy on any given day.

<p class="" style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">Yet the crab walk away from Adani, which began two weeks ago and largely under the radar when Labor scuttled the government’s proposed changes to the Native Title Act, may not be easy politics for Shorten in the end.

<p class="" style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">Adani risks becoming the clash between competing Labor ideologies tearing at its identity. It stands for workers, yet stands in the way of projects that would benefit them.

<p class="" style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">Considering the hurdles that Shorten claims would have to be cleared for its support, federal Labor must be considered to be opposed to the mine project.

<p class="" style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">This puts Shorten not only at odds with the Turnbull government but also his Queensland Labor counterpart, Premier ­Annastacia Palaszczuk.

<p class="" style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">He also finds himself on the other side of the fence from his companions in the Australian Workers Union, which is threatening to go to war with the Labor left in Queensland over the increasing succour paid to the Labor/Greens constituency.

<p class="" style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">And then there is one of his chief factional sponsors, the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union, which also backed the project.

<p class="" style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">The irony is not only apparent but comical.

<p class="" style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">There is a view that for Shorten to recalibrate as a centrist leader, he needs to have a fight with the union movement. He may have one, for all the wrong reasons.

<div style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Georgia, serif;font-size:16px;">

All those articles require subscription.


Is Bill Shorten actually opposing this project or is he waiting for a cost benefit analysis ?


Funny how an "independent" Federal Court ruled the deal invalid and even funnier how Mr Turnbull has already promised to overrule the court despite not having the power to do so...


"Once independence is diminished anyone can take advantage of it."



<p class="" style="font-size:18px;">Telegraph quote:

<p class="" style="font-size:18px;">"UNIONS, regional mayors and the Palaszczuk Labor government have united against Opposition Leader Bill Shorten over the Adani mine.

<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Georgia, serif;font-size:16px;">The Australian reports Mr Shorten’s political allies are calling for approval to be granted for Adani’s $16.5 billion Carmichael mine project in central Queensland, and for native-title changes that will enable the mega-mine.

<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Georgia, serif;font-size:16px;">The calls come after Mr Shorten yesterday strengthened his resolve against the Indian giant securing a $900 million Turnbull government concessional loan to build a rail line that would open up the Galilee coal province.

<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Georgia, serif;font-size:16px;">He said he was not convinced companies such as Adani should receive financial ­assistance from the federal ­government.

<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Georgia, serif;font-size:16px;">“I also have to sound this note of caution: we need the Adani project to stack up,’’ he said in a visit yesterday to Brisbane.

<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Georgia, serif;font-size:16px;">“It needs to stack up environmentally, it needs to stack up commercially. I haven’t seen the case made for the taxpayer to underwrite a billion-dollar loan ... to build a rail line.’’

<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Georgia, serif;font-size:16px;">He added: “If you want to have a good commercial operation in Australia, I am not convinced the taxpayer of Australia should underwrite the risk of the project through a billion-dollar loan.”

<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Georgia, serif;font-size:16px;">It comes after Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull assured its Indian billionaire proponent the federal government would resolve a native-title issue.

<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Georgia, serif;font-size:16px;">Mr Turnbull insists the prospect of a $900 million government loan to Adani will be assessed independently.

<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Georgia, serif;font-size:16px;">The prime minister had a private meeting with company founder and chairman Gautam Adani and other Adani executives for about half an hour during his visit to India this week.

<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Georgia, serif;font-size:16px;">Mr Adani requested an early resolution of native title issues surrounding the mine, which was hit by a Federal Court ruling that invalidated deals with traditional owners across Australia.

<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Georgia, serif;font-size:16px;">Legislation dealing with the problem is before the Senate and Mr Turnbull is understood to have assured the company the issue would be fixed.

<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Georgia, serif;font-size:16px;">Yesterday, Mr Turnbull said he expected the changes to overrule the court’s decision would pass parliament when it returns in May, saying the ruling had caused problems with many agreements across the country.

<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Georgia, serif;font-size:16px;">“It’s a decision that can’t be allowed in practical terms to let stand,” he told reporters in New Delhi.

<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Georgia, serif;font-size:16px;">Labor has written to the prime minister expressing concerns the legislation before parliament goes beyond merely rectifying the court decision.

<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Georgia, serif;font-size:16px;">Mr Shorten blamed Attorney-General George Brandis, saying anything he touched turned to “custard”.

<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Georgia, serif;font-size:16px;">Mr Turnbull said Mr Adani had raised the issue of the loan for the rail line, but only to indicate his company intended to apply for money from the Northern Australia Infrastructure Fund.

<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Georgia, serif;font-size:16px;">Back in Australia, Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce has said the railway loan is a “tipping point issue” for the project.


Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 13-04-2017

Quote:All those articles require subscription.


Is Bill Shorten actually opposing this project or is he waiting for a cost benefit analysis ?


Funny how an "independent" Federal Court ruled the deal invalid and even funnier how Mr Turnbull has already promised to overrule the court despite not having the power to do so...


"Once independence is diminished anyone can take advantage of it."




Lol right back atya!!


Independence needs protection?


Tell that to FWA opponents!!!Â